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ExpenseLogger v1.4.0 Patch 1.exe 2012-03-30 307.7 kB
ReadMe.txt 2012-03-30 5.3 kB
ExpenseLogger-Src.7z 2012-02-29 3.4 MB
ExpenseLogger v1.4.0.exe 2012-02-29 2.2 MB
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PRODUCT NAME    : ExpenseLogger
BUILD DATE      : 01 Mar 2012
COMMENT         : Feature release

Manifest -
    Recent Changes/Tickets Addressed
    System Requirements
    Installation Procedure
    Patch 1
    Upgrading from v1.1 and below
    IIS Application Setup utility

Recent Changes/Tickets Addressed -
    Ticket 2: Adding comprehensive logging to all ExpenseLogger and supporting utility libraries
    Ticket 3: Restoring ELMAH logging which got broken somewhere down the line after v1.1.0
    Ticket 4: IIS Setup utility is now much more versatile and provides many more options to make life easier
    Ticket 9: Deleting categories from the Options tab is now implemented
    Ticket 10: A much better and fail-safe spend projection logic has been implemented
    Ticket 11: After a lot of painful file-by-file update the website is now W3C HTML5 valid
    Trialling redesigned and relocated menu options
    Adding a tag line to each version
    Further simplifying user configurations by abstraction of user related configuration away from static configuration
System Requirements -  
    IIS Web server 7.0 and above with the ASP.NET feature installed (http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/85/installing-iis/)
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or above (atleast SQL Express edition) (http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/en/us/editions/express.aspx)
    .NET Framework 4.0 (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=17718)
    ASP.NET MVC 4 (http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc4)

Installation Procedure -
1. Run the executable and install ExpenseLogger
2. Open the "castle.config" file under the "Etc" folder. Read the instruction at the top of the file and update the configuration as directed.

That is it. All the hard part is over !

You can now access your application at this url "http://localhost/ExpenseLogger" .

On your first run, you will have to setup your database and the system will take you through a setup procedure. Once that is done, your application will be officially ONLINE.

Feel free to contact me if anything goes wrong on - monemihir@gmail.com

Patch 1 -
    Fixes a minor bug in the emailing functionality and the log in page when the database is not configured 

Upgrading from v1.1 and below -
1. When upgrading from version 1.1 and below, you must first uninstall ASP.NET MVC2 from your machine since MVC2 and MVC4 cannot run side by side.
2. Once you uninstall MVC2, go to "http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc4" and download and install MVC4 via the Microsoft Web Platform Installer.
3. After installing MVC4 you can then follow the steps given in the "Installation Procedure" of this document in order to setup ExpenseLogger

Troubleshooting -
1. The IIS site creation failed. 
   If the IIS site creation fails it is most likely because you are missing a system requirement on your machine. Recheck that you have installed all the needed prerequisite software. The IIS configuration utility is located in the "bin" directory of the application. Navigate to the install location and open the "bin" directory. Run the "MMM.Library.IISAppSetup.exe" to retry deploying the application to IIS. See the "IIS Application Setup Utility" section of this document for more details on this utility.

IIS Application Setup Utility -
MMM.Library.IISAppSetup.exe [-runmode=0] [-net=v4.0] [-mvc=4] [-vpath=Xyz] [-ppath=C:\Xyz]

-ppath    Conditional Mandatory     Absolute physical path where the application binaries are stored
-vpath    Conditional Mandatory     Virtual path relative to http://localhost/ Eg. Xyz will map to http://localhost/xyz
-net      Optional                  .NET Framework version to be used. Eg. v3.5. Defaults to v4.0
-mvc      Optional                  MVC Framework of the application. Eg. 4. Defaults to 4
-runmode  Optional                  Specified the run mode for the utility. Eg. 1. Defaults to 0
                                    0 - Configure application under IIS
                                    1 - Check if IIS is installed
                                    2 - Check if ASP.NET feature is installed in IIS
                                    3 - Check if ASP.NET MVC is installed
                                    4 - Check if SQL Server is installed
                                    5 - Remove application from IIS

1. When running the utility in mode 0, physical path becomes a mandatory option
2. When running the utility in mode 5, virtual path becomes a mandatory option

1. MMM.Library.IISAppSetup.exe -runmode=3
   Only check if ASP.NET MVC is installed

2. MMM.Library.IISAppSetup.exe -vpath=ExpenseLogger -ppath=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ExpenseLogger
   Configure the application under IIS to be accessed at the virtual path ExpenseLogger i.e http://localhost/ExpenseLogger
   This is the command that gets run at installation time.   
Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2012-03-30