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vrpsolver-v0.2alpha.jar.tar.gz 2012-03-03 225.1 kB
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Authors: luca.mella@studio.unibo.it , matteo.venturi@studio.unibo.it
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

Usage: vrpsolver -f <filepath> [-p <postoptagentsnum>] [-v|--verbose] [-g|--graphics]

VRPsolver want in input a particularly formatted text file that contains all needed information about the reference graph where calculate solutions.

Note: scrolling mouse weel over the graphic window will cicle algorithm's best solutions.

The input file format should be formatted in this way:

Num.Vertici:   44											# number of all vertexes
Capacita:  100												# vehicle capacity
Coordinate (deposito in posizione 1):<indice,x,y>		
   1    35.000    31.000									# vertex description index, x , y 
   2    77.000    13.000
   3    95.000    51.000
   4    91.000    15.000
   5    65.000    93.000
   6    51.000    17.000
   7    41.000    57.000
   8    39.000    39.000
  43    73.000   103.000
  44    94.000    16.000
Domande (deposito in posizione 1 con domanda 0):<indice,domanda>
   1     0													# index, vertex capacity
   2    26
   3    11
   4    22
   5    18
   6    10
   7     9
   8    12

Example output:

Total Cost : 695.0
Route used :5
is Feasible: true
Appendix ----------------
Cost : 196.80202
is Feasible : true
VEHICLE: c=100.0
		WAREHOUSE: x=38.0 y=46.0
		CLIENT: x=74.0 y=42.0 demand=24.0
		CLIENT: x=78.0 y=58.0 demand=2.0
		CLIENT: x=92.0 y=62.0 demand=7.0
		CLIENT: x=98.0 y=51.0 demand=22.0
		CLIENT: x=96.0 y=42.0 demand=18.0
		CLIENT: x=96.0 y=7.0 demand=23.0
		CLIENT: x=82.0 y=28.0 demand=3.0
		WAREHOUSE: x=38.0 y=46.0
		demand served: 99
Cost : 201.18213
is Feasible : true
VEHICLE: c=100.0
		WAREHOUSE: x=38.0 y=46.0
		CLIENT: x=22.0 y=53.0 demand=20.0
		CLIENT: x=36.0 y=48.0 demand=5.0
		CLIENT: x=59.0 y=46.0 demand=16.0
		CLIENT: x=73.0 y=57.0 demand=7.0
		CLIENT: x=72.0 y=79.0 demand=2.0
		CLIENT: x=78.0 y=84.0 demand=1.0
		CLIENT: x=93.0 y=90.0 demand=6.0
		CLIENT: x=75.0 y=96.0 demand=12.0
		CLIENT: x=68.0 y=92.0 demand=27.0
		CLIENT: x=47.0 y=61.0 demand=1.0
		WAREHOUSE: x=38.0 y=46.0
		demand served: 97

Known bug:
* when using -p parameters with value >1 in combination with -g, graphical solution might be drawed badly, printed solution is correct.

Source: README, updated 2012-03-03