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README.txt 2010-11-01 1.6 kB
md5sum.txt 2010-11-01 51 Bytes
forge-0.1.tar.gz 2010-11-01 5.1 MB
Totals: 3 Items   5.1 MB 0
					 Forge (for Linux)


Forge has two modes of operation. The first option is to use the Forge Graphical User Interface 
(GUI). This is a point-and-click method for distribution installation. The second method is the 
execute the scripts directly from the command line. 

NOTE: For those not running Linux as their base Operating System it is suggested to boot into one 
of the Linux based Distros provided by Katana.
  Option 1 - Forge GUI 

1) Click on 'forge' binary 
2) Select the distribution to installation
3) Select the distribution image file
4) Select the drive where Katana is installed
5) Click the 'install' button

This distribution should now be added to Katana. 

  Option 2 - Commandline Scripts 
The installation scripts can also be run from the command line without use of the Forge graphical 
user interface. Forge scripts are located in /forge/"OS"/scripts directory. Scripts are placed in 
subdirectories based on distribution (and version). 

Installation scripts must me run with administrative privileges. Users must provide the image file 
and the path of disk where Katana is installed when executing the script. For example: 

 > ./install.sh /mnt/sdb1 /home/user/Downloads/distro.iso

Resources for Compile:

  - g++
  - qt4
  - gmake
  - make

Resources for Distribution Installation: 

  - cpio
  - gzip


  Forge is provided as a stand alone binary.  This application does not require compiling.  Users 
can choose to compile the application in the following way.

  1) > cd source
  2) > qmake -o Makefile forge_gui.pro
  3) > make
  4) > make clean
  5) > mv forge ../

Source: README.txt, updated 2010-11-01