Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
LICENSE 2015-03-29 11.3 kB
ezsift-src-v1.2.zip 2015-03-28 945.0 kB
README.md 2015-03-28 1.2 kB
Totals: 3 Items   957.5 kB 1

ezSIFT: An easy-to-use stanalone SIFT library.

URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ezsift/


Created on 9/16/2013. Modified on 3/27/2015: re-organized the projects, use git to manage the code and project.

The latest code can be pulled from here: git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/ezsift/code ezsift-code


I also provide two examples showing how to use this library: examples/feature_extract.cpp: detect keypoints and extract feature descriptor from a single image. examples/image_match.cpp: detect keypoints and extract features from two images and perform feature matching.

How to build

For Visual Studio 2010/2012

  1. Go to build/vs2010 or build/vs2012, open ezsift.sln.
  2. Build solution.
  3. You will find executable files under build/vs2010/bin or build/vs2012/bin.

For Android NDK native mode

  1. Please install Android NDK package, and add NDK root folder to your system environment PATH.
  2. Go to build/android.
  3. run ./build.sh
  4. You will find the binaries under build/android/bin/.
Source: README.md, updated 2015-03-28