Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
fcme-v0.1 2011-02-02
fcme-v0.2-b1 2011-02-02
README 2011-02-02 1.2 kB
Totals: 3 Items   1.2 kB 0
Tree (Structure):
|-- assets					# Static files
|   |-- main.css				# Main CSS for Porject
|   |-- fx.css					# Special Effects CSS
|   |-- ie-fx.css				# Internet Explorer (IE) Specific Special Effects CSS
|   |-- img					# Image directory
|   |   |-- bg.png
|   |   |-- external.gif
|   |   |-- favicon.ico
|   |   `-- logo.gif
|   |-- jquery.min.js				# Minified JQuery Library
|   |-- jquery.stepy.min.js			# Minified Stepy JQuery Plugin
|   |-- jquery.tools.min.js			# Minified JQuery Tools Library (About Buttons, etc)
|   `-- main.js					# Main JavaScript file for Project
|-- bottle.py					# Python Bottle Web Application Framework
|-- fcme.py					# Our Web Application
|-- README					# This README
|-- scripts					# BASH Scripts Called by FCME
|   |-- apply_once.sh				# BASH Script that Applies rules saved in iptables-save.txt
|   |-- apply.sh				# BASH Script that Applies rules and save in iptables-save.txt
|   `-- iptables-save.txt			# The iptables rules files
`-- views					# Web Application Templates
    |-- done.html				# Done/Final Page
    |-- layout.html				# General Layout Inherited by All Templates
    |-- result.html				# Generated rules Page
    |-- root.html				# Home Page
    `-- rules.tpl				# Rules Templates

Source: README, updated 2011-02-02