Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
indigo-scada-src-09-10-2024-13-04-rev481.tar.gz 2024-10-09 12.3 MB
IndigoSCADA_user_manual.pdf 2024-10-09 2.0 MB
indigo-scada-binaries-09-10-2024-13-04-rev481.exe 2024-10-09 9.3 MB
README-win32.txt 2014-08-24 1.4 kB
Totals: 4 Items   23.7 MB 51

Download and installation of binaries:

- Download the file indigo-scada-binaries-day-month-year-hour-min-revnnn.exe

- Remove directory C:\scada on your PC, if any, of the previous release.

- Run indigo-scada-binaries-day-month-year-hour-min-revnnn.exe and

  install in C:\ directory.

- If the new binary release is database compatible, 
  copy configdb.fdb currentdb.fdb resultsdb.fdb resultsdb.dbs files,
  copy every .ini files (except manager.ini), .ui files 
  of your superseded C:\scada\project directory in the new C:\scada\project

- Configure the firewall exceptions on TCP ports used by IndigoSCADA 
  (see TCP ports in .ini file in C:\scada\project)

- To start the scada, run the process C:\scada\bin\manager.exe

- Make login as user 'Developer' and password 'qwerty' 
  or user 'System' and password 'qwerty'

- For further help see C:\scada\Help\IndigoSCADA_install_en.txt

- See C:\scada\Help\LICENSE.txt for the license that governs this software. 
  Note that IndigoSCADA is free software, and consequently there is NO WARRANTY.

Download and installation of sources:

- Download the file indigo-scada-src-day-month-year-hour-min-revnnn.tar.gz

- Install Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 6.0 or later

- Install qt-3.3.x-p8.7z

- To compile, go to C:\scada\src\daq directory and run daq.dsw with MSVC++ 6.0 or later

- Set 'all' as active project and press F7 key
Source: README-win32.txt, updated 2014-08-24