Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
0.6.2 2011-10-20
0.6 2011-07-05
0.5.1 2011-06-27
README 2012-01-19 3.1 kB
changelog 2012-01-19 1.2 kB
Totals: 5 Items   4.3 kB 0
Green PDF Printing

This tool supports elementary PDF manipulation, and is intended for
saving trees when printing. This application helps n-up-ing pages by
providing auto-crop and fine-tune cropping in a GUI to enlarge
readable part of pages. It also compensates for printable regions of
local printers.  

Its a python based tool, though the printer-access part ties the tool
to specific OSes. Currently, all flavours of *IX that use CUPS as the
background printer are supported. Also provided is a bundle for win32.

Note on pdfpages for *tex:

A bug was found in the latest distributed version of pdfpages.sty
(v0.4n). On reporting this to Andreas Matthias, the author of the
package, a fix was released. This has still not found its way into the
tex distributions, so Andreas has graciously agreed to let me host it
temporarily here. Instructions to install this version will be found
within the tarball.

*IX platforms

A debian package for all architectures is provided. Its a very simple
package, so transforming it to redhat/fedora (e.g. via alien) should work fine.

One can still work around the case when CUPS is not installed. 
A "Default Printer/Page" object is always defined; you can edit its properties 
to your satisfaction. Please refer to the main page:
http://green-printing.sourceforge.net for help on what these
properties mean. Note that you will not be able to print when the 
CUPS backend is not present.

Mac OS X users *may* be able to use this since CUPS is integral to the OS.
I have not tested this.

WIN 32 platform

[Dated 06-20-2011]
I've tested this on win XP 32-bit. 
You will have to install some prerequisites first.

You will need:

    - python 2.7 http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.2/  (MSI

    - python-win32
      Install the correct corresponding version (i.e. for python 2.7,

    - python-gtk2, python-goocanvas, python-glade, python-poppler 
      This last dependency is the dicey bit; I could find only one
      packager who includes poppler: 

      Choose those four options (gtk and glade may be hidden, but are
      triggered by the other two) and install them. 

    - python-pypdf http://pybrary.net/pyPdf/
      Install at least 1.13 or more

    - python-numpy https://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/NumPy/
      Again, match the python version (2.7) and windows arch (Win32)
    - reportlab opensource (i.e. basic) :
      Again, match the python version (2.7) and windows arch (Win32)

    - Some flavour of tex, i.e., MikTex (http://miktex.org) or texlive (http://www.tug.org/texlive/windows.html)

FINALLY!! (I didn't claim it'll me easy :-) 
Double-click on greenPrinting.py in the root directory of the zip file
and, if everything installed fine, you should be on your way!
Source: README, updated 2012-01-19