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src 2018-04-24
docs 2018-01-03
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readme.txt 2018-04-24 2.5 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.5 kB 0
High-Throughput Tabular Data Processor 

Repository structure:
bin – binary files (for automatic [windows] and manual [] installation)
src – source code (the software is developed using NetBeans IDE [https://netbeans.org/] so whole NetBeans project directory tree was compressed and deposited)
docs – user manual and other documentation (example data files were deposited in publicly available repository: https://osf.io/pw2dx/)

Depending on your operating system use:
htdpinstaller.exe - Windows installer
htdp.tgz - tar archive for manual installation (Linux and other java supported operationg systems)
Both files may be downloaded from bin directory.
 System requirements:
Windows XP, Windows 7 or Linux with Java run time environment v. 1.6 or later (64-bit version)*.
At least 1 GB of RAM, depending on the amount of input data and complexity of queries.

*Default Java version is 32-bit and its maximum theoretical heap limit is 4GB. To increase the amount of allocated memory and therefore the performance of this program, the 64-bit version should be used.

Windows (automated installation):
Run the installation program (htdpinstaller.exe) and follow the on screen tips.
The installation program will create program group “HIGH-THROUGHPUT TABULAR DATA PROCESSOR” in Windows Start Menu.
The program group contains the shortcut to the “HIGH-THROUGHPUT TABULAR DATA PROCESSOR” as well as to the uninstall program.
Additional shortcut to the “HIGH-THROUGHPUT TABULAR DATA PROCESSOR” will be created on Windows desktop.

Windows (manual installation):
Copy HTDP.jar file and lib folder from the installation archive to selected folder on local hard drive. Run the program using the following command:

java -Xmx800M  -jar "/path/to/the/program/folder/HTDPjar

Copy HTDP.jar file from the installation archive to selected folder on local hard drive. Run the program using the following command:
java -Xmx800M  -jar "/path/to/the/program/folder/HTDP.jar

When software does not start
check java installation, 
try runing without memory reservation - use: 
java -jar /path/to/the/program/folder/HTDP.jar 
instead of 
java -Xmx800M -jar /path/to/the/program/folder/HTDP.jar 

Citation: Madanecki P, Bałut M, Buckley PG, Ochocka JR, Bartoszewski R, Crossman DK, et al. (2018) High-Throughput Tabular Data Processor – Platform independent graphical tool for processing large data sets. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0192858. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192858

Source: readme.txt, updated 2018-04-24