Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder 2006-10-02 7.5 MB
V-Modell-XT-Projektassistent-1.2.3-Windows.exe 2006-05-11 7.3 MB 2006-05-11 170.9 kB
V-Modell-XT-Projektassistent-1.2.3-readme.txt 2006-05-11 9.7 kB 2006-05-11 7.4 MB
Totals: 5 Items   22.3 MB 0
Welcome to the V-Modell(R) XT Projektassistent!

This program was released in version 1.0 on February 4th, 2005 accompanying 
the release 1.0 of the V-Modell(R) XT, the german standard for software 
development processes. The program is based on the open-source framework 
4Ever - both can be found on sourceforge (

The V-Modell XT Projektassistent allows you to tailor the V-Modell XT
to the specific needs of your project and generate a hence reduced version of
the V-Modell. Moreover, it provides a wizard to generate a first sketch of
a project plan according to the tailoring information which can then be 
exported to Microsoft Project or GanttProject.

The user interface of the Projektassistent is German.

For working with the Projektassistent you need the sources of the V-Modell XT.
Some distributions include those sources (usually those taken from the V-Modell
homepage), some not (that would be those from the sourceforge download section). 
The program requires JDK1.4 to run. If your machine matches the requirements
of JDK1.4 it most propably matches the requirements of the Projektassistent.

Furthermore, the generation of PDF documents is done via the typesetting
system "LaTeX" and was thoroughly tested with MikTex. 

Finally, you might need further programs which are not part of this distribution:

- the export to HTML requires a webbrowser to view the results
- the export to PDF requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the document
- the export of the various Produktvorlagen uses the format "RTF" which
  can be read by Microsoft Word or other text systems.
- to view the generated project plan you either need Microsoft Project or
  an installation of the open-source software "GanttProject"  


WHAT IS 4Ever/4EverEdit?
Submitted Description: Submitted Description: This is a Java-Framework for a 
generic object-oriented dataaccess layer to access XML files. It can be used 
to generate a large variety of XML applications. 

The Projektassistent was developed by 4Soft GmbH and Technische Universität
Kaiserslautern in a research project funded by the german "Bundesministerium 
des Inneren - Abteilung KBSt".

The most current version of the Projektassistent can be found at the project

Moreover, a binary package is distributed on the V-Modell XT Homepage of the
"Koordinierungs- und Beratungsstelle der Bundesregierung für Informations-
technik in der Bundesverwaltung":


The Projektassistent comes in different distribution packages. A detailled 
list will be added here soon.

The distribution contains at the moment user documentation but no documentation
of the sources (besides javadoc comments).

Since version 1.2.1
- A separate XML file now offers text modules. Those can be used to created
  "semi-finished" products from the section "Vorlagen" in the assistent. Have
  a look a the (German) manual to find out more about this new feature
- complete overhaul of the user interface to a modern style which matches the
  look and feel of the V-Modell XT editor.
- export functionality moved from the menu to each corresponding section.
- XML export is now integrated with the regular export
- the RTF master template can now easily be adapted to the individual needs
  (e.g. to correspond to some corporate identity).
- a lot of minor changes

Since version 1.2.0
- 4Ever framework updated

Since Version 1.1.3
- Export bugs fixed.
- Old code fragments removed.

Since Version 1.1.2
- Some fixing of the GUI elements was necessary due to the larger number of
  Vorgehensbausteine in the V-Modell prerelease
- export improved - especially numbered lists are now correctly transformed to
  a product template.

Since Version 1.1.1
- "Freie Meilensteine" couldn't be added in some situations - fixed (Bug #1333855)
- The tailored V-Modell XT can now also be saved to XML format 

Since Version 1.1.0
- PDF export buggy - fixed.
- Vorlagenexport choked on first words in a paragraph - fixed.
- Special characters now allowed for export file names.

Since Version 1.0.5
- Export of Produktvorlagen vastly improved. Now, a sketch of the project plan
  (if provided) is added to the Projekthandbuch
- The tailoring information was generated twice into the Projekthandbuch. Fixed.
- Discontinued support for the generation of product templates in Word 2003 
  WordML format. Help file updated.
- Memory consumption optimized.
- Latex/PDF layout refurnished.
- Temporary latex files are now removed after export.
- A bug prevented to finish project planning in some situations. Fixed.

Since Version 1.0.4
- Now, changes between "Projektdurchführungsstrategien" are only allowed top-
  level. Less irritating and fixed a bug, too.
- Helpfile complemented.
- Milestones of a project plan are written to the "Projekthandbuch".
- Comprehendible error messages are now shown if the export failed.
- "Are you sure?"-question dialog inverted. Now more intuitive (judge yourself).
- A whole bunch of modifications in the latex export.

Since Version 1.0.3
- Latex export vastly improved. The export generated by the Projektassistent is
  now the same as that of the official V-Modell XT documentation.
- The required latex packages are now included which circumvents "secret" loading
  of packages by the mixtex distribution.
- Export of "Produktvorlagen" to RTF now allows more users to work with those files.
  RTF can be read by all versions of Word as well as by other text systems.
- The application can now be installed server-side. This allows for sharing the
  same V-Modell directory.
- Some minor flaws of the user interface have been fixed. 

Since Version 1.0.2
- The set of chosen "Entscheidungspunkte" is now written into the "Projekthandbuch".
- The tailoring is now based upon a V-Modell file, which location can be freely 
  specified during creation of a new project.
- Activities in the generated project plan were shown as milestones if they happend
  to be terminated for a weekend. Fixed.
- A bug in the tailoring logic was fixed. Now the Vorgehensbausteine are correctly
- Sometimes, a second export would not work. Fixed.
- Descriptions to all "Projektmerkmale" are now given via tooltip boxes.
- The plan export sometimes contained an erroneous set of activities. Fixed.
- In modified V-Modell files, a VB was often selected although not part
  of the "Projekttyp". Fixed.
- Project plan dialog now displays "Entscheidungspunkt" instead of 
- Some smaller fixes.

Since Version 1.0.1
- A small bug hung the application under Java 1.4.2. Fixed.

Since Version 1.0.0
- Source code documentation greatly improved.
- Project files can now be moved as schema files are referenced absolutely.
- Creating a new project now requires to provide a source directory of the 
  V-Modell XT. This way, you can switch between local and shared instances
  of the V-Modell. After the project is created, however, this directory
  is not allowed to be changed.
- Installing over an older version of the projektassistent led to unwanted
  effects. Fixed.
- On some platforms, the startup of the standard web browser to display the
  help page did not work. Fixed.
- The application's menu can now be controlled using the keyboard
- On some machines, in some situations, it takes a long time from clicking the
  button open until the file chooser dialog appears. This seems to be a Java 
  bug which is now adressed by preloading the shell folders at application 
  startup time.
- Because of the previous aspect, a small splash screen shows a reaction to 
  the user while the application is loading.


- The program must not be installed into a directory with umlauts in its path.
- The project name must not contain characters which are not allowed in file
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms 
of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is 
also available at

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation 

The MiKTeX distribution is a conglomerate of many software packages. To the 
best of our knowledge, all packages meet the requirements of the Debian Free 
Software Guidelines.
Source: V-Modell-XT-Projektassistent-1.2.3-readme.txt, updated 2006-05-11