Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
fwpUtil.zip 2013-03-10 2.1 MB
README.txt 2013-03-10 3.0 kB
Totals: 2 Items   2.1 MB 0
PLEASE NOTE: the original fwpUtil.zip was produced with JBuilder 2006
using Java JDK 5.  This version of fwpUtil.zip was produced by
importing the original code into IntelliJ IDEA 12 and using Java JDK 6.
The source code and documentation in the two versions are identical.

This library/package provides a variety of Java general utility 
classes and dialogs focused mainly on general and graphics 
applications.  In addition to the library, a test and demonstration
program is provided.  This program calls/exercises all of the 
classes in the library as well as demonstrates the use of the eight
JOptionPane methods.

Full source code is provided.  In addition to the standard JavaDoc
files there is an additional Documentation directory in the fwpUtil
directory which contains easier to use documentation with screen 

The package contains the following classes and dialogs.
ColorChooser --  Integrates the fairly standard color chooser which
allows specifying the color by using swatches, HSB or RGB tabs with
an added alpha/transparency input.
FontAndColorChooser -- Displays a dialog in which the user can 
select a font and its color, bold, italic and transparency 

FontChooser -- A font chooser dialog which supports setting the 
size, bold and italic properties of the font.

GetHints -- Get rendering hints for maximum quality or maximum 
HTMLviewer -- This dialog displays a basic HTML viewer with a 
vertical scroll bar. It does not support hyperlinks and other more 
advanced features. Its purpose is to display small to modest size 
html help files from within an application program.

LineAndColorChooser -- This dialog allows the user to fully specify
how a line is to be rendered/displayed. It integrates the fairly 
standard color chooser which allows specifying the color by using 
swatches, HSB or RGB tabs. The line style selections include line 
end styles of Butt, Round or Square. The line join styles include 
Bevel, Miter and Round. The user can also select whether the line 
is to be rendered using high quality or high speed attributes. The 
user can select between twenty line dash patterns and specify the 
line width and transparency. As each attribute is changed an 
example line is updated to display how all of the currently 
selected attributes affect the appearance of the line.

Logger -- A basic logger capability which uses the same logging 
levels as the much larger standard Java logger.

LogIt -- A dialog to setup and control logging actions within a 

TextViewer -- This dialog displays a basic text viewer with a 
vertical scroll bar. Its purpose is to display standard text help 
files from within an application program.
These files have been placed in the public domain and can be used 
and adapted without restrictions. The user of the code is totally 
responsible for insuring its suitability in the intended 
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-03-10