Home / v9.x
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
DPF.iOS.Native.Components.v9.6.1.zip 2015-11-29 5.5 MB
DPF.iOS.Native.Components.v9.6.0.zip 2015-11-28 5.5 MB
DPF.iOS.Native.Components.v9.5.0.zip 2015-04-09 5.4 MB
DPF.iOS.Native.Components.v9.4.5.zip 2015-02-26 5.4 MB
DPF.iOS.Native.Components.v9.4.1.zip 2015-02-12 5.3 MB
DPF.iOS.Native.Components.v9.3.0.zip 2015-01-24 5.3 MB
DPF.iOS.Native.Components.v9.2.8.zip 2015-01-16 5.3 MB
DPF.iOS.Native.Components.v9.1.0.zip 2014-12-20 5.3 MB
DPF.iOS.Native.Components.v9.0.0.zip 2014-10-09 5.2 MB
Totals: 9 Items   48.3 MB 1
D.P.F Delphi iOS Native Components ( D.P.F iOSNC )


(Special thanks to Sebastian Zierer)
v9.6.0 - 2015/11/28
  + Now Support Delphi XE10 Seattle
  + Added TDPFLocalAuthentication component 
  + Added pidiOSDevice64 in all components
  + Added ExposureMode feature in TDPFCamera
  + Added FocusMode feature in TDPFCamera
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController: access violation when deleting page at design time
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView crash on iOS64 (UITableView.setRowHeight needs CGFloat instead of Single)
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView: Cannot assign TSectionItem to TSectionItem
  - Fixed TDPFSegmentedControl: "Cannot assign TDPFSegmentedControlItem to TDPFSegmentedControlItem"
  - Fixed TDPFTableItemText.SetText
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView.OnGetNumberOfRowsInSection should honor numberOfRowsInSection
  - Fixed TDPFQLPreviewController crash
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView section alignment
  - Fixed App Manager Crash
  - Fixed TDPFUIPageViewController page scrolling
  - Fixed Crash in TDPFApplicationManager on iOS 9.x

v9.5.1 - 2015/04/11
  - Fixed TDPFAVPlayer coded URL
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView compiling
  - Fixed DPFAVPlayer.Open Encode/Decode URL

v9.5.0 - 2015/04/10
  + XE8 support ( is now the minimum supported Delphi version. )
  + Added TDPFDateTimeComboBox Clear method
  + Added TDPFTabBarProperty.BarTintColor property
  + Added TDPFSearchBar.MaxLength property
  - Fixed TMFMessageComposeViewController crash on send message
  - Fixed set TDPFSearchBar.ShowsScopeBar on runtime

v9.4.5 - 2015/02/26
  + Added TDPFAVAudioRecorder (Microphone Component)
  + Added TDPFDatePicker.MinuteInterval property 
  + Added TDPFImageView.ResizeImage 
  * Improved: TDPFQRCodeScanner now uses FMX ScreenOrientation
  - Fixed TDPFAVPlayer.StartPlayList once play

v9.4.1 - 2015/02/12
  + Added TDPFHttp.PutData function
  + Added TDPFUITableView.OnCellClick Event
  + Added TDPFUITableView.OnCellLongClick Event
  + Added EKRecurrenceRule in EventKit
  + Added TDPFSegmentedControl change title font
  + Added TDPFAddressBook add contact to AddressBook
  + Added Visible Property in TTDPFSegmentedControlItem
  - Fixed TDPFUIViewController set RootViewController
  - Fixed GetCarrierInfo crash when Carrier not found!
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController crash on resize (Thanks Gordon Hamm)
  - Fixed Removing Shadow
  - Fixed TDPFQLPreviewController Hide Toolbar
  * Improved FacebookSlideMenu

v9.3.0 - 2015/01/25
  + Added SaveBitmapInAlbum & SaveImageInAlbum funcs
  + Added SaveToAlbum Demo
  + Added Execute for Popover in TDPFUIActionSheet for iPad (by Graham)
  - Remove some warnings

(Special thanks to Sebastian Zierer)
v9.2.8 - 2015/01/17
  + New Component: TDPFQRCodeScanner
  + New Component: TDPFViewControllerEvents
  + New Component: TGrandID
  + Added BarCode Demo
  + Added TDPFiOSBaseControl: CreateUIControl, DestroyUIControl, UpdateUIControlPosition
  + Added TDPFUIPrintPageRenderer Component
  + Modified TDPFiOSBaseControl: preparations in order to clean up usage of "Loaded" functions
  + Modified TDPFiOSBaseControl: call UpdateUIControlPosition if position of native control needs to be updated
  + Added TDPFApplicationManager.OnInterfaceRotated
  * Changed TDPFApplicationManager: adapted to XE7; allow multiple instances of TDPFApplicationManager
  - Fixed TDPFImagePickerController save video to PhotosAlbum
  - Fixed TUIToolBar startup position
  - Fixed TDPFProgress startup position
  - Fixed TDPFSegmentedControl startup position
  - Fixed TDPFPickerView startup position
  - Fixed TDPFMapView crash on zoom
  - Fixed some demo minor bugs
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController Bar Height
  - Fixed Fixed Crash UIViewController
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController Margins

(Special thanks to Sebastian Zierer)
v9.1.0 - 2014/12/20
NOTE: XE7 (Strongly Recommended Update 1) is now the minimum supported Delphi version.
  + Added TDPFMapView.CoordinateToPoint
  + Added TDPFMapView.PointToCoordinate
  + Added TDPFUILabel.BaseLineAdjustment
  - Fixed TDPFUIImagePickerController ReduceImageSize in Delphi XE7
  - Fixed Access violation in TTableViewDelegate.tableView
  - Fixed TUIToolBar mouse clicks in Windows
  - Fixed TUIToolBar memory leak
  - Fixed TableViewCustomViewFrame Demo Reotate & Resize

