Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
gdpr.xml 2018-10-16 10.5 kB
gdpr.php 2018-10-16 8.1 kB
README.txt 2018-10-15 3.6 kB
license.txt 2018-10-15 35.1 kB
config.dtd 2018-10-15 1.2 kB
gdpr.dtd 2018-10-15 413 Bytes
gdpr.xsl 2018-10-15 356 Bytes
config_site1.xml 2018-10-15 4.4 kB
Totals: 8 Items   63.8 kB 1
Purpose: Provide central privacy statement tool for multiple websites

License: GPLv3 - see license.txt
Language: PHP, XML, XSLT

Author: Tobias Eggendorfer

* Overview
Many organisations run multiple websites, each of which requires a 
privacy statement under GDPR. Maintaining and updating them accross 
these sites is a nightmare for administrators. To ease the process
this tool has been written. 
It could be run on a central server, such as gdpr.example.com, gets 
passed a parameter indicating which web site's privacy statement should
be displayed and then generates it from a central element repository.

* Files
- gdpr.php    - PHP script providing the functionality
- gdpr.xml    - XML file providing privacy statement bits and pieces in 
                several languages if needed. Note that the German text
                version provided comes with no warrantie whatsoever. It
                is meant as an example. 
                Other language versions are even less complete and 
                might therefore not even be useful as an example.
- gdpr.dtd    - DTD for gdpr.xml
- gdpr.xsl    - main style sheet to beautify the output
- config.dtd  - DTD for config-files
- config*.xml - XML-config files, one per site. A sample 
                config_site1.xml is provided.
- license.txt - license (GPLv3)
- README      - This readme file.

* Installation
In very broad terms: gdpr.php should be accessible by the web server. 
The script needs to be able to read the XML files, which could reside in 
a directory outside the document root. The directory is configured 
within gdpr.php ($default_path).

Most might want to set up a special webserver, serving a domain such as
gdpr.example.com. There, the suggested directory structure is:

  | +- gdpr.php
  + data/
    +- gdpr.xml
    +- gdpr.dtd
    +- gdpr.xsl
    +- config.dtd
    +- config_site1.xml

The webserver's document root is at gdpr/www. That way all config files
cannot be read over the internet.
$default_path should then be set to "../data/".

If wanted, gdpr.php could be renamed to index.php and the webserver's
DirectoryIndex being set to run index.php. That would shorten the URL.

For each site to be provided, an entry in gdpr.php needs to be made to
match the site to its config-file. Note that user input is not used to
construct the filename. This is a security measure. 

To run the script, call: 

Or, if it was renamed to index.php:

* Configuration
Please see the XML files for documentation, which should be self 
explanatory. They provide plenty of comments.

Source: README.txt, updated 2018-10-15