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Tutorial-GIFT-a-txt_LANG-ca_Exportar-GIFT-des_de-Moddle.odp 2011-03-03 642.5 kB
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Use it to create a printable-.txt file from a (Moodle Question bank) GIFT exported file.

Items from the bank can be selected and random sorted. Alternatives within questions can be random sorted, too. Currently only supports "multiple choice" items.


1) Place the compiled program at any location. 
2) Unzip this ZIP file to that location.
3) Copy your GIFT-exported file to that location.
3) Enjoy!

Resulting .txt file can be opened easely with most popular word processors. In LibreOffice, open it with the filter "coded text" instead of "all files *.*".

Thanks for using GIFT-a-txt! Visit us at http://gift-a-txt.sourceforge.net

Francesc Martínez-Olmo
Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2011-03-03