(Special thanks to Sebastian Zierer)
v9.0.0 - 2014/10/09
  + Added DPF.iOS.Common DisposeOfNil
  + Added TDPFButton: basic runtime support on Windows
  + Added TDPFImageView: basic runtime support on Windows
  + Added TDPFSlider.Orientation property
  + Added TDPFSlider.IsTracking function
  + Added TDPFSlider.DoTouchDown/DoTouchUp protected function
  + Added TDPFSlider basic runtime support on Windows
  + Added TDPFToolbarItem ModalResult property
  + Added TDPFToolbar basic runtime support on Windows
  + Added TDPFUIActionSheet.Execute method. This shows the action sheet as modal dialog.
  - Fixed TDPFToolbarItem BarItems are lost when reopening form or when running application
  - Fixed TDPFToolbarItem leaks FBitmap and Font at design time or when running in windows
  - Fixed TDPFToolbarItem click event: needs exception handling before returning control to the Cocoa framework
  - Fixed assigning TDPFSlider.ThumbImage at runtime
  - Fixed TDPFSlider.ThumbImage Highlighted state
  - Removed TDPFSlider automatic height because the Slider Thumb looks cropped in iOS 7 or when using custom thumbs
  - DPF.iOS.Common: NSStrToStr should check for nil (Delphi does that, so a function with the same name should do that, too)
  - Fixed TDPFUIView Resize method in Delphi XE7
  - Fixed TDPFUIViewController Resize method in Delphi XE7
  - TDPFCheckBox: fixed bitmap memory leaks
  - TDPFTabBarController: fixed unexpected changes to page indexes
  - TDPFTabBarController: fixed ActivePageIndex
  - TDPFTabBarController: selecting Pages now works at designtime and when running on Windows
  - Modified DPF.iOS.Dispatch: prevented linking against the iOS 8 framework
  * Improved component positioning (for example when rotating)
  * TDPFFont: Added "Assign" method
v8.9.6 - 2014/09/12
  + Added Delphi XE7 Support
  + Added TDPFMapView.ZoomBy method
  + Added TDPFUserDefaults.Synchronize
  - Fixed TDPFMapView.GetCurrentLocation Access violation
  - Fixed TDPFMapView.GetUserLocationVisible Access violation
  - Fixed TDPFMapView.setCenter incorrect longitude value
  - Fixed TDPFUIViewController.SetFrame Access violation id contain none DPF control
  - Fixed TDPFMapView first time load custom image
  - Fixed Access violation if TDPFActionSheetButtonItem title is empty
  - Fixed TDPFUICollectionView Selected Item
  - Fixed TDPFToolbar.CreateBarButtonItem Access violation if image is empty
  * improved TDPFMapView.ZoomIn
  * improved TDPFMapView.ZoomOut

v8.9.1 - 2014/05/23
  + Added TDPFMapView TileOverlayType (Apple, Google, OpenStreet)
  + Added TDPFMapView Draw Custom Image
  + Added TDPFMapView OnDrawCustomImage event
  + Added TDPFUIScrollView BouncesZoom property 
  + Added TDPFUIScrollView MaximumZoomScale property 
  + Added TDPFUIScrollView MinimumZoomScale property 
  + Added TDPFUIScrollView GetUIScrollView function
  + Added TDPFUIScrollView viewForZoomingInScrollView Event

v8.7.4 - 2014/05/18
  + Added DPFAddressBook GetAddressBookList method
  + Added SelectedSegment property to TDPFSegmentedControl
  + Added SelectedSegmentText property to TDPFSegmentedControl
  + Added Animated parameter in Apply function in TDPFSegmentedControl
  + Added TagNative property in TDPFiOSBaseControl
  + Added ViewWithTag function in TDPFiOSBaseControl
  + Added SelText property in TDPFTextView
  + Added LoadFromMemoryStream in TDPFImageView
  + Added GetUIViewController function in TDPFNavigationControllerPage
  - Fixed iAd height
  - Fixed TDPFTabBarController empty Badge
  - Fixed DPFUITableView.OnGetRowHeight not fire in VirtualMode
  - Fixed DPF Template for XE6
  - Fixed GetAppVersion on XE6
  - Fixed crash TDPFPopOver on iPad
  - Fixed DPFADBanner half showing on XE6
  - Fixed AlertView showing on Simulator

v8.5.2 - 2014/05/03
  + Added Delphi XE6 Support
  + Added TDPFUICollectionView Component
  + Added TDPFMapView.RemoveAllAnnotation Method
  + Added TDPFMapView.RemoveAllOverlays Method
  + Added property TagStr to TDPFSegmentedControlItem
  + Added TMKMapView AddAnnotation TagStr Parameter
  + Added TMKMapView OnAnnotationClick PAnnotationInfo Parameter
  + Added TMKMapView OnAnnotationCalloutClick PAnnotationInfo Parameter
  * Change RateApp store path to /Library/Preferences folder
  - Fixed TDPFUITextView setText
  - Fixed TDPFUIView height when align eq left,right,..
  - Fixed InAppPurchase compile error
  - Fixed Shadow Position
  - Fixed Touch & Drag Buttun
  - Fixed Combobox show items

v8.3.1 - 2014/03/25
  + Added TDPFNavigationController BarBackgroundColor (iOS 7)
  + Added TDPFSearchBar BackgroundColor (iOS 7)
  + Added TDPFiCloud (iCloud Sync)
  + Added TDPFUITableView Handled parameter in OnDrawCell event
  + Added TDPFUITableView Handled parameter in OnApplyFrameData event
  + Added TDPFPickerViewItem Font Property
  + Added TDPFPickerViewItem Width Property
  + Added TDPFPickerViewItem Height Property
  + Added TDPFPickerViewItem BackgroundColor Property
  + Added TDPFPickerViewItem TextColor Property
  + Added TDPFPickerViewItem TextAlignment Property
  * Improved TDPFSegmentedControl change Image & Title
  - Fixed TDPFPickerView Clear & ReLoaded functions
  - Fixed TDPFPickerView SelectedRow value
  - Fixed TDPFMapView crash ZoomLevel < 3
  - Fixed Memory Leak in FUIImageView Assign BitMap

