Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
hwres.py 2012-07-21 2.7 kB
hwwhp2.py 2012-03-24 7.0 kB
whpb2.py 2012-03-24 546 Bytes
spr2bmp24.py 2011-08-04 4.5 kB
whp2blend.py 2011-08-04 4.1 kB
whpb.py 2011-08-04 535 Bytes
whpconvert.py 2011-08-04 5.3 kB
res2blend.py 2011-08-04 3.6 kB
shp2blend.py 2011-08-04 7.1 kB
shpconvert2.py 2011-08-04 6.5 kB
moth2blend.py 2011-08-04 2.2 kB
mothmat.py 2011-08-04 3.9 kB
readme.py 2011-08-04 3.0 kB
hwshp2.py 2011-08-04 11.1 kB
hwwhp.py 2011-08-04 7.2 kB
hwwld.py 2011-08-04 4.5 kB
hwwxp.py 2011-08-04 1.3 kB
hwpal.py 2011-08-04 1.3 kB
hwpaths.py 2011-08-04 282 Bytes
hwmat.py 2011-08-04 3.2 kB
Totals: 20 Items   79.9 kB 0
#Duncan June 2011

#(note: the main script is res2blend.py)
#(also note: will create over 500 Mb of files)
#(july note: added some more scripts for SHP, not documented below)

#for questions, find me on hardwar.proboards.com

#scripts to convert hardwar game world models to individual blend files
#needs to be run from blender 2.57 python console
#extracts data from downtown.res
#creates bmp files of textures
#creates blend files of models with models offset in wxp as name
#creates a text file 'vanilla.world' with world positioning data
#theoretically you need only run all this once

#set paths manually in hwpaths.py
#execute the three functions in res2blend.py manually from..
#blenders python console (see below for more detailed instructions)
#make sure folders exist before running scripts
#these scripts dont create folders, dont do error checking, ...

#I wrote this scripts while learning python and blender api. Slowly..
#it all grew slightly above my head. Which means; the code..
#works on my system (macbookpro), but is far from elegant.
#Especially splitting the code in several modules caused me some..
#headaches, for sure the introduced fixes did not help elegance.

#How to run from blender:
#first open hwpaths.py in an text editor and change file paths, save
#open blender 2.57
#click in the 3D view
#press x followed by leftclick - this deletes the default 3D box model
#find the python console, leftmost button in one of three visible toolbars
#mouse over that button gives you 'display current editor...'
#its all the way at the top or bottom of the popup list
#in the python console type:
#import sys
#example: sys.path.append('/users/duncan/python')
#then type:
#import res2blend
#this will create lots of bmp files on your drive and takes several seconds
#this creates approx 500 Mb of blend files on your drive
#this creates a single textfile with lots of numbers and some letters.
#thats it, nothing will be visible in blender
#still need to create a separate script to create the hardwar world
#you can open the blend models in blender
#to actually see them you need to zoom in on them, or rescale them.
#rescale in 3D view by first press b, draw box with mouse around model..
#its in the centre, then move mouse pointer to centre scree, press s..
#and move mouse pointer to side screen. rotate by press r followed..
#by x,y and/or z and move mouse.

#altered res2blend.getworld to actually load the entire harwar world into blender
#with options to restrict to terrain only, terrain+buildings, complete world
#including rail and walkways

#known limitations
#-building models that are duplicated in hardwar, are currently loaded...
#  multiple times into blender, perhaps less taxing on system if also duplicated...
#  in blender.
#-some more that atm slipped my mind
Source: readme.py, updated 2011-08-04