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ReadMe developer.txt 2013-06-02 617 Bytes
FlyPusher.zip 2013-05-31 48.3 MB
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This application has been programmed in Java. The Eclipse IDE (http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/) has been used. You will also need the Android SDK. We recomend that you download the bundleversion for easy setup. you can get the bundle from this site.(http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)

The game development framework libGDX has also been used. It will be difficult to add or change code whitout these tools.

A internal SQLite database is used to store the higscores.

The code is commented in English, and we wish to keep it that way!

~ Henrik Walby van Dijk, Torbjørn Mevik and Jørgen N. Berge 
Source: ReadMe developer.txt, updated 2013-06-02