Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ichd.zip 2011-02-22 4.6 MB
README.txt 2011-02-22 1.1 kB
Totals: 2 Items   4.6 MB 0
GUI for Chinese Historical Database 

=== Author ===
Jimmy Li
Email: jimmy.li@mail.mcgill.ca

=== Sourceforge link ===


=== License ===

This software is released under the GNU General Public License.

=== Description ===

GUI front-end of a Chinese historical database built using Flex. The search interface is a tree-structured concept map, where similar criterion are organized into subtrees that can be expanded when clicked. This aims to make searching more intuitive.

=== Setting Up ===

This GUI software is intended to interact with a back-end that accepts http search requests from the GUI, and respond with relevent search results. The GUI also uses static html and xml pages from the web server. In particular, the GUI relies on schema.xml to determine what nodes to display in the concept map.

The folder flexWorkspace contains the Flex Builder 3 workspace for the GUI.

public_html contains the server side documents. This includes schema.xml and some static html documents that is loaded into an iframe in the GUI.
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-02-22