v8.2.7 - 2014/02/09
  + Added TDPFMapView OnDidUpdateUserLocation (latitude,longitude,speed,...)
  + Added TDPFMapView OnDidStopLocatingUser
  + Added TDPFMapView OnWillStartLocatingUser
  + Added TDPFMapView OnDidFailLoadingMap
  + Added TDPFMapView OnDidFinishLoadingMap
  + Added TDPFMapView OnStartLoadingMap
  + Added TDPFMapView OnZoomChanged
  + Added TDPFMapView OnPolygonClick
  + Added TDPFMapView OnPolylineClick
  + Added TDPFMapView OnCircleClick
  + Added TDPFMapView OnAnnotationClick
  + Added TDPFMapView OnAnnotationCalloutClick

v8.2.2 - 2014/02/07  
  + Added TDPFNavigationController BarBackgroundImage
  + Added TDPFViewController OnReceiveMemoryWarning event
  + Added TDPFViewController OnPreferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation event (iOS7)
  + Added TDPFViewController OnPrefersStatusBarHidden event (iOS7)
  + Added TDPFViewController OnPreferredStatusBarStyle event (iOS7)
  + Added TDPFComboBox Clear method
  + Added TDPFInAppPurchase RestoreCompletedTransactions
  + Added TDPFInAppPurchase productIdentifier in OnUpdatedTransactions
  - Fixed TDPFUIView & TDPFUIViewController height in iOS 7
  - Fixed TDPFKeyboard position
  - Fixed StoreKit PurchaseProduct crash on OnUpdatedTransactions

v8.1.6 - 2014/01/28
  + Added TDPFCamera AudioRecord property 
  - Fixed StoreKit PurchaseProduct not working on iOS6.x
  * Improved TDPFCamera

v8.1.4 - 2014/01/27
  + Added TDPFMapView setCenter
  + Added TDPFMapView AddCircle
  + Added TDPFMapView AddPolyLine
  + Added TDPFMapView AddPolygon
  + Added TDPFMapView Custom AddAnnotation
  - Fixed TDPFCamera cancel cause continue converting
  - Fixed TDPFiOSBaseControl SetAlpha
  - Fixed Some components not work on iOS 6.x
  - Removed TDPFButton OnTouchesBegan Event
  - Removed TDPFButton OnTouchesEnded Event
  - Removed TDPFButton OnTouchesMoved Event
  - Removed TDPFButton TapDelay Property
  - Removed TDPFButton DoubleTapDelay Property
  * Moved OnAppSettingChanged event to TDPFUserDefaults OnUserDefaultsChanged

v8.0.1 - 2014/01/25
  + Added TDPFUITableView OnScrollBeginDragging Event
  + Added TDPFUITableView OnScrollEndDragging Event
  + Added TDPFUITableView StopScroll
  + Added TDPFLabel capitalizedString	
  + Added TDPFUserDefaults
  - Fixed TDPFSlideDialog Direction state
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController HidesBackButton
  - Fixed TDPFHttp.ConnectionCancel sometime cause crash app!
  - Fixed TDPFUIActionSheet Memory Leak
  - Fixed TDPFTabBarController ItemImage load crash
  * Removed TDPFLabel NumberOfTapsRequired property
  * Removed TDPFLabel NumberOfTouchesRequired property
  * Removed TDPFUIView NumberOfTapsRequired property
  * Removed TDPFUIView NumberOfTouchesRequired property
  * Removed TDPFImageView NumberOfTapsRequired property
  * Removed TDPFImageView NumberOfTouchesRequired property
  * Removed TDPFImageView DelaysTouchesBegan property
  * Removed TDPFImageView DelaysTouchesEnded property
  * Removed TDPFGLKView DelaysTouchesBegan property
  * Removed TDPFGLKView DelaysTouchesEnded property
  * Removed TDPFGLKView CheckReceiveTouch property
  * Removed TDPFGLKView NumberOfTapsRequired property
  * Removed TDPFGLKView NumberOfTouchesRequired property
  * Removed All Extra Enabled Property
  * Removed TDPFUIActionSheet TitleFont (cause memory leak)
  * Improved TDPFImageView ActivityIndicator

v7.9.6 - 2014/01/20
  + Added Settings Bundle Demo
  - Fixed DPF IDE Expert menu
  * Improved TDPFRateApp

v7.9.5 - 2014/01/19
  + Added TDPFSlideDialog TextPadding
  + Added TDPFDateTimeComboBox OnCloseComboBox
  + Added TDPFComboBox OnCloseComboBox
  + Added TDPFiOSBaseControl PanSimultaneously
  + Added TDPFiOSBaseControl PanRecognizerShouldBegin
  + Added TDPFiOSBaseControl PanVelocitySensitivity
  + Added TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController OnDidEnterFullScreen event
  + Added TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController OnDidExitFullScreen event
  + Added TDPFRateApp Component 
  + Added TDPFInAppPurchase ShowProductInAppStore (for Product Info, Rate, ...) iOS6 and Later
  + Added TDPFTextView DisableActions property (disable select, cut, copy ...)
  + Added TDPFLabel Padding property
  + Added TDPFLabel OnTouchesBegan event
  + Added TDPFLabel OnTouchesEnded event
  + Added TDPFLabel OnTouchesMoved event
  + Added TDPFLabel OnDoubleClick event
  + Added TDPFImageView OnTouchesBegan event
  + Added TDPFImageView OnTouchesEnded event
  + Added TDPFImageView OnTouchesMoved event
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer setVolume 
  - Fixed TDPFInAppPurchase buy product crash when in Purchasing sate
  - Fixed TDPFHttp XE4 compile error
  - Fixed TDPFAVPlayer OnOpenStatus return code
  * Improved isURLExists for checking both Local and Remote URLs
  * Changed TDPFHttp OnReceiveError to OnError

