Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
izulu-0.3.2.tar.gz 2012-09-25 7.4 MB
izulu-0.3.2.deb 2012-09-25 7.4 MB
izulu-0.3.1.tar.gz 2012-09-22 7.4 MB
izulu-0.3.1.deb 2012-09-22 7.4 MB
izulu-0.3.tar.gz 2012-09-07 7.4 MB
izulu-0.3.deb 2012-09-07 7.4 MB
readme 2012-09-07 2.2 kB
izulu-0.2.7.tar.gz 2012-02-12 4.0 MB
izulu-0.2.7.deb 2012-02-12 4.0 MB
izulu- 2010-12-27 4.0 MB
izulu- 2010-12-27 4.0 MB
izulu-0.2.6.tar.gz 2010-10-20 4.0 MB
izulu-0.2.6.deb 2010-10-20 4.0 MB
izulu- 2010-09-04 4.0 MB
izulu- 2010-06-17 4.0 MB
izulu- 2010-02-12 4.0 MB
izulu- 2009-12-04 4.0 MB
izulu-0.2.5.deb 2009-12-02 4.0 MB
izulu-0.2.deb 2009-09-29 4.0 MB
izulu- 2009-09-12 4.0 MB
izulu- 2009-05-18 4.0 MB
Totals: 21 Items   100.5 MB 0
    Change the wallpaper with the commandline-utility izulu. The location is
    automatically determined, or can be given.
        izulu --night --temperature --preview --daemon --city berlin


    * Switched to Yahoo! Weather Api, Google closed its own
      * Ship forecast icons (http://harwenzhang.deviantart.com/art/weather-110757031)
      * Forecast only of today and tomorrow
      * Disabled wind-display
      * Removed some states (overcast, partly sunny, rain showers)
      * Added category windy, including torandoes and hurricanes
    * Disabled swiss weather-radar because the source-image is down

    * Translated and better formatted osd-messages
    * Bugfix: Died when it was 12:00
    * Don't reselect the wallpaper if already active (note that dynamic features
      like temperature-display may still trigger the reselect)
    * Show radar and warning-images of your country
    * Automatically select a command to set the wallpaper if none is given
    * Bugfix: Died when it was 12:xx 
    * Automatically discover the name of the city if none is given
    * Fixed convert trying to write to images in /usr/share/izulu when 
      displaying the temperature
    * Added "Rain Showers"
    * Added "Heavy Rain"
    * Replace " " with + in city names for google
    * Added display of current temperature
    * Use WOEID for yahoo, fetch it automatically if not given
     * REMOVED: YAHOOID from the config
    * Additional use of xml_grep (part of xml-twig-tools in Ubuntu) instead of 
      xmlstarlet because the latter refused to work with Yahoos woeid-API        

    * Add small forecast-icons to the south-eastern edge of the wallpaper

    * On weather-change, send notifyOSD-popup (requires libnotify-bin). 

    * The weathercodes "drizzle" and "haze" are now recognized
    * Long parameter-names included
    * Detection of sunset and sunrise via Yahoo to change pictures accordingly

    * Included funtion to randomly select an image out of a directory

    * Fixed "Light Rain" to "Light rain"
    * Changed filenames of specific weather-images into a logical scheme
    initial release
Source: readme, updated 2012-09-07