Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Software 2013-10-24
Source 2013-04-11
Test Files 2012-10-16
readme.txt 2013-10-25 2.4 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.4 kB 1
===================IMPORTANT INFORMATION=====================

FishingCNV comes in two different releases:
- GUI version (FishingCNV_X.X.X.zip)
- Commandline version (FishingCNV_X.X_Pipeline.tar)

=======Recent release notes for commandline version =========

fishingCNV_2.1_pipeline (2013-10-24):

    - Significant improvement in performance
    - Simplified output, all chromosome plots combined into 
      one file
    - RPKM files halved in size, no more duplicates
    - Added new plots to PDF output
    - The Rsript now takes flag parameters for:
         * Minimum segmentation size (between 2-5)
         * Whether PCA is to be performed
         * If PCA, number of PCs to remove (default 2)
         * Whether to double data for single exon CNV detection
    - Whole exome analyzed at once, no splitting and no 
      generation of temporary files
    - Improved error handling 

fishingCNV_2.0_pipeline (2013-10-18):

    - Significant improvement to the file manipulation code
         * Java program now takes clearly defined flags
         * Improved user interface
         * Improved error handling and logging
         * Combined all relevant file manipulation code
    - Rscript improvement for speed and usability
    - Decoupled file manipulateion code (Java) from statistical
      analysis (Rscript) to reduce linking errors
         * Now you call them separately

=======Recent release notes for GUI version =================

**Note: major improvements pending, to implement new code
from commandline version.

FishingCNV_1.5.2 (2013-07-10): 

    - Fixed some rounding errors -- some integer divisions 
      were changed to floating point divisions


    - Multiple file selections are now supported in the Browse function


    - Added a new feature under the RPKM tab to convert 
      "coverage.sample_interval_summary" files to RPKM
    - A bug is fixed to allow for different annotations of 
      chromosomes in .bed files
        * now it accepts both "1" and "chr1"


    - Major updates to the program:
        * GATK is bundled into the program so that RPKM files can be generated directly from BAM files
        * Fixed a data-dependent bug in the PCA analysis. Now it will catch all the errors and proceed accordingly.


    - PCA plots are now included in the output
Source: readme.txt, updated 2013-10-25