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3.x 2013-07-30
2.x 2013-07-29
Totals: 2 Items   1


HTMLArea -- the FREE, customizable online editor

HTMLArea will turn a standard <textarea> into an online xHTML editor.

<HTMLAREA> is a free, customizable online editor. It works inside your browser. It uses a non-standard feature implemented in Internet Explorer 5.5 or better, for Windows, as well as Mozilla 1.3 or better, and Opera, Google chrome, etc... on ANY platform (Operating System).


Download htmlarea-4.0-<DATE>.<archive-type>; where <DATE> represents the release date, and <archive-type> represents the extension of the archiver used to create the archive; .zip, for example.

For usage, and installation instructions. Please see:

the HTMLArea home page, or it's SourceForge project page


To insure greater freedom, HTMLArea is licensed under a MIT/BSD style license.

HTMLArea is Copyright Inferior Products, Corporation.



Source: README.md, updated 2016-08-29