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Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
1.1 Alpha 2015-06-05
1.0 Alpha 2015-05-30
0.5 2013-08-15
0.4 2013-08-02
0.3 2012-03-17
README 2013-08-13 301 Bytes
Totals: 6 Items   301 Bytes 0
Compiled with:
GCC version 4.8.1 (GCC)
Qt version 5.1.0 (with the following modules: core gui widgets network)

Qt version 5.1.0
Crypto++ 5.6.2

Put the TEoH_xx.qm files, where xx is a locale (i.e.: en),
into the same folder as the compiled binary to get other languages.

Source: README, updated 2013-08-13