Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Source 2016-02-14
Win32 Builds 2016-02-14
Linux Builds 2015-08-15
evodoc.conf 2016-02-14 2.3 kB
README.txt 2016-02-14 3.4 kB
Totals: 5 Items   5.7 kB 0
Document Evolution - README

NOTE:  If you are using Windows, you will need to download the freeglut library DLL.

In Simulation Commands
Universal Commands
c - Turn on general command mode
i - Turn on interactive mode
d - Turn on display mode
F1 - Display help menu
F2 - Turn on predator modification mode

General Commands
c - Turn on / off general command mode
q - Quit simulator
s - Save simulator status
u - Turn on / off interface updates
space - Pause / unpause simulation
up/down - Speed up / slow down simulation

Interactive Commands
i - Turn on / off interactive mode
e - Infect a creature with the flu (epidemic)
f - Add food to the grid
h - Add an herbivore to the grid
p - Add a predator to the grid
s - Infect a creature with an STD
t - Put toxin in the air
up/down - Increase / decrease temperature

Display Commands
d - Turn on / off display mode
a - Turn on / off displaying of all creatures
f - Turn on / off food
g - Turn on / off gender
h - Turn on / off hearing range
o - Turn on / off orientation
s - Turn on / off creature stats
v - Turn on / off vision
Mouse Click - Turn on / off display of individual creature

Predator Commands
F2 - Turn on / off predator modification mode
v - Turn on vision modification mode
b - Turn on strength (brawn) modification mode
s - Turn on speed modification mode
h - Turn on hearing modification mode
up/down - Modify currently selected trait for modification up or down

Command Line Parameters
--std_retention # Number of cycles an STD lasts
--plant_reproduction # How long until a plant goes to seed
--plant_regeneration # How long until an eaten plant regrows
--vision # Starting vision distance (in pixels) for animals
--herbivores # Starting herbivores in the grid
--food # Starting pieces of food in the grid
--litter_size # Starting number of children born at a time
--sexual_maturity # Age of child before they can start mating
--sexual_impotence # Age of creature to stop mating
--age_limit # How long a creature can survive
--temperature # Starting temperature of the game
--climate_upper # Upper limit of the environment's temperature
--climate_lower # Lower limit of the environment's temperature
--starvation_level # How long until a creature starves to death
--speed # How fast is the creature (in pixels per round)
--hunger_difference # The difference between starving to death and hunger
--starvation_difference # The difference between starving and starving to death
--gestational_period # How long a creature carries a baby
--flu_duration # Number of cycles the flu lasts
--heat_limit # The upper limit of what a creature can survive in
--cool_limit # The lower climate limit of what a creature can survive in
--strength # The strength of a creature (applicable to carnivores)
--armor # The defensive ability of a creature (applicable to herbivores)
--hearing # Distance of hearing capability (in pixels)
--dump_status Dump the status to a text file as the program runs
--carnivore_present Is a carnivore present at the beginning of the program
--temperature_shifting # How often we shift the temperature at random
--generational_report # How often we dump a report (count by generations)
--dump_toxin # How often do we dump toxin into the air
Source: README.txt, updated 2016-02-14