Home / Linux / 1.6.0_Alpha(061107)
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dimdim_160_Alpha_061107_2.tar.gz 2007-06-11 34.6 MB
dimdim_linux_web_meeting_user_guide_1_6_061107_1.pdf 2007-06-11 1.7 MB
dimdim_linux_rpm_readme_1.6_0_061107.txt 2007-06-11 12.5 kB
dimdim_linux_readme_1.6_0_061107.txt 2007-06-11 15.7 kB
dimdim_160_Alpha_061107.rpm 2007-06-11 17.8 MB
Totals: 5 Items   54.1 MB 0
Readme – RPM package of Dimdim

Installation of dimdim-1.6-1.i386.rpm:

1.	From http://sourceforge.net/projects/dimdim/, download the rpm package - dimdim-1.6-1.i386.rpm
2.	Login as ‘root’
3.	Copy the downloaded file dimdim-1.6-1.i386.rpm to say /usr/src directory. If this src directory is not there, create the directory
 	      #mkdir /usr/src
4.	Open a terminal window and run the following
                   #cd /usr/src
             #rpm -ivh dimdim-1.6-1.i386.rpm
	  Or you can directly go to terminal and run the command
                     #rpm -ivh /usr/src/dimdim-1.6-1.i386.rpm
5.	On successful installation of the rpm package, dimdim-1.6 directory will be created under /usr/local/
	a.	If the jre version is less than 1.5.x, the rpm install of dimdim will fail. The message will be 
        	error: Failed dependencies:
	        jre >= 1.5 is needed by dimdim-1.6-1.i386
6.	The parameters that will be configured during install are as follows:
	a.	In server.xml, port is configured as port="8080" under block <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector -->
	b.	In dimdim.properties, 
		i.   dimdim.serverAddress is configured to machine's IP address
		ii.  dimdim.serverPortNumber is configured to 8080
		iii. email.server is configured to smtp.atlarge.net
		iv.  email.user is configured to invitation.communiva
		v.   email.password is configured for the invitation account
		vi.  email.sender is configured to invitations@dimdim.com
		vii. email.PORT is configured to 25
		viii.email.EMAIL_SUBJECT is configured to “has invited you to a Dimdim web meeting.”
		ix.  email.EMAIL_FROM is configured to invitations@dimdim.com
		x.   email.EMAIL_REPLY_TO is configured to invitations@dimdim.com

		1.	This is not interactive currently and in case you wish to change ip address or port number - you need to go to server.xml and 				dimdim.properties and change manually. 
		2.	If there is another web server binding/running in the same port as dimdim server, either dimdim port has to be configured to bind to 			different port or stop the other web server and run dimdim server.
			After any changes made in the mention of the above files, restart of the dimdim server is required. 
			To stop the dimdim server, from terminal, 
				# /usr/local/dimdim-1.6/dimdim stop 
			To start the dimdim server, from terminal,
				# /usr/local/dimdim-1.6/dimdim start 

	c.	In wrapper.conf, wrapper.java.command is configured to $jrepath/bin/java available in the machine, where $jrepath is the JRE Installation                    Path on the machine.
                 example: wrapper.java.command=/usr/java/jre1.5.0_08/bin/java 

7.	At the end of the install, the dimdim server will be started automatically. If the service fails to start, please go through the readme.txt located in /usr/local/dimdim-1.6/ 

Verifying dimdim-1.6-1.i386.rpm installation:

1. rpm -qa | grep dimdim
        This will list the dimdim package that is installed. The output will show as 

Uninstall of dimdim-1.6-1.i386.rpm:

1. rpm –e dimdim-1.6-1
       This will stop the dimdim server and remove the directory dimdim-1.6 from /usr/local

Post-Install Configuration and Maintenance:

For manual configuration after installation, please refer to the instructions on 

If JRE not available:
1) Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Download and Installation
        1) Download latest JRE for Linux Platform from 
        2) Please refer http://cruisenews.net/install_java_on_redhat_9.html for 
       detailed JRE Installation instructions.

1.0) Configure Dimdim Conference Server:

Configuring dimdim server requires editing 4 different text files. It is necessary 
that the dimdim conference server be stopped and re-started before and after changing 
any of the configuration files. The detail of server administration are provided in 
the following section. However; it is not necessary to stop the server if you are 
configuring the server for the first time. 
1.1) server.xml
This configuration file is used by the Apache Tomcat server. It is actually located at 

However for the sake of convenience we have created a symbolic link to the file under 
{$DIMDIM_HOME} directory. Please follow the steps to modify the relevant properties 
in this configuration file.

	#cd /usr/local/dimdim-1.6
	#vi server.xml 

1.1.1) Port:
The port to which the server binds to is specified by providing a correct value to the 
"Connector port" attribute. By default the attribute has value "8080" which 
after the change should look like
	e.g. Connector port="80"
The modified block will look like

    <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector -->
      < port="80" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
       maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
       enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
       connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />

1.2) dimdim.properties
This file contains all the information required by all different components of the dimdim 
conference server and has a name=value format. This file is actually located at 

However for the sake of convenience a symbolic link to the file has been provided in the
DIMDIM_HOME directory. Please follow the following steps to change the relevant properties in 
this configuration file.

