Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
img 2011-11-23
Torrent 2011-02-22
oldversions 2011-02-05
ISOs 2011-02-01
README.txt 2011-11-10 7.4 kB
install_fusionpbxv4.4.0pre.sh 2011-04-12 78.5 kB
Totals: 6 Items   85.8 kB 1
<a href="http://fusionpbx.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/scripts/install/ubuntu/install_fusionpbx.sh">Latest now migrated to googlecode and merged into the FusionPBX project (2011-11-10)</a>


 "THE WAF LICENSE" (version 1)
 This is the Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) License.  
 jamesdotfsatstubbornrosesd0tcom  wrote this file.  As long as you retain this 
 notice you can do whatever you want with it. If you appreciate the work, 
 please consider purchasing something from my wife's wishlist. That pays 
 bigger dividends to this coder than anything else I can think of ;).  It also
 keeps her happy while she's being ignored; so I can work on this stuff. 
   James Rose

 latest wishlist: http://www.stubbornroses.com/waf.html

 Credit: Based off of the BEER-WARE LICENSE (REVISION 42) by Poul-Henning Kamp


 This Script installs or upgrades FreeSWITCH and/or FusionPBX on a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS [lucid].  It tries to edit all appropriate files, set the permissions correctly, and installs any necessary dependencies.

When you install ubuntu, you should select the "Manual package selection" option.  This way we can keep the install to the bare minimum.  Just quit tasksel during the install.

This script will install everything you need (and nothing) - hopefully, you don't.

This script should be called as:
  install_fusionpbx option1 option2
      user: option waits in certain places for the user to check for errors
      auto: tries an automatic install. Get a cup of coffee, this will
        take a while. FOR THE BRAVE!
      install_fusionpbx install-both user

v4.4.0pre 2011 April 12
	Added mod_spandsp for fax and g722
	Added NTP 
		TODO: maybe run sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com to make suer date is correct.
		prevents make from dying (date in the future crap).
      Added Option --fix-permissions
		checks FreeSWITCH init script 
	Added: upgrade-fusionpbx needs to fix permissions, since a FS upgrade kills them.
	FIXED Logrotate for nginx
		logfiles were: /var/log/fusionpbx_gui.*_log;
		logfiles now: /var/log/nginx/*.log
	Added: Fail2ban for FusionPBX failed login attempts
		Need information on attempts/rate/etc 
	Added: Fail2ban for FusionPBX on failed provision attempts
		Need information on attempts/rate/etc 
		Needs Testing!
	FIXED: RepeatedMsgReduction wasn't getting set correctly in rsyslog.conf
	Added Change Fail2ban on FreeSWITCH with attempts/rate/etc in config file (not default settings)
	Added: Option to download GIT from GitHub repository (It's faster), see DEFINES
	Added: nginx/apache https by default (uses snakeoil certs)
	FIXED nginx config to not block html files... Don't do block ~ .ht 
	Added FreeTDM, and Dahdi

v4.3.3 2011 January 31
	Added: smp compile support. Script works, make -j doesn't. see jira FS-3005
	Fixed: NGinx file size error
	Added: Remove Nginx/php/apache properly
		FIXED removing nginx removes gnome/x.
	Added: Postgres (seems good)
	Fixed: Set up apache properly (fusionpbx file instead of default, use heredoc)
   	TODO: look into setting up FS for mysql/pgsql
   	Fixed: sqlite http request issue for nginx/apache
   	Added: now doing ppa's the ubuntu way with apt-add-repository
   	Added: set up auto install for nginx/apache, mysql/postgresql/sqlite, setnonat.
	Added: now prompts for rm -Rf /opt (or variable for auto-install).
	There's a bug in either ppa-purge or apt-add-repository (likely latter).
	  if you install nginx, change your mind, install apache, change your mind again
	  and re-install nginx, the repository for nginx/php5-fpm gets removed proerly
	  [a '#' covers repo], but when re-enabling, the '#' gets replaced, and an 'n'
	  is left on a newline afterward, preventing update/install from that repo.
	Fixed: Checking for nginx/apache2 binary instead of init scripts for if[x] restart

v4.3.2.1 2011 January 1
	small problem when selecting nginx and sqlite. php5-fpm needed to restart
          so FusionPBX could see the FreeSWITCH directory.

v4.3.2 2010 December 30
	logrotate was improperly setup. Needed to send sighup to fs_cli
	  Caused FS to die the first time it tried to log after rotation.
	php5-cli is a dependancy. required for voicemail to email, and fax to email.
	added an nginx/php-fpm option.  You can change a variable (for auto run)
	  or it will prompt you when you install fusionpbx in user mode
	mysql added as an option.
	problem with the way ubuntu logs ssh failures [fail2ban]
	  Failed password for root from port 22 ssh2
	  last message repeated 5 times
	  SOLUTION: Turn off RepeatedMsgReduction in rsyslog.
	fail2ban: previous setup looked for freeswitch log in /var/log/freeswitch.log
	  log is actually /usr/local/freeswitch/log/freeswitch.log
	Tries to see if you're on a static IP address. If you are, it wants to start
	  FreeSWITCH with the -nonat option to save some time. Also a new variable
	TODO: Maybe probe cores and to the -b thing for quicker compile/bootstrap

v4.3.1 2010 December 23
	look into make -j cores option
	made a state save file.  so if there's an error, don't re-bootstrap, configure, etc.
	  and remove it on a clean exit.
	requests for modules add/enable for ugrade-freeswitch. DONE
	mod dingaling needs libgnutls-dev libgnutls26 packages, and change: 
	  "--mode=relink gcc" --> "--mode=relink gcc -lgnutls" 
	  in /usr/src/freeswitch/src/mod/endpoints/mod_dingaling/mod_dingaling.la
	  appears to be an ubuntu problem....

v4.3 2010 December 22
	under case upgrade-freeswitch, variables were not set properly.  It upgraded fusionpbx.. fixed.
	done: fail2ban error fixed. removed associated text
	done: have install check for /etc/fail2ban. reinstall (as in from iso) duplicates some txt
	done: remove or fix fusionpbx upgrade code. it either needs to log in
	  and then update and run the schema upgrade. or get rid of it. Fixed by prompting the user
	  to open a browser window, and warn.
	done: get logrotate working... let's not fill the disk.
	stop/start freeswitch for an upgrade, and an install...

v4.2 2010 December 17
	made some changes so the text flows correctly now that we use curl
   to do install.php.  
   sent curl output to dev null..
   added apt-get update before we install apache since remastersys removes apt data
   stopping FS before FusionPBX install, and starting afteward.
   changed license to WAF v1

v4.1 2010 December 15
   changing cd sounds (48/32/16/8khz) down to hd sounds (16/8Kkhz)

v4 2010 December 14
   now install-fusion|install-freeswitch|upgrade...
   also adding curl commands to finish fusionpbx install.

v3 adding fail2ban et al.

v2 2010 December 07
   adds arrays to process the modules.  should make this much easier to edit.
	just make additions to modules_add
	This should work fine (even on a 2nd run).

v1 2010 December 06
 first cut 
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-11-10