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ibmap 0.7.0 2007-05-30
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Welcome to ibmap package
by Ibere Luiz Di Tizio Jr

(1st thing.... Sorry.. English is not my native language, and I know that I really need to learn..)


The original idea to make ibmap, came from weathermap (actually: http://netmon.grnet.gr/weathermap/), but 
when I start to use, I change several features and try to send to the original manteiner, but I had no response..
So I decide to do a frontend from scratch for a lot of other products, but with the same look and feel of weathermap.

This package contains perl scripts to generate html maps or images that represent collected data from several
sources in a nice way, a tools and a sample directory.
The package was developed to address the need for centralize status pages, views, and generate dynamic wall pannels.


- ability to get status from several sources (SNMP, Nagios, RRD files, SQL Databases, Command Output)
- could use pictures to represent Hosts


Perl modules:

- Getopt::Long  (used to parse command line parameters)
- GD            (Boutell Graphics Library)
- GD::Text      (Text support for Boutell Graphics Library)
- RRDs          (used to manipulate RRD files)
- Net::SNMP     (used to support SNMP)
- DBI           (used to support DBI abstraction layer)
- Time::HiRes   (used to give better time support)
- Data::Dumper  (used in debug mode)

all of these files could be installed by CPAN


*) unzip and unpack files to some directory which you has write permissions

   tar xvfz ibmap-full-1.0.0.tgz -C /usr/local

*) change config files


*) schedule ibmap in crontab

   */2  *  *   *   *  /usr/local/ibmap


./ibmap [parameters]

     -c, --config=FILE    : configuration file (default conf/ibmap.conf or ./ibmap.conf)
     -v, --version        : print version
     -h, --help           : print this text
     -d, --debug          : enable debug output

* build support to notify email lists when some condition occurs in map generation
* export values and status to Nagios
* improve documentation


- The full distribution include all truetype fonts (which I got from windows/fonts directory),
  if you already had some truetype fonts, you could get the other distribution.
- If you want some new feature, send me a suggestion.
- If you can help-me, in documentation (for example), 'll be glad.
- Please, send me a sample and opinion of your maps / pages, I will like to know how people are 
  using ibmap, and if you allow, I will put in a gallery in ibmap page.
- If you want to know about RRD files (great project, great idea..) see in http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/
- If you had any question.. sent me.. I will do my best efforts to give you an answer.

ibmap                            # Project root directory
  |---var                        # Several usefull files / directories (optional, reffered from configuration files)
  |    |
  |    |--img                    # all images and pictures that I use in samples
  |    |
  |    |--rrd                    # where I used to save RRDs and TXTs for log propouses
  |    |
  |    +--tools                  # some usefull little scripts to collect data 
  |---conf                       # Configuration directory
  |    |
  |    +--inc                    # some generic includes (like color and style files)
  |---samples                    # some samples which I used (and still use)
  +---docs                       # project poor documentation... :(

This package is release under GPL. For more information read GPL.TXT file.
TrueType fonts included in full release are from Microsoft, and I dont know their copyrights (but I know that if you 
have an original windows copy, you can use this fonts anywhere you want).

Comments and bug reports to iberejr@ditizio.ecn.br
Enjoy and thanks for use ibmap.

Source: README, updated 2010-06-21