Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.dpkg_mini 2016-08-22 2.6 kB
dpkg_mini 2016-08-22 4.5 kB
completions.dpkg_mini 2014-12-03 467 Bytes
Totals: 5 Items   7.5 kB 0
DPKG_MINI(1)                      dpkg utils                      DPKG_MINI(1)

       dpkg_mini - mini dpkg for kernel, maybe more

       dpkg_mini [ install remove and see below ] file(2).deb

       Is  not  a substitute nor good substitute for dpkg(8)  Works outside of
       any package or depends database paradigm.

       Can install and remove  only  simple  packages  (which  dpkg  can  also
       install  and  remove).  However!  dpkg_mini does Not register in system
       database, nor is there any prevention of actions since it doesn't,  and
       there is little checking.

       install extracts files contained into / (into system)

       remove removes files listed from / (from system)

       skel creates file.deb.skel in which data.tar.gz deleted and list.bz2 is
       added.  This new .skel can be use with  dpkg_mini  only  and  only  for
       remove.  It contains NO FILES the .deb did.

       explode  file.deb  dir does 'ar x', unzips files in directory dir.  Use
       'dpkg_mini implode' to put the pieces back togehter.

       implode file.deb dir (takes extra trailing arg dir) makes a quick  .deb
       from  directory  named.   (who's  subdirs  become  rooted  in / if ever
       installed or removed).  control  files  are  created  if  not  present.
       IMPORTANT:  moves files into .deb and removes directory if empty there-

       control copies control in package to stdout

       depends copies simplified dependancy list to  stdout.   simplification:
       only  first of any OR is shown and versions dependancies (>= 1.2-3) are

       check show percent installed

       configure run postinst with optional arg configure

       dpkg_mini [install remove skel implode  explode  control  list  depends
       installed configure] file(s).deb [dir] # not a substitute for dpkg

       Keep  package  because  'remove'  needs  it to do a remove.  In effect,
       *.skel acts as a mini installed/removal database if they are kept.

       Meets or exceeds Debian Standards-Version: 0.04   Use  only  one  [...]
       predicate.   Skel removes yes, but obviously keep orig. .deb unless you
       need the disk space and are sure remove only is all you need to keep.

       pre-release; not yet licensed

       John D. Hendrickson


dpkg_mini 1.0                     10 Dec 2011                     DPKG_MINI(1)

(the above was made by: man-tty-bland, 79 char width (normal terminal))

Source: README.txt, updated 2016-08-22