Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
DNase2Hotspots_README.rtf 2014-03-14 5.0 kB
mappability_mm9_35mers.zip 2012-12-05 140.6 MB
example_data.zip 2012-12-05 1.1 MB
dnase2hotspots.tar.gz 2012-12-05 29.4 kB
Totals: 4 Items   141.7 MB 0
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\f0\fs30 \cf0 DNase2Hotspots README\

\fs24 \cf0 Last updated: November 2, 2012\

\b \cf0 \uc0\u8232 Current Maintainer
\b0 : Songjoon Baek 	{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "%22mailto:"}}{\fldrslt \cf2 \ul \ulc2 baeks@mail.nih.gov}}\cf3 \

\b \cf0 License
\b0 : GNU General Public License, v 3.0\
\cf0  \

\b \cf0 Introduction\

\b0 \cf0 \
 DNase2Hotspots is a software package for identifying tag-enriched genomic regions (hotspots) from DNase-seq data.  The program reads a BAM (Binary Alignment Map) file or a tab-delimited text file as input and produces a list of hotspots and associated z-scores as output.  Mappability profiles for the reference genome and repeat-masked regions are also required as input.   
\fs20 \

\fs24 \

\b \cf0 Reference\

\b0 \cf0 Baek S, Sung MH, Hager GL.: Quantitative analysis of genome-wide chromatin remodeling.\
Methods Mol. Biol. 833: 433-41, 2012.\

\b \cf0 \

\b0 \cf0 The software has been tested on Linux Ubuntu 11.10, Mac OS X 10.7, and Microsoft Windows 7.\

\b \cf0 \

\b0 \cf0 \
\ls1\ilvl0\cf0 1.	At least 4 GB of RAM \
2.	BamTools (
\fs20 https://github.com/pezmaster31/bamtools
\fs24 )\
\cf0 \

\b \cf0 Installation\

\b0 \cf0 \
\cf0 1. Make a folder and unzip DNase2Hotspots.zip file into the folder. \
2. Specify \'91include\'92 and \'91lib\'92 directories after BAMTOOL_INCLUDEDIR and BAMTOOL_LIBDIR in \'91Makefile\'92.\
3. Type \'91make\'92 in the command shell to compile \'91dnase2hotspots\'92.\
\cf0 \

\b \cf0 Usage\

\b0 \cf0 \
\cf0 Example:\
   $ dnase2hotspots  example_1.cfg \
\'91example_1.cfg\'92 is a text file containing locations of data files, mappability files, and options.  Two example configuration files are included in the package.\

\b \cf0 Mappability \
\cf0 \

\b0 \cf0  A k-mer mappability file of a chromosome is a binary file that has, at each n\super th\nosupersub  byte position of the file, the occurrence frequency (values between 0 and 255) of the 5\'92-directional k-mer (starting at the position of the chromosome) in the reference genome.   Mappability files can be generated by a mappability mapping program developed by the Gerstein lab at Yale University (gerstein.org) as part of the PeakSeq package (http://archive.gersteinlab.org/proj/PeakSeq/Mappability_Map/Code/).   The filenames of the mappability profiles must be in the form of \'93Chromosome name\'94+\'94b.out\'94 such as  \'93chr1b.out\'94, \'93chr2b.out\'94, etc.
\fs20 \
Source: DNase2Hotspots_README.rtf, updated 2014-03-14