v7.8.1 - 2014/01/11
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer PlayItems property
  + Added TDPFMailCompose CanSendMail function 
  + Added TDPFUIView BecomeFirstResponder
  + Added TDPFUIView ResignFirstResponder
  + Added TDPFUIView OnRemoteControlReceived event (Lock screen remote controls!)
  + Added TDPFUIView CanBecomeFirstResponder property
  + Added FDPFHttp OnCanAuthenticate // accept SSL connection for untrusted certificates!
  + Added TDPFTextView OnBeginEditing
  + Added TDPFTextView OnEndEditing
  + Added TDPFTextView OnShouldClear
  + Added TDPFTextView OnShouldReturn
  + Added TDPFTextView OnDidBeginEditing
  + Added TDPFTextView OnDidEndEditing  
  + Added TDPFNavigationController Pop last ViewController
  + Added TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController to play file:// url
  + Added TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController OnPlaybackStateChanged event
  + Added DPF.iOS.Common getPlatform function
  + Added iOSNSOperationQueue Demo 
  - Fixed TDPFPickerView pinned 162 warning
  - Fixed TDPFAVPlayer crash when ReleaseDevice
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController raise register TDPFButtonDelegate
  - Fixed TDPFToolbar raise register TDPFButtonDelegate
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController NavbarButton Color
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController create duplicate buttons
  - Fixed TDPFMailCompose canSendMail native API
  * Improved TDPFKeyboard events
  * Changed TDPFProgress value property to Progress
  * Removed TDPFSlideDialog Direction property and added in Show method
  * Removed TDPFSlideDialog TextMessage property and added in Show method
  * Removed TDPFAVPlayer Playlist property
  * Removed TDPFAVPlayer PlayListSource property

v7.5.4 - 2014/01/04
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer Torch/Flash 
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer Pause and Resume functions!
  + Added TDPFUIImagePickerController SaveToAlbum property
  + Added TDPFUIImagePickerController UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum
  + Added TDPFUIImagePickerController UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum
  + Added TDPFCamera UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum
  + Added TDPFImageView addImageOverImage 
  + Added TDPFImagePickerController OnResizeImage (resize image after picking!)
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer ConvertToMP4Quality property
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer ThumbnailImageForVideo
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer Check Microphone Permisseion in iOS7 and later
  + Added TDPFHttp OnFinishLoading Event
  + Added TDPFButton BackgroundColorSelected property
  + Added TDPFHttp POST data (Form Fields, Files, ...)
  + Added TDPFHttp OnSendProgress Event
  * Changed TDPFHttp OnProgress to OnReceiveProgress
  - Fixed TDPFAVPlayer crash when not permission! (iOS7)

v7.4.6 - 2013/12/28
  + Added TDPFImageView FileOutSideApp property
  + Added TDPFImagePickerController AnimateModal Property
  + Added TDPFImagePickerController OndidFinishPickingUIImage Event
  + Added TDPFImagePickerController OndidFinishPickingSavedImage Event
  + Added TDPFImagePickerController OnDidCancel Event
  + Added TDPFButton OnDoubleClick Event
  + Added TDPFUITableView.DeleteRow
  + Added TDPFKeyboard OnKeyboardWillShow Event
  + Added TDPFKeyboard OnKeyboardWillHide Event
  + Added TDPFSlider OnTouchDown Event
  + Added TDPFSlider OnTouchUp Event
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer OnStatusChanged Event
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer OnPlaybackBufferEmptyChanged Event
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer OnPlaybackBufferFullChanged Event
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer OnPlaybackLikelyToKeepUpChanged Event
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer OnError Event
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer OnItemError Event
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer OnOpenStatus Event
  + Added DPF.iOS.Common.isURLExists function (check is file or ... exists!)
  + Added TDPFPickerView RefreshNeeded
  - Fixed TDPFHttp sendSynchronousRequest 
  - Fixed TDPFButton System types (iOS7)
  - Fixed TDPFImageView TapGestureRecognizer memory leak
  - Fixed TDPFGLKView TapGestureRecognizer memory leak
  - Fixed TDPFLabel TapGestureRecognizer memory leak
  * Improved CABasicAnimation class

v7.1.8 - 2013/12/23
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController bkTitle ButtonItemKind click event
  - Fixed Form not Show when AutoResizingmask is true
  * Improved ActionSheet for calling system modal views!

v7.1.5 - 2013/12/17
  - Fixed TDPFImageView crash
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView crash

v7.1.2 - 2013/12/11
  - Fixed MFMailComposeViewController onlick after closing!

v7.1.1 - 2013/12/11
  + Wrapped CoreBluetooth.framework
  + Wrapped Accounts.framework
  + Wrapped ASIdentifierManager.framework
  - Fixed MFMailComposeViewController crash when no mail accounts!
  - Fixed MFMailComposeViewController memory leak

v7.0.0 - 2013/12/01
  + Wrapped GameKit Framework
  + Added TDPFGameCenterManager ( GameCenter )
  + Added TDPFDateTimeComboBox PickerMode, TimeZoneType, LocaleType, CalendarType, MinimumDate, MinimumDate Properties
  - Fixed TDPFButton Highlighted/Selected/Disabled background color

v6.9.7 - 2013/11/26
  + Added TDPFDatePicker MinimumDate property
  + Added TDPFDatePicker MaximumDate property
  - Fixed TDPFKeyboard toolbar position in iOS6

v6.9.4 - 2013/11/25
  + Added TDPFKeyboard Component
  + Added TDPToolbar iOS7 Background Color (barTintColor)
  + Added MakeScreenshot function
  + Added TDPFTextField Editable property
  + Added TDPFDateTimeComboBox PickerToolbarVisible property
  + Added TDPFComboBox PickerToolbarVisible property
  - Fixed TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController crash when no file play!
  - Fixed TDPFComboBox Enabled
  - Fixed TDPFDateTimeComboBox Enabled
  - Fixed TDPFCamera Crash multi thread
  - Removed TDPFApplicationManager HideKeyboardDoneButton property
  - Removed TDPFApplicationManager HideKeyboardToolbar property

v6.8.5 - 2013/11/22
  + Added TDPFCamera OnConvertProgress Event
  - Fixed CreatePDFfromUIView
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController iOS7 Back Button 
  - Fixed TDPFCamera Crash in repeat recording
  - Fixed TDPFCamera Some Memory Leak
  - Fixed TDPFInAppPurchase Fetch Products crashing.

