Home / HTMLify-Code
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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ConversionInterface.form 2013-03-26 10.4 kB
HelpFrame.java 2013-03-26 21.7 kB
ConversionInterface.java 2013-03-26 43.3 kB
HelpFrame.form 2013-03-26 3.7 kB
HTMLifyModel.java 2013-03-26 28.8 kB
Totals: 5 Items   107.9 kB 0

* Two text files, test1.txt and test2.txt, have been included so that you may get an idea of how the text must be organised for proper conversion by HTMLify.It is HIGHLY RECcOMMENDED that you look at the structure of these files and view the HTML file generated when you perform a conversion through HTMLify to be able to use HTMlify properly.

* Find the license and copyright text in file COPYING.txt.

* Additional help can be found by clicking the Help button in the HTMLify window.

* Queries and feedback can be sent at chatterjee.dhruv3@gmail.com

Source: README.txt, updated 2013-03-26