	#cd /usr/local/dimdim-1.6
	#vi dimdim.properties

1.2.1) dimdim.serverAddress:
dimdim.serverAddress creates the basis of the URL with which users can access the dimdim 
conference server. It is important to note that this name/address should be resolved by 
the DNS from which the user is accessing the server. And although it is possible to use the 
same address provided in section 4.1.1 - it's recommended that you provide a more friendlier 
name that resolves to the correct IP address. The default value of the property is 
dimdim.serverAddress= “Your machine address” and after modification should look like

	e.g. dimdim.serverAddress=www1.dimdim.com
	e.g. dimdim.serverAddress=
1.2.2) dimdim.serverPortNumber:
This property is used to form the URL by which users access the dimdim conference serverThe value of this property should be exactly same as the value of "Connector port" attribute configured in section 4.1.2.The default value of the property is dimdim.serverPortNumber=8080 and after modification should look like

	e.g. dimdim.serverPortNumber=80

1.2.3) Dimdim conference server uses a set of properties to let the user describe the SMTP credentials. These credentials are required by the server while sending meeting invites. The set consists of five different properties and a typical configuration should look like
	    email.server=<smtp server address> 
	    email.user=<smtp user name>
	    email.password=<smtp user password>
	    email.sender=<full email address of the above user> 
	    email.PORT=<smtp port number>

1.3) wrapper.conf:
This file is used by the dimdim script that allows user to start / stop and monitor the server. 
This file is actually located at {DIMDIM_HOME}/dimdim/ConferenceServer/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/conf/.
However for the sake of convenience a symbolic link to the file has been provided under 
DIMDIM_HOME directory. Please follow the following steps to change the relevant properties in 
this configuration file.

	#cd /usr/local/dimdim-1.6
	#vi wrapper.conf 

The wrapper.java.command property is the only one that requires the change. The property denotes the absolute path for the java executable. The default value for the property is wrapper.java.command=$jrepath/bin/java which after the change should look like

	e.g. wrapper.java.command = /usr/java/jre1.5.0_03/bin/java

2.0) Configure Dimdim Streaming Server (For Adavnced Users):

Dimdim Conference Server is shipped with 1 instance of Streaming Server out of which is activated by default.

To add more servers one needs to do the following steps:
a) copy the directory server1 under dimdim/StreamingServerCluster as serverN where N is the number 
of the streaming server (e.g. server2, server3).

	#cd /usr/local/dimdim-1.6/StreamingServerCluster
	#cp -R server1 server2

b) Now edit the serverN/conf/red5.properties to change to rtmpt port field (called "rtmpt.port") to set the port number at which this server instance shall listen.

A thumbrule is to use 30000+N where N is the server number (server2 => N = 2)

	#vi conf/red5.properties
and edit the rtmpt.port field to read like:


c) Now edit the serverN/webapps/dimdimPublisher/red5-web.properties to set the virtual hosts as<rtmpt-port> and localhost:<rtmpt-port>. For example if we set the port of server2 in the previous step to 30002 then :

	#vi server2/webapps/dimdimPublisher/red5-web.properties

and make the second line read:

webapp.virtualHosts=*, localhost, localhost:30002,

Repeat this process with N=3,4,5 etc. to create more instances of the streaming server.

User can modify the number of active Streaming Servers by modifying the dimdim.red5.config.count in the Red5Config.properties file. This file is actually located at {DIMDIM_HOME}/ConferenceServer/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/resources/.
However for the sake of convenience we have created a symbolic link to the file under DIMDIM_HOME directory. Please follow the following steps to change the relevant properties in this configuration file.

	#cd /usr/local/dimdim-1.6
	#vi Red5Config.properties 
The default value for the dimdim.red5.config.count is "count" which after the modification should look like

	e.g. dimdim.red5.config.count=2

3.0) Administrating Dimdim Conference Server

3.1) Start Dimdim Conference Server
Please follow the following steps to start the conference server.

	 #cd /usr/local/dimdim-1.6
	 #./dimdim start
It takes approximately 5-10 seconds to start the conference server on a typical configuration. and the server is started as the detached daemon process.The output of the start command looks like

	Starting Dimdim Conference Server...
You can verify the status of the server by specifying status command (Refer Section 3.3). However to functionally verify if the server has indeed started correctly; start the browser from the command line with 
http://<dimdim.serverAddress>:<dimdim.serverPort> (e.g. http://conference.dimdim.com).If you can see the welcome page that means the server has started properly.

You can also verify the status of the server by using status command described in next section.

3.2) Stop Dimdim Conference Server
Please follow the following steps to stop the conference server
	 #cd /usr/local/dimdim-1.6
	 #./dimdim stop
It could take few seconds for the dimdim script to stop the server and the typical output 
from the command looks like 

	Stopping Dimdim Conference Server...
	Waiting for Dimdim Conference Server to exit...
	Waiting for Dimdim Conference Server to exit...
	Waiting for Dimdim Conference Server to exit...
	Waiting for Dimdim Conference Server to exit...
	Waiting for Dimdim Conference Server to exit...
	Stopped Dimdim Conference Server.

3.3) Check Dimdim Conference Server Status
Please follow the following steps to check the status of the conference server
	 #cd /usr/local/dimdim-1.6
	 #./dimdim status
It could take few seconds for the dimdim script to check the server status and the typical 
output from the command looks like 

	Dimdim Conference Server is running (15810).

To stop and start the dimdim server, from terminal, 
# /usr/local/dimdim-1.6/dimdim stop 
# /usr/local/dimdim-1.6/dimdim start
Source: dimdim_linux_rpm_readme_1.6_0_061107.txt, updated 2007-06-11