v6.7.1 - 2013/11/18
  + Added TDPFCamera Component (Capture Video + Audio / Native API / Convert to MP4)
  + Added touchesBegan Event to TDPFUIView
  + Added touchesMoved Event to TDPFUIView
  + Added Painter Demo
  + Added TDPFiOSBaseControl Scale property (For some controls)
  + Added TDPFUITableView OnSectionClick Event (Custom Header)
  + Added TDPFUIImagePickerController Video Capture
  + Added MobileCoreServices consts
  * Wrapped GameKit framework
  - Fixed TDPFADBanner Startup position
  - Fixed TDPFMapView low memory crash

v6.4.1 - 2013/11/05
  + Added TDPFGLKView Component
  + Added TDPFAlertView Set Focus
  + Added OnDoubleClick Event to TDPFUIView
  + Added OnTouchesEnded Event to TDPFUIView
  * Change TDPFUITableView BackgroundImage in runtime
  * Improved TDPFUITableView to add controls into cell

v6.2.8 - 2013/10/29
  + Added Drawing in UIView
  + Added UILocalNotification 
  + Added TDPFUITableView.Options.SelectedColor Property
  + Added TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController MovieScalingMode Property
  + Added TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController ShowInView Property
  + Added TDPFUIViewController OnDidRotateFromInterfaceOrientation
  + Added TDPFUIViewController Orientations Property
  + Added Alpha Parameter to TColorToUIColor
  + Added TDPFInAppPurchase Component
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController ButtonItemKind is bkImage
  - Fixed TDPFEKCalendar GetAllEvents event Identifier
  + Wrapped Store Kit Framework Reference

v6.0.0 - 2013/10/23
  + Added DPF.iOS.NSTimer Component
  + Added PanGestureRecognizer to TDPFiOSBaseControl
  + Added Facebook Slide Menu Demo
  + Added TDPFHttp OnReceiveDataStream Event
  + Added DownloadFile Demo
  + Added TDPFQLPreviewController.OnShouldOpenURL Event
  + Added TDPFUITableView.IndexListBackgroundColor Property
  + Added TDPFUITableView.IndexListTextColor Property
  + Added TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController Close method
  + Added TDPFUITableView  SearchItemCount Property 
  + Added TDPFButton TextShadowColorNormal Property
  + Added TDPFButton TextShadowColorHighlight Property
  - Fixed TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController Stop method
  - Fixed TDPFButton.TDPFContentVerticalAlignment  
  - Fixed TDPFButton.TextColorHighlight
  - Fixed TDPFButton.TextColorNormal
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView Category Search

v5.9.6 - 2013/10/19
  + Added TDPFEKCalendar RemoveEvent
  + Adedd TDPFEKCalendar AddOrEditCalendarEvent
  + Added TDPFImageView GetColoredImage method
  + Added Movie Control Style to TDPFMPMoviePlayerViewController
  + Added TagDateTime to TDPFiOSBaseControl
  + Added ShouldStart to TDPFWeb.OnRequest event
  + Added RequestURL to TDPFWeb.OnRequest event
  + Added TDPFUITableView.TableItem Category ( Search Scope )
  + Added TDPFLabel AutoSizeToFit Property
  * Improved TDPFSlideDialog multi line text
  * Improved TDPFLabel BackgroundImage To Fit  

v5.8.4 - 2013/10/12
  + Added DPF.iOS.CacheManager Library
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer Close method
  + Added TDPFHttp URLRequestCache property
  + Added TDPFHttp OnProgress Event
  + Added TDPFImageView OnProgress Event
  + Added TDPFImageView NSURLCache using
  + Added TDPFSlideDialog Close method
  + Added UIView & UIViewController fit background image
  + Added SuckEffect Animation
  + Added RippleEffect Animation
  - Fixed TDPFHttp bad url error
  - Fixed TDPTableView Header View Memory Leak
  - Fixed TDPFActionSheet Memory Leak
  - Fixed Show TDPFSLComposeViewController

v5.5.2 - 2013/09/24
  + Adde TDPFUITableView Designtime UI (by Fenistil)
  + Improved TDPFSlideDialog
  + Improved TDPFImageView Image loading
  - Fixed TDPFImageView load corrupt file
  - Fixed XE4 $D1 compile error

v5.4.8 - 2013/09/21
  + Added TDPFSlideDialog Component
  + Added TDPFNavigationController setModalTransitionStyle
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer PlayInBackground Property
  + Added Play Audio in Background Demo
  + Added TDPFActivityIndicatorView isAnimating property 
  - Fixed Some bugs

v5.2.1 - 2013/09/19
  + Support Delphi XE5
  + Added TDPFUITableView AutoScrollLoop
  + Added TDPFApplicationManager component
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer isPlaying / isStopped / isPaused functions
  - Fixed Crash TDPFImageView.free when Asynchronous Loading
  - Fixed some bugs. 
  - Fixed some memory leaks.

