Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
FotoMover2.jar 2013-09-08 151.3 kB
readme.txt 2012-03-04 2.8 kB
Totals: 2 Items   154.1 kB 0

I had to sort a few hundreds of photo-files into two categories: good and bad. The common 
photo-managers can do this, but they need many mouse clicks or to pull down menus for a 
task that can be done in one button-click. 
So I created FotoMover2, a simple and basic photo management tool 
to classify each photo in one button click.
arrow up = thumb up = GOOD photo
arrow down = thumb down = BAD photo

You need Java installed on your computer to run the program (usually it is installed). On 
windows you can (double-)click the file, and Java will start FotoMover2 and you will see 
the opening screen with basic help. 
On all platforms you can start from the command line: java -jar FotoMover2.jar
In this case you will also see some diagnostic information appear in the command screen.

Assume that the photo-files are in folder (or directory) MyPhotos. If you open 
a filemanager, drag and drop the folder/directory on 
the text "Drop directory containing photo-files here", 
FotoMover2 will scan the directory for photos, and will show the first photograph found. 
Note: FotoMover2 will not search in sub-directories.

If the photo is good (thumbs up), push arrow up and the photo-file will be moved to a sub-folder GOOD. 
If the photo is poor (thumbs down), push arrow down and the photo-file will be moved to a sub-folder BAD. 
If you can't decide, push arrow right and the next photo will be shown, 
If you want to reconsider your choice, move back using arrow left. As long as FotoMover2 hasn't been 
closed, it will remember the choice you have made and show it. You can change your earlier decision 
by pushing arrow up or arrow down, or leave it by using arrow left or arrow right.

When the work is done, you will end up with all good photos in the subdirectory GOOD,  
all undecided cases in the original directory, and all poor photos in the subdirectory BAD. 
The photo-files themselves haven't changed; if you regret what you have done you can undo 
everything by simply moving all photo-files from the directories GOOD and BAD into the original directory.

You can also use the keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to sort. The image-files will be moved to 
sub-folders 1.class, 2.class, 3.class, 4.class, ... to 9.class.

1. Every platform that supports java (windows, linux, etc) 
2. Installed: Sun java 1.4, oracle java 1.4, freejava
3. a mouse and a keyboard 

Absolute freeware, never pay anybody for this program.

Source files are in the jar container.

If you enjoy the program (or hate it), use the review tab on: 

Windows users should consider plumeria image sorter at
Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-03-04