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Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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CLEAR.BMP 2013-09-03 376 Bytes
CHECK.BMP 2013-09-03 376 Bytes
DOOROPEN.BMP 2013-09-03 376 Bytes
FILESAVE.BMP 2013-09-03 374 Bytes
FILEOPEN.BMP 2013-09-03 374 Bytes
FILENEW.BMP 2013-09-03 374 Bytes
SquareTool.bmp 2013-09-03 822 Bytes
ElipseTool.bmp 2013-09-03 822 Bytes
RectangleTool.bmp 2013-09-03 822 Bytes
DrawModel.ico 2013-09-03 10.7 kB
Draw.ico 2013-09-03 10.7 kB
Totals: 11 Items   26.2 kB 0
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