v5.0.0 - 2013/09/15
  + Added TDPFUIScrollView OnWillBeginDragging Event
  + Added TDPFButton SetHighlightedWithDelay
  + Added TDPFButton TintColor
  * Improved TDPFButton to add child control
  - Removed TDPFTextField Editable Property
  - Removed TextAlignment Property
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView setEditingAccessoryType setting
  - Fixed Some bugs

v4.8.5 - 2013/09/09
  + Added New ComboBox Component
  + Added New DateTime ComboBox Component
  + Added TDPFWeb LoadFromFile
  + Added TDPFSegmentedControl TintColor Property
  + Added TDPFToolbar->TUIBarButtonItem TintColor Property
  + Added TDPFUITableView ScrollsToTop property
  + Added TDPFUITableView Horizontal Scrolling
  + Added TDPFUITableView OnPageChanged Event
  * Changed TDPFTableViewItemOnGetRowHeight RowHeight type to single
  * Changed ClipsToBounds default value to True
  - Fixed TDPFDatePicker some memory leak
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView Header/Footer height

v4.6.2 - 2013/09/08
  + Added TDPFADBanner Component (iAd Framework Needed)
  + Added UISearchBar DesignTime UI (by Fenistil)
  + Added TDPFUITableView RefreshControl Demo
  + Added TDPFUITableView ClearSelectedRows
  + Added TDPFUITableView GetSelectedRows
  + Added TDPFUITableView VirtualMode
  + Added TDPFButton ContentHorizontalAlignment
  + Added TDPFButton ContentVerticalAlignment
  + Added TDPFTextField TextFormat Property
  + Added TDPFFont BoldSystemFontSize
  + Added TDPFUIActionSheet add custom Buttons
  + Added PlaySystemSound ( play all system sounds )
  * Improved TDPFUITableView Custom Frame Performance
  * Improved TDPFUITableView Custom View Performance
  * Removed TDPFUITableView.TTableItem.Frame
  - Fixed TDPFTextView Text Setting
  - Fixed TableView Indexbar 
  - Fixed TableView SearchBar
  - Fixed TableView Custom View memory leak
  - Fixe TableView Crash when select none visible row
  - Fixed CheckBox OnClick on Device 
  - Fixed UINavigationController Selected ActivePage

v4.2.0 - 2013/09/01
  + MPVolume DesignTime UI (by Fenistil)
  - Fixed Shadow layer
  - Fixed TableView Some Memory Leak

v4.1.0 - 2013/08/30
  + Added TDPFUIView OnItemDeSelect Event
  + Adde Change Cell Accessory on Select Or DeSelect Row
  - Fixed SlideUpDown Demo Form Loading
  - Fixed TableView 1 Demo Form Loading
  * Changed TableView OnItemSelect Evenet Parameters

v4.0.0 - 2013/08/30
  + Added Project Wizard (File->New->Other->D.P.F Delphi iOS Native Components) (Thanks Tyson Stephen)
  + Added TDPFSearchBar ( TableView searching )
  + Added PDF Export Functions
  + Added TDPFCheckBox Component
  + Added Slide UP/DOWN Demo
  + Added Basic Authentication to TDPFHttp
  + Added TDPFHttp Set HTTPBody
  + Added TDPFLabel OnClick Event
  + Added TDPFUIView CheckReceiveTouch property
  + Added TDPFUITableView OnCanMoveRow Event
  + Added TDPFUITableView OnCanMoveFromRowToRow Event
  + Added TDPFUITableView OnAfterMoveRow Event
  + Added TDPFUITableView.TDPFTableViewOptions TextFont Property
  + Added TDPFUITableView.TDPFTableViewOptions DescriptionFont Property
  + Added TDPFTextField Maxlength Property
  + Added TDPFTextView Maxlength Property
  + Added TDPFTextView SearchKind (skStartsWith, skContains)
  + Added TDPFTextView DeSelectRow Method
  + Added TDPFNavigationController HidesBackButton property
  + Added TDPFUIPageControl DesignTime UI (by Fenistil)
  - Fixed TDPFUIViewController Level BackgroundImage higher than BackgroundColor
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController ToolbarVisible stored
  - Fixed Click Event in Some Child Controls
  - Fixed ActivityIndicator change color
  - Fixed BaseControl.Shadow And BaseControl.CornerRadius 
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView Move row from section to section
  - Fixed TDPFUIViewController resizing in Retina Devices
  - Fixed Controls Set Visible
  - Fixed call TDPFHttp.GetUrlContentData with parameter
  - Fixed TDPFTabBarController infinit loop
  - Removed Visible Property From TableItem

v3.5.1 - 2013/08/26
  + Added UIActivityIndicatorView AutoHide After n Sec
  + Added TDPFTableView Move Rows  
  + Added TDPFTableView.TSectionItem.Items default keywork
  + Added TDPFTableView.TTableItem.Items default keywork
  + Added TDPFTableView OnAccessoryButtonTapped Event (AccessoryType=tvcaDetailDisclosureButton)
  + Added TDPFTableView.Row property
  + Added TDPFActivityIndicatorView DesignTime UI (by Fenistil)
  - Fixed BaseControl.CornerRadius 
  - Fixed BaseControl.BorderWidth
  - Fixed BaseControl.BorderColor
  - Fixed TDPFButton Font Size
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController.ToolbarVisible not stored
  - Removed HidesWhenStopped property of TDPFActivityIndicatorView
  - Removed Label Property of TDPFActivityIndicatorView
  * UIScrollView.ReCalc Moved to public
  * Improved TDPFUIPageControl

v3.2.9 - 2013/08/20
  - Fixed Compile Error on Device

v3.2.8 - 2013/08/20
  + Added TQLPreviewController (Document Viewer, PDF, PNG, ...)
  + Added TDPFPopover
  + Added TDPFToolbarItem Font Property
  + Added TDPFNavigationController Designtime UI (Thanks Fenistil)
  - Fixed TDPFDatePicker display in iPad
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationControllerPage page Prompt
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView crash IndexList

v3.0.0 - 2013/08/16
  + Added MKMapView Routing / Direction
  + Added Indexed Bar To TDPFUITableView
  + Added Frame property TDPFUITableView.TableItem (Custom cell view)
  + Added BitMap property TDPFUITableView.TableItem
  + Added DEFINE iOS6 for using iOS 6 features
  + Added UIRefreshControl To TDPFUITableView (iOS 6 and later)
  + Added Select Tableview Row Programmatically
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController NavBar height on orientation
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController toolbar button width
  - Fixed crash TDPFAddressBook RequestAccess
  - Fixed TDPFEKCalendar iOS 6 requestAccess
  - Fixed TDPFAddressBook iOS 6 requestAccess
  - Fixed TDPFTabBarController.ActivePageIndex selected value

