Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
DQE2 2009-05-09
README.DIZ 2011-01-07 5.1 kB
Totals: 2 Items   5.1 kB 0
Version: 0.3

With this program you can easily create adventure, quest or even role-playing games with Dizzy as a main character. The main goal of a program is: the maximum functionality within maximum usability comfort.

If you want to know more about project, visit my site: http://dqe.sourceforge.net/ or read internal manual at Doc\Index.html (russian version only).

If you downloaded binaries archive, then simply unpack it to any empty folder. No installer here! The latest download information always available at: http://dqe.sourceforge.net/?page=download 

If you downloaded archive with sources, then you'll have to read INSTALL.DIZ for further information. Also you may go to http://dqe.sourceforge.net/?page=faq#sb to get more detailed information about building project from sources.

To quickly familiarize yourself with the Editor features, open test quest game (Quests\ConcertDemo.en.dqe) in Player (DizzyQuestPlayer2\DQP2.exe), complete it and then open it in the Editor (DizzyQuestEditor2\DQP2.exe). Learn how various quest techniques were realized and try to improve them or add something new to game. Script code used in that quest are well commented, so I think it will be not difficult to understand how it works. At least don't fear to experiment, open windows, click on buttons... :)


ATTENTION: project's license fully changed to GPL. So now you can't use sources in closed-source projects!
ATTENTION: changed definitions for some standart in-script functions (see quest ConcertDemo or documentation)
ATTENTION: World.PutEffectByName is now using instead of World.PutEffect. PutEffect now puts the effect by sprite, not by name!
ATTENTION: the global object World now has it's own internal timer. It means that you do not need to call World.Step in your timer! For step event handling use World.OnStep event! (see sources)

Added: new class - entities (see quest ConcertDemo or documentation)
Added: scripts debugger
Added: custom in-script functions handling
Added: custom player controls handling
Added: ability to change game screen resolution
Added: game speed control
Added: different styles of view in player
Added: ability to quick-open files in player
Added: ability to control standart game keys by scripts 
Added: ability to change World.Offset* in scripts
Added: ability to store more than 8 items in a bag
Added: ability to use more than 5 answers in dialogs
Added: ability to move items to background or foreground
Added: loading graphics from cache at startup
Added: ability to create unlimited number of objects in lists
Added: Assign function in all classes
Added: displaying message in case of font rendering error
Added: ability to change video setting without need to reboot
Added: ability to autoopen last opened file
Added: ability to cancel new zone creation by clicking right mouse button
Added: Space will release objects, if dragging
Added: Esc will reset selection of objects
Changed: Default Times font changed to Arial
Fixed: error while loading scripts' variables with apostrophes
Fixed: adding repeated scripts in autostart
Fixed: error while pressing Esc in tiling mode
Fixed: alpha-channel not restoring while setting Transparent=false
Fixed: sound of damage continued playing after death
Fixed: if new object created with random angle, the dragged object in preview window doesn't reflect real position of object
Fixed: script continued to run even after re-compilation
Fixed: hotkeys for game settings and program options were the same
Fixed: grid step doesn't apply right at startup
Fixed: many joystick related bugs
Some cosmetic changes and fixes

Unsolved bugs:
Оbjects in entity scripts not saved, if saving the game.


ATTENTION: File HeadUnit.pas was renamed to MainUnit.pas. HeadUnit.pas is not valid anymore!

Added: localization module
Added: English language support
Added: capability to change sound file without it's deletion
Added: moving objects with keys capability after pressing space
Added: sounds for player's actions (walk, jump, etc.)
Added: rollbacking to a older quest version saved before
Added: zone background setting
Added: capability of running script functions manually
Added: script templates management
Added: slow energy bar change effect
Fixed: error while deleting running scripts or dialogues
Fixed: known errors in Fonts Editor
Fixed: error while exiting a program while some scripts are running
Fixed: shuffling objects' sort order after sending them to background, bringing them to foreground or pasting from buffer
Fixed: unabled hotkeys in Preview Window and script editors
Fixed: adding unnecessary extension while building the world
Fixed: new object names error
Fixed: unable to repeat playlist after sound playback
Fixed: not all objects were exported after building a quest
Fixed: many minor bugs


Startup release.
Source: README.DIZ, updated 2011-01-07