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ReadMe.txt 2013-02-01 6.5 kB
Totals: 8 Items   6.5 kB 1
The FPSCreator Community Mod
FPSC revision: 760

* Change the game's speed (eg, slow motion)
* Minimap [WIP]
* Windowed mode
* Tractor beams
* Entity cloning commands
* Change the direction a HUD moves in when it fades out
* Third person
* Bind the camera to an entity's limb
* Set the position and\or rotation of a limb to a variable
* Set an entity's field of vision (FOV)
* Two new internal variables for an entity's on-screen position ($SPX, $SPY)
* Set the animation speed of weapons
* Topdown shooter view [WIP]
* Platformer view [WIP] [NOT IMPLEMENTED]
* Rotate limbs

1. Browse to your FPSCreator folder, which by default should be:
   32bit computers: C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator [Free]
   64bit computers: C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\FPS Creator [Free]

2. Now browse to the Files\scriptbank folder inside your FPS Creator
   folder and delete the folder called "Community Mod". If you have
   any custom scripts in here, then just delete the scripts that you
   didn't make, because in newer versions of the Community Mod, the names
   of the scripts may have changed, which may cause you to use outdated
   scripts which may cause you to believe that a specific feature does not work.*

3. Copy the all of the files contained in the archive into your
   FPSCreator directory, and overwrite files and folders if asked.

* If this folder doesn't exist, you can skip this step

You MAY use the source code in your mod, or any part of it, as long as you
provide proper credit where credit is due. The community mod is a community
effort and not crediting those who have donated code to this mod is not
acceptable, and if you do not do so, you may even be asked to remove this
code from your modification if you do not provide credit when and if you are
asked to.

Script information:
SlowMotionTKey.fpi		= Activates slow-motion when the "T" key is pressed.
FastMotionTKey.fpi		= Activates fast-motion (2x speed) when the "T" key is pressed.
Minimap.fpi			= Activates the minimap when the "M" key is pressed.
BindCameraToHeadLimb.fpi	= Binds the player camera to the head of a character (limb 46)
LimbBindingAnimTest.fpi		= Same as BindCameraToHeadLimb.fpi except this includes animation
EntityFOV.fpi			= Sets the entity's FOV to 120
CloneWhenYPressed.fpi		= Press Y to make a clone of the entity
WindowModeF7.fpi		= F7 to toggle windowed mode
ThirdPerson.fpi			= Third person test
TopdownShooter.fpi		= Topdown shooter test

GoWindowed			-- Goes into windowed mode
GoFullScreen			-- If in windowed mode, goes into fullscreen mode.
EnableMap			-- Enables the minimap
DisableMap			-- Disables the minimap
ToggleMap			-- Toggles the minimap on and off
MapZoomIn			-- Zooms in on the minimap
MapZoomOut			-- Zooms out on the minimap
Clone				-- Clones an entity if it has any spawns left
CloneIfUsed			-- Clones the entity in the current entity's "If Used" setting if that entity has any spawns left
CloneTarget			-- Clones the entity's current target if it has any spawns left
GravityOn=X			-- Toggles gravity for the entity
ForceTowardsPlr=X		-- This action forces the entity towards the player. The
level of force is dependant on the distance between the entity and the
player. The
parameter X applies a scaling factor for the force. Negative values of X reverse
the direction of the force.
ForceTowardsTarget=X		-- This action forces the entity towards the entity’s current target. The
level of force is dependant on the distance between the entity and the
target. The
parameter X applies a scaling factor for the force. Negative values of X reverse
the direction of the force.
SetPlrTractorBeamForce=X	-- This action sets the player’s tractor beam maximum force to X. X = 1
is equally to 1g.
SetTractorBeamForce=X		-- This action sets the entity’s tractor beam maximum force to X. X = 1
is equally to 1g.
SetPlrTractorBeamRange=X	-- This action sets the player’s tractor beam range to X units.
SetTractorBeamRange=X		-- This action sets the entity’s tractor beam range to X units.
HUDFadeOutDirection=X		-- This sets the direction in which the HUD fades out:
					0 = Up
					1 = Down
					2 = Left
					3 = Right
					4 = No movement.
ThirdPerson=X Y			-- Activates third person for the entity with X units back, and Y units to the left
ThirdPersonHeight=X		-- Sets the Y offset for third person (up)
LimbPosX=Y Z			-- Sets the X position of limb Z to the variable Y
LimbPosY=X Z			-- Sets the Y position of limb Z to the variable X
LimbPosZ=X Y			-- Sets the Z position of limb Y to the variable X
LimbAngleX=Y Z			-- Sets the X angle of limb Z to the variable Y
LimbAngleY=X Z			-- Sets the Y angle of limb Z to the variable X
LimbAngleZ=X Y			-- Sets the Z angle of limb Y to the variable X
EntFOV=X			-- Sets the entity's FOV (Field of Vision) to X
SetGunSpeed=X			-- Sets the current weapon's animation speed to X
TimeScale=X			-- Sets the game speed to X (0.5 for half-speed etc)
ThirdPersonHeight=X		-- Sets the third person camera height to X
LimbRotateX=X Y			-- Rotates limb X's X rotation to angle Y
LimbRotateY=X Y			-- Rotates limb X's Y rotation to angle Y
LimbRotateZ=X Y			-- Rotates limb X's Z rotation to angle Y
Topdown=X Y			-- Activates topdown view X=camera distance, Y=camera type (0-1)
FirstPerson			-- Disables platform view, topdown view and third person

PlrSwapWeap [NYI]		-- Returns true if the player is currently switching to another weapon
GravityOn			-- Returns true if an entity has gravity enabled

-In third person, for some strange reason you can only open a door if you are crouched.

The Zombie Killer - Main developer
Scene Commander - Contributor\developer (limited involvement)
BlackFox - Contributor
Ched80 - Contributor
Hell_666 - Contributor
F l a t l a n d e r - Contributor

Scene Commander

-Original slow-motion code

-Windowed mode

-Tractor beam
-Cloning commands
-Gravity toggle
-HUD fadeout direction

The Zombie Killer
-Modified slow-motion to be more customizable
-Windowed mode additions
-Minimap fixes and additions
-LimbPos and LimbAngle commands
-ObjectFOV command
-Third person
-Gun animation speed change
-Topdown shooter
-Rotate an entity's limbs
-Rotate limb to target
Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2013-02-01