Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Version 1.0 2011-07-13
README.txt 2011-07-13 1.6 kB
Totals: 2 Items   1.6 kB 0
$Id: README 2011-12-08 10:31

General Notes

FutureJob is hosted at future-job.net, with downloads through 
sourceforge.net and is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

The project was funded by Switzerland Office in Kosovo and implemeted by Creative Studio Rrota 

projectpage:       http://www.future-job.net
source:            http://sourceforge.net/projects/futurejob/

List of people who have helped work on this project

RROTA - Rrolling Creative Studio <www.rrota.com>
	Shkumbin Brestovci 	<bresta@rrota.com>
	Faton Sopa 		<fsopa@rrota.com>
	Arbenita Krasniqi 	<arbenita@rrota.com>
	Erzen Komoni 		<erzen@rrota.com>
	Driton Haxhiu 		<driton@rrota.com>
	Shpat Paqarada 		<shpat@rrota.com>
	Agron Fazliu 		<info@phogen.com>

Kosova Chamber of Commerce <www.oek-kcc.org>
	Ardiana Gashi 		<ardiana.gashi@oek-kcc.org>
	Muhamer Nuridini 	<Muhamer.Nuridini@oek-kcc.org>
	Olivera Ceni 		<olivera.ceni@oek-kcc.org>

Thanks to EVERYONE else who has provided ideas and input, without you,
FutureJob would be nothing.
If you have any questions please contact us via 
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-07-13