Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Stable-Release 2011-06-22
Readme.txt 2011-06-27 2.3 kB
Totals: 2 Items   2.3 kB 0
1. Introduction

Event to Syslog is a service that monitors the Windows event log and 
forwards entries to Syslog server. The application is written in C#.
(.NET 3.5 or 4.0 framework)

2. Configuration instructions

*** Syslog server ***
In the configuration menu the destination host or syslog server IP 
address and port number should be set in the following format 

*** High Availability ***
The application has HA functionality, you can set secondary syslog 
server with radio button in the HA method section.

HA method can be set to HA Parallel or HA Fail-Over.

3. Installation instructions
*** Service install ***
Run the ETS manager.exe in folder and then the 
service will be installed and run.
You can check the ETS service status in the normal Windows Service 
menu.You can also check it in the ETS manager, the service status can 
be started or stopped.

*** Service uninstall ***
You can uninstall ETS service directly from ETS manager, 
with the Service Uninstall button.

4. Copyright and licensing information
GPL Licensed

5. Contact information for the distributor or programmer
Feel free to contact us

6. Known bugs
* Diskcache limit setting's not working.

7. History
2011.01.28 Alpha release
2011.02.22 Beta release
2011.06.22 First Stable release
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2011-06-27