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JaiomServer 0.1.1 release notes

This page documents all the new features, enhancements and visible changes included in the Jaiom release.


Jaiom server can be deployed on any servlet container with java 1.5 or above.


This release is mainly about repackaging of Jaiom application for easier use. 

1. A simple JAXWS jaiom client has been written and repackaged as a jar file. This jar file along with the dependencies can be dropped in class path of client applications for invoking Jaiom services.
2. The unnecessary jars have been removed from JaiomClient so that the overall application size has reduced from 25 MB to about 5 MB. 
3. There is a single zip file which contains 
		- JaiomServer release
		- JaiomClient release along with documentation.
		- A doc folder has been provided which contains mini docs for installing and using Jaiom. 
Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-07-01