Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
genjar.zip 2018-01-31 805.5 kB
readme.mkd 2018-01-18 3.7 kB
GenJar-1.0.2.zip 2017-11-21 39.5 kB
Totals: 3 Items   848.7 kB 0


Fetching the code using mercurial

    hg clone http://hg.code.sf.net/p/genjar/hg_code your_repository

    Adapt proj.properties, build.xml and buildAll.xml to your settings.

Installing genjar

  • Download the zip archive here. Install in $ANT_HOME/lib either
    • genjar.jar file together with bcel-6.1.jar
    • genjar_all.jar file, and rename it genjar.jar



About GenJar

GenJar is a specialized Ant task that builds jar files based on class dependencies rather than simply the contents of a directory.

GenJar was originally created by John W. Kohler.

News: * /2018-01-18/ GenJar 1.0.5 is released. * /2017-12-07/ GenJar 1.0.4 is released. * /2017-11-14/ GenJar 1.0.3 is released. * /2003-03-06/ GenJar 1.0.2 is released. * /2003-02-23/ GenJar 1.0.1 is released. * /2002-09-30/ GenJar 1.0.0 is released. * /2002-09-26/ GenJar moves to SourceForge. * /2002-09-06/ Jesse Stockall assumes stewardship of GenJar.


*1.0.5 (2018-01-18)

  • resource: attribute filename can be used with package

1.0.4 (2017-12-07)

  • class dpendencies search in ClassUtil moved in ClassParserSpec
  • Path resolution moved in PathResolver
  • resource: attribute filename to access a single file in a jar

1.0.3 (2017-11-14)

  • Class dependencies scan uses the BCEL parser.

1.0.2 (2003-03-06)

  • Fix exception message regression introduced in 1.0.1

1.0.1 (2003-02-23)

  • com.ibm.jvm added to default exclude list
  • Fix bug# 619762, META-INF directory of <library> jars is now ignored as signing information from the old jar was causing the verify to fail
  • Fix bug# 686070, Handling of Windows paths in <library> was incorrect
  • Fix bug# 643263, Handle uppercase classpath entries
  • Fix bug# 631562, Files on classpath were not being closed properly
  • Document <class>'s ability to handle <fileset>s
  • Add a properties file for <taskdef>ing GenJar

1.0.0 (2002-09-30)

  • First release at SourceForge.
  • Allow GenJar to generate class file dependencies to disk.
  • Fix a few bugs in the <resource> and <library> elements.

0.3.3 (2002-01-13)

  • Several bug reports have come in in the last month:
  • Absoulte jarfile paths were not handled correctly - was testing agains PATH separator instead of FILE separator - fixed

0.3.0 (2001-05-02)

  • Added tag allowing insertion of entire jars or directories into the jar - new class LibrarySpec.java updated docs to reflect new tag
  • Fixed - was using a static Set to track those classes already resolved. Making this set non-static fixed the problem

0.2.4 (2001-04-25)

  • Added project.baseDir to generated jar file name - bug reported by JeffPost - jars were ending up in the root dir

0.2.3 (2001-04-23)

  • Added duplicate removal - all incoming jarEntries are tested against existing list - first addition wins

Copyright © 2002-2018 Jesse Stockall. All rights reserved.

Source: readme.mkd, updated 2018-01-18