Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
register.apk 2012-04-02 107.1 kB
README 2012-04-02 2.3 kB
Totals: 2 Items   109.4 kB 0
	copy the *.apk file onto your android device and open
	it with a file browser or such


1. Register list
	Upon starting the program a list of registers will apear.
To start using one just click on it. If there are no registers, you 
will have to create one. To create a new register, either click on the
empty space below the list, or press the menu button an select 'create new'.
To edit an existing register, do a long press on the register.

2. Edit a register
	Write the name (required) and description of the register and 
modify the people connected to the register. To add new people to the register
press 'add person'. To remove a person from the register just click on the desired 
person, so that the check box will be unchecked.

3. Add people
	This shows a list of all people in the database who aren't connected to the
current register. To find a specific person, either scroll down the list, or start
writing their name in the text box at the top. To create a new person, press on the 
new person button, or simply write their name in the text box at the top and press
'save' - the latter creates a new person and automaticlly adds them to the register

4. the register
	if the register has only just been created, or to be precise,
has no people or events, then you will be prompted to add people and/or
envents before you can actually get to the register. When that is done
a spreadsheet will be shown with events on the top, and people on the left.
At the top are 6 buttons, which are used to respectly input a string of characters
(for example 'yes', 'no'), input one character, increment a number, decrement a
number, clear a cell and change the background colour of a cell. To change the
value input, long press the specified button (in the case of inc. and dec. you
can specify by how much the underlying number should be incremented or
decremented). To edit a person or event, long press. Events can be grouped into
event groups (which can also contain event groups). To create one, add an event
and select 'event group'. To add an event to an event group, first click on the
event group (or any event belonging to that group), and then press 'add event'.
The currently selected event group can be recognised by its light blue colour.

Source: README, updated 2012-04-02