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geoTelnet.zip 2018-01-02 125.3 kB
README 2018-01-02 1.8 kB
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geoTelnet (C)2017 Bo Zimmerman
Please read the LICENSE file for license information
Please read the NOTICE file for credits information
Home Page: http://www.zimmers.net/geos/

geoTelnet is an ansi terminal program for connecting to telnet servers.  It is compatible with the following operating systems: GEOS 64 2.0, GEOS 128 2.0, Wheels 64 4.0+, Wheels 128 4.0+, MegaPatch 3.0 64, MegaPatch 3.0 128, gateWay 64, and gateWay 128.  It requires a 40 column composite monitor, C64Net WiFi Modem, disk drive, and mouse or joystick. A GEOS compatible ram expansion unit (REU) is optional, but beneficial.

The C64Net WiFi Modem can be constructed from schematics by going to:
It can also be purchased from:

Features include:
80 column text output in a 40 column monitor screen.
ANSI X3.64 terminal support, or as much I could manage.
ASCII terminal support (no Extended ASCII)
TELNET code support.
Native support for 300-4800 baud (up to 7200 for SuperCPU enhanced systems)
desk accessory access
internal Phonebook for storing favorite telnet hosts
quick connect option
Echo (duplex) toggle, and on-the-fly term-type changing.
X-Modem upload and download.
64K input buffer support, with LOAD, SAVE (as ANSI or PETSCII), DUMP, and VIEW.

geoTelnet was built using Concept for Wheels 64.  It might also build using geoProgrammer, but hasn't been tested.

In addition to the given source, you'll require several components from the geoModules project:

You can link directly from the given object code, or built from scratch, provided the necessary geoModules include files and object files are present, and the F/geoTelnet.rel font file.

Source: README, updated 2018-01-02