Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
LandingSite_227.tar.gz 2012-02-07 23.2 MB
RoverPath_244.tar.gz 2012-02-07 37.5 MB
README.txt 2012-02-07 1.9 kB
License.txt 2012-02-07 1.8 kB
Totals: 4 Items   60.8 MB 0
3D Interactive Mars Experiences
Presents the science and journey of the Mars rovers (MER, MSL, etc.) to the public in
3D interactive web experiences.

The user can interact with the rovers and follow their journeys across the diverse
Martian terrains. At various key points in the rover's path, sign posts are clickable to
deploy streaming slideshows of acquired science and interesting tidbits. The user
will also be able to drill down into panoramas and view Mars at rover level. Using
the Unity3D development engine, we were able to integrate the actual terrain DEMS
acquired from MRO's HiRISE camera. Additionally, telemetry from the rover
(temperature, visibility, power, distance traveled, etc.) is displayed
geosynchronously based on the position of the rover. In the future, the user will be
able to easily switch between different rover experiences and transfer between high-level
Mars and low-level rover experiences.

Spirit's Journey (RoverPath)
The initial experience explored the trail that Spirit traveled in its 6-7 years of
operations. Brainstorming began in September 2010, production began in December
2010, culminating in an initial release in May 2011. Building on top of our Unity3D
experience, we were able to build a web deployable experience seen here:

Gale Crater (LandingSite)
Recent work brought us a detailed exploration of Curiosity's landing site of Gale Crater:

Gale Crater has a dependency on the Rage Spline (commercial) add-on tool which is not included in this package.  Without the add-on, all superimposed lines on the terrain will not be visible.  To enable, import the RageSpline package and uncomment the line "//DEFINE RAGE_SPLINE" found in OutlineCreator.cs.

Current work will extend the exprience and share the eventual journey of Curiousity to the general public.
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-02-07