v2.8.5 - 2013/08/10
  - Fixed BaseControl ChangeParent
  - Fixed Button incorrect resizing (thanks to Fenistil)
  - Fixed Button setMasksToBounds for highlighted

v2.8.4 - 2013/08/10
  + Added Map Location by Address with Zoom
  - Fixed Toolbar registration

v2.8.0 - 2013/08/09
  + Added Toolbar to TDPFNavigationController
  + Adedd TDPFPickerView Designtime UI (thanks to Fenistil)
  + Added TDPFTabBarController Designtime UI (thanks to Fenistil)
  * Improved TDPFUIScrollView (thanks Tyson)
  - Fixed TDPFNavigationController Page Title when no button
  - Fixed Button font size (Ticket #22)
  - Fixed TDPFUIActionSheet message in landscape mode
  - Fixed TDPFUITableView cell  tvcsValue1 and tvcsValue2 (Ticket #21)

v2.7.0 - 2013/08/08
  * Improved TDPFNavigationController Designtime UI
  + Added ScrollView OnPageChanged
  - Fixed TextAlign in designtime
  - Fixed Visible property in BaseControl (Ticket #15)
  - Fixed Autoscroll timer crashing.
  - Fixed Hash FileName path
  - Fixed TDPFTableView SetSeparatorColor
  - Fixed Draw controls reposition in Designtime

v2.6.0 - 2013/08/05
  + Added Embbeded Frame To TDPFUIView (no need use FM forms)
  + Added Embbeded Frame To TDPFUIViewController (no need use FM forms)
  - Fixed Enabled property in BaseControl
  - Fixed DPFUIActionSheet delegate conflict with other controls
  - Fixed crash when openning some demo projects.
  - Fixed TDPFTabBarController wrong setting PageIndex property
  - Fixed some Objective-C interface definitions.
  - Fixed SLComposeViewControllerCompletion result typecast error.

v2.4.4 - 2013/07/31
  - Fixed some components not showed in tool palette

v2.4.3 - 2013/07/31
  + Added TDPNSOperationQueue for manage Asyc requests
  + Added set ActivePageIndex in TDPFUIPageViewController
  + Added SetFocus To Controls
  + Added TDPFTableView Header Extra properties
  + Added TDPFTableView Footer Extra properties
  - Fixed bug in Embbeded UIView & UIViewController with More than 2 Level
  - Fixed TDPFSLComposeViewController wrong serviceType
  - Fixed crashed when TDPFButton set ForgroundImage to null
  - Fixed crashed when TDPFButton set BackgroundImage to null 
  - Fixed Bug in TDPFButton.Destroy
  - Fixed Bug damaged cached image files in TDPFImageView (Reload again)
  - Fixed SetBorderWidth & SetBorderColor

v2.2.1 - 2013/07/26
  + Added many buttons on left side TDPFNavigationController
  + Added many buttons on right side TDPFNavigationController
  + Added Change button color in TDPFNavigationController
  + Added Runtime change Navigation left & Right Button ButtonSystemItem property
  + Added Runtime add Navigation button to TDPFNavigationController
  + Added Runtime delete Navigation button from TDPFNavigationController

v2.1.6 - 2013/07/25
  + Added EditedType property to TDPFUIImagePickerController
  * Changed most controls Free -> DisposeOf
  + Added FormChanged to TDPFUIView 
  + Added FormChanging to TDPFUIView & TDPFUIViewController
  + Added Runtime change ToolbarButton ButtonSystemItem property
  + Added Runtime add Toolbar button
  + Added Runtime delete Toolbar button
  + Optimized HTTP component ASync option

v2.0.1 - 2013/07/23
  + Added TDPFAVPlayer component (Audio Player Local & URL)
  + Added TDPFProgress component
  + Added TDPFSLComposeViewController for sharing (facebook, Twitter) ( required iOS 6.0 and later)
  + Added TDPFActivityViewController for sharing (Mail, Message, copy, facebook, Twitter, ...)
  + Added TDPFUIImagePickerController (From Camera & Library)
  + Added PageChanged Event to TDPFUIPageViewController
  + Added Font to TDPFTextField
  + Added BackgroundImage to TDPFUITableView
  + Added BackgroundImage to TDPFLabel
  + Added BackgroundImgge to TDPFTextField
  + Added HideKeyboardOnReturn to HideKeyboardOnReturn
  + Added CellEdit Property to TDPFTableView
  + Added AllEdit Property to TDPFTableView

v1.9.5 - 2013/07/21
  + Added OnClick Event on TDPFUIView
  - Fixed TDPFUIButton Roundrect botder style background color,
  * Improved TDPFTextField
  * Improved TDPFTextView
  * Improved GUI 

v1.9.4 - 2013/07/20
  + Added FormChanged Event To TDPFUIView & TDPFUIViewController
  + Set DesignTime Font Default
  - Fixed DisposeOf CustomViews in TDPFTableView
  + Added SetBounces to TDPFUIScrollView
  - Fixed blank bar on TDPFNavigationController  
  * Improved TDPFNavigationController properties & events
  - Fixed TDPFPageViewController deploying on Device
  * Improved TDPFPageViewController

v1.9.1 - 2013/07/18
  + Added Design time Graphic User Interface ( thanks Fenistil )
  + Added Customizable UITableView ( with demo )
  + Added Auto Smooth Scroll in UITableView (UP/DOWN)
  + Added UIActionSheet Component 
  + Added UIActionSheet Demo
  * Change TDPFTabBarItem base class from TDPFiOSBaseControl - > TDPFUIViewController
  - Fixed Embbeded From in TDPFUIViewController, TDPFUIView
  * Optimized SetAnimationTransition for UIView & UIViewController
  + Added UITableView.cell BackgroundColor Property
  + Added UIImageView Image Caching
  + Added Slide Transition to all controls
  + Added Shadow to all Controls if it possible in iOS
  + Added Border to all Controls if it possible in iOS
  + Added LoadFromString to TDPFWeb
  - Fixed UIFont release bug
  - Fixed Embbeded Form Client Size
  - Fixed Embbeded Form Bug when deploy on Device

