Home / FTPstats-0.7.5
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FTPstats-0.7.5.zip 2012-08-03 84.3 kB
README.txt 2012-08-03 6.2 kB
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FTPstats v0.7.5 beta

    FTPstats is a FileZilla FTP Server log analyzer and stats compiler.
    Copyright (C) 2012 Zachary J. Rice

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

This program will read FileZilla FTP Server logs and compile various stats such as number of uploads/downloads, logins, connections opened, etc.  It also provides a grid display that allows easy (or easier) reading of server activity for the selected user and time period.

The source code is available under the GPLv3 at:

Some code has been taken from Samuel Allen's article at:
His code is licensed under the Code Project Open License:
A copy of the license is included in the CPOL.htm file.


: Date list is sorted by Y/M/D

: file dialog windows are initialized to the last location log files were chosen from

: window is resizable and remembers size and placement between sessions


: added save Stats Summary to text file

: added Stats Summary printing

: User list is sorted

: fixed data connection counts disappearing when focusing on a date or user


: parser now runs on a separate thread than the UI (please report bugs or odd results that may come from this)

: cancellation possible while multiple files are being processed

: added Options menu to choose proper date/time format used in server logs

  - This is meant for servers on which the system time is set to a different culture than the system-wide culture.
    If your systime has not been set to a different culture, .NET should detect the correct one and prefill this option;
    otherwise you should set this manually.

: fixed DataGrid and Summary relying on incorrect lists in some cases after changing the User selection

: changed font and layout of Summary reports to improve readability

: disabled window resizing

: performance enhancements with StringBuilders ... ?


: parser now accounts for some servers not including AM or PM in their timestamp

: usernames are now case-insensitive (like FZ) and should not show duplicates in the Users list
  if a user logs in with different capitalization schemes

: tweaked for somewhat faster performance when dealing with large amounts of log data

: multiple files can be selected in the Load File(s) window


: fixed a few cases where stats were tallied inaccurately

: fixed duplicate successful upload/download entries when the FTP User was simply resuming these actions

  - Note: It is still possible for duplicates to affect Summary tallies.  FileZilla logs uploads/downloads that
	  the user cancels exactly the same as truly finished up/downloads.  FTPstats culls duplicates from the
	  up/download lists in the Summary box but the dupes are still included in the tally numbers.
	  I may try to find a workaround for this in the future but it's not a priority.

: added Created Directories, Deleted and Restarted files stats

: more detailed Simple Mode interpretations

: rewrote a couple functions to fix bugs and redesign data flow - any stats errors now should be
  caused by true bugs and not flawed design


FTPstats has been tested on Windows 7 (32 && 64 bit) and Windows XP (32 bit) and requires the Microsoft .NET framework.


No.  Just run the exe.  Note: the program will write files in its residing folder.


Uploads/downloads that have completed and ones that are incomplete due to user cancellation or sometimes disconnection
are logged by FZ identically (with a 226 response).  This means that a single file can appear to have uploaded or downloaded
successfully several times, when in reality the user was having connection issues or repeatedly paused and restarted the 
download.  FTPstats could cull these repeated entries out (which it does from the list of files in the Summary but not in
the numeric counts or the data grid), but just leaving one successful entry at the end doesn't mean that it was in fact successful.

If FTPstats is showing a lot of restarts or failures of a particular file, be wary of making any administrative decisions based
on that info.  If in doubt, check the logs manually or contact your user regarding whether or not a particular file was up/downloaded



: implement SQLite db to store parsed data
  - since parsing is the most cpu-intense function of FTPstats and holding log data can take
    up large amounts of memory, this will hopefully provide large performance improvements

: UI revamp
  - tabbed viewing of summary and data grid as well as window resizing

: implement features from Stunner's python scripts (http://sourceforge.net/projects/fla/)



Please send me any comments, suggestions, critiques, or (code) contributions you might have.

Thanks for downloading!  Hopefully you find this program to be useful.

Source: README.txt, updated 2012-08-03