Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2010-12-02 1.7 kB
DupeDestroyer.rar 2010-12-02 2.0 kB
Totals: 2 Items   3.7 kB 0
DupeDestroyer is a basic Python application that uses the most basic algorithm I could muster to allow you to remove duplicate lines from a text file. It uses pretty
basic Python libraries such "Set" and "sys" to manipulate arrays containing the file's line-by-line data.

1. Platform
	This program is written in and supported by Python 2.6 and will run on any platform which has a compatible Python version installed.
2. Usage
To use, simply execute "DupeDestroyer.py" in either Windows Command Prompt or in a UNIX shell environment and enter the name of the file you wish to remove
duplicates from as the argument. For UNIX variants, executing "python DupeDestroyer.py" may be necessary to properly invoke the Python interpreter.

-Use care when working with very large files (anything over 6,000 lines). It might be best to split the file into several text files, removing duplicates 
from each one and then combining if there are numerous duplicates near each other. Of course try it out altogether first, the worst case scenario is an
unresponsive system and a simple end process via Task Manager or process end on UNIX systems will force-quit the app.
3. License
All software I release is covered by the GNU GPL License. You may modify, copy, and redistribute, but please give credit where credit is due. I often use 
code snippets from a textbook or forum but I try to always note where I got the idea from.
4. Disclaimer
As with all my other applications, I do not condone or warrant any illegal or illicit use of my programs and applications. You are responsible for all usage
of these applications. I cannot be held liable for any harm or damage, or any legal or moral consequences of the use of my programs. 
Source: README.txt, updated 2010-12-02