v1.8.2 - 2013/07/14
  + Added AdjustsImageWhenHighlighted property to UIButton
  + Added Embbeded Form To UIViewController
  + Added Set Shadow property on runtime
  + Added Font Property To DPFiOSBaseControl (Apply to all controls)
  + Added Selected, Highlited property to UIButton
  + Added TabBar Visible property to UITabBarController
  - Fixed UITabBarController Wrong PageIndex, ActivePageIndex setting 
  - Fixed UITabBarController Item PageIndex Stored in dfm
  - Fixed Fixed tvsGrouped style in DPFUITableView
  - Fixed some memory leaks
  - Fixed UIView Background image (mirrored)
  - Fixed Bug Toolbar some items onClick event

v1.8.0 - 2013/07/12
  + Added UIDatePicker with (11 Calendar And 533 Locale)  With Demo
  + Added UIAlertView Component ( Customized ) With Demo
  + Added UINavigationController Component With Demo
  - Fixed TDPFUIButton Set title on none titled style
  + Added SizeToFit property to TDPFUIButton
  + Added Form Wrap Slide Transition ( Thanks Diego Molina )
  + Added hasNotes to EKCalendar
  - Fixed bug on get Calendar No Notes items
  - Fixed some memory leaks
  - Fixed Embbeded View Froms some bugs
  + Optimized source code

v1.7.5 - 2013/07/10
  + Added UIPickerView Component (Multiple Column)
  + Added UIPickerView Multiple column Demo
  + Added Embedded Form Property to UIView
  + Remove painting controls in runtime
  + Added Animation to TabBarControler all items

v1.7.2 - 2013/07/09
  + Added UIWeb Component
  + Added WebView Demo
  + Added TabBar Panel in Designtime
  + Added TabBar Background color
  + Added TabBar Background image
  + Added Load image Async into UIImageView 
  + Added UIActivityIndicatorView to UIImageView Async loading
  + Added UserInteraction for all controls
  + Added Border to UIImageView
  + Added Shadow to UIImageView
  + Added Corner to UIImageView
  + Added OnClick to UIImageView

v1.7.0 - 2013/07/08
  - Fixed TDPFSegmentedControl SelectedIndex OnChange property ( Thanks Diego Molina )
  + Added Animatiobn Demo ( Thanks Diego Molina )
  + Added UITabBarController Component
  + Added UITabBarController Demo
  * Improved Toolbar Demo ( Left, Center, Right Buttons )
  * Improved UIView capability

v1.6.8 - 2013/07/07
  + Added UIToolbar component
  + Added UIToolbar Demo
  + Added ScrollType property to UIScrollView
  * Free objects improved

v1.6.6 - 2013/07/06
  - Fixed Compiling UIImageView in win32
  + Add Attachment file (any MIME type) to MailCompose component

v1.6.5 - 2013/07/06
  * Wrapped MFMessageComposeViewController class
  + Added MessageCompose component
  + Added MessageCompose Demo (Sending Message)
  * Improved & Fixed leak memory HTTP component
  + Added LoadFromFile and SaveToFile to UIImageView
  + Added SetImage from TBitMap
  + Added Transition Animation to controls 
  - Fixed MapView Demo raise exception

v1.6.0 - 2013/07/05
  * Wrapped AddressBook.framework (ABPeoplePickerNavigationController)
  + Added TDPFAddressBook component
  + Added AddressBook Demo (Select person from Contacts)
  * Wrapped MFMailComposeViewController class
  + Added MailCompose component
  + Added MailCompose Demo (Sending eMail)
  + Added TextField Keyboard type

v1.5.4 - 2013/07/03
  + Added UIButton Custom Background Color
  * Improved Design Time Controls Painting
v1.5.3 - 2013/07/03
  * Added Notes, Location, Identifier to EKCalendarItem // Thanks Massimo Caroccia ( carmas123 ) for helping
  + Added Movie Player Component (Both Local File & URL)
  + Added TabBar Component ( Under Construction )
  + Added HTTP Component
  + Added HTTP Component Demo 
  + GetURLContent for getting URL Content in iOS

v1.5.1 - 2013/07/01
  - Fixed package compile error

v1.5.0 - 2013/07/01
  * Wrapped MapKit.framework
  + Added MapView Component
  + Added MapView Show User Location Demo
  + Added UIButton text alignment
  + Added UIView transparent background color
  - Fixed components Design Time positions.

v1.4.7 - 2013/06/29
  * Improved EventKit for iOS 6 ( Using requestAccessToEntityType )
  - Fixed TableView Footer & Header Location
  - Remove Toolbar Property from UITableView
  + Added OnInsert to UITableView
  + Added OnDelete to UITableView
  + Added OnEdit to UITableView
  + Sync VCL Position with iOS control
  + Sync VCL Scale with iOS control
  + Added Item Description
  + Added Item Title Font
  + Added Item Description Font
  + Added TableView SelectionStyle
  * Improved EventKit functionality
  * Improved TableView functionality

v1.4.0 - 2013/06/27
  + Added UILabel with Demo
  + Added UISegmentedControl with Demo
  + Added UISlider with Demo
  + Added UIStepper with Demo
  + Added UISwitch with Demo
  + Added UIImageView with Demo

v1.3.2 - 2013/06/26
  - Fixed AddCalendarEvent function.

v1.3.1 - 2013/06/26
  * Removed All Extra Units
  * Wrapped EventKit.framework
  + Added EKEvent
  + Added EKAlarm
  + Added EKEventStore
  + Added EKCalendarItem
  + Added Calendar Alarm Demo 

v1.1.0 - 2013/06/23
  * Added UITableView

v1.0.1 - 2013/05/16
  * The first release of iOSNC
  * Added UIButton
  * Added UITextField
  * Added UITextView
  * Added UIView
  * Added UIPageControl

Source Code: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dpfdelphiios/
© 2011-2014 Dadeh Pardazane Faragir (D.P.F). All rights reserved.
Source: readme.txt, updated 2015-11-28