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Dia2Code v. 1.0.0


This program generates code for many languages from an UML Dia Diagram.


This program is a small utility that makes code from a Dia diagram. Supported
target languages are: C++(99,11), C#, Java, PHP5.
Starting version 1.0.0, the program was completely rewritten in C++.
Target languages still to be ported from the dia2code-0.8.x C implementation are:
ActionScript3, Ada, C, Python, Ruby, shapefiles, and SQL create statement files.

Its intended purpose is to ease the programmer's work by generating
the structure of the classes in an Object Oriented language
(like C++, Java and C#) from a graphical representation of them
(a Dia Diagram).


Dia2Code generates C++(99,11), C#, Java, PHP.
Templates and packages are supported.
In the future, it will be able to generate ActionScript, Ada, C, IDL, Python, Ruby,
shape files, and SQL's CREATE TABLE statements.
For the time being, if you require any of these languages, please continue to use
the dia2code-0.8.x C based implementation.

The generation of #include and import directives is automatically done
considering the types used in each class but they may be added by dependencies.
Classes are automatically searched in the types of:
attributes, method's return types, method's parameters, parents, dependencies
and associations.

Dia2Code handles Associations, Dependencies, Realizations, Implements and

Feel free to have a try and send me your comments.


This program is distributed under the GNU GPLv3.
Read the COPYING file for details.


Works under Linux (i386 and x64) and Win32/Win64.
Feedback about other platforms is welcome.

- Dia (I work with 0.97.2 but older versions *may* be OK).
- libxml2 headers and development libraries (I use 2.9 but it *may* be
  OK if you use any version greater than 2.0).
- A C++ compiler which supports C++11 standard (>=gcc 4.6).
- automake and autoconf (actually, optional)



        $ ./configure --with-corba

        $ make

        $ make check

        # make install

Read the INSTALL file for details.

If that doesn't work for you, try (from the src's dia2code directory):

        $ g++ -std=c++11 -I/usr/include/libxml2 *.cpp -O2 -o dia2codetest -lxml2 -I..

        $ strip dia2code

To cross-compiling from Linux (build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu):
        - To Win32, with package cross-i686-pc-mingw32/gcc:
        # ./configure --disable-static --enable-shared --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=i686-pc-mingw32

        - To Win64, with package cross-x86_64-w64-mingw32/gcc:
        # ./configure --disable-static --enable-shared --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32

        - To Linux32:
        # ./configure --disable-static --enable-shared -m32

        - To Linux64:
        # ./configure --disable-static --enable-shared -m64


    $ dia2code <parameters>

Where <parameters> can be any combination of:

-h --help            Print this help and exit.
-d <dir>             Output generated files to <dir>, default is "."
--buildtree          Convert package names to a directory tree.
                     Imply -1. Off by default.
-l <license>         License file to prepend to generated files.
-nc                  Do not overwrite files that already exist.
-cl <classlist>      Generate code only for the classes specified in
                     the comma-separated <classlist>.
                     E.g: Base,Derived.
-v                   Invert the class list selection.  When used
                     without -cl prevents any file from being created.
--version            Show version x.y.z.
--tab <number>       Set number of spaces for one indentation.
                     Default: 4. Maximum: 8.
-ext <extension>     Use <extension> as the file extension.
                     Here are the defaults:
                     ada:"ads", c:"h", cpp:"hpp", idl:"idl",
                     java:"java", php:"php", python:"py",
                     Not applicable to shp, sql.
-bext <extension>    Use <extension> as the body (implementation) file
                     extension. Only applies to ada and c.
                     Here are the defaults:
                     ada:"adb", c:"c".
-nl                  Create new line on new brace. Off by default.
-1                   One header contains only one header. If two classes
                     have the same name, they will be overwritten without
                     Off by default but java.
-t <target>          Selects the output language. <target> can be one of:
<diagramfile>        The Dia file that holds the diagram to be read.

The only mandatory parameters are the diagram file name and the target.

Note: Parameters can be specified in any order.


    $ dia2code -t java test.dia

    Will generate the *.java files for the classes in the test.dia diagram
    and put them in the current directory.

    $ dia2code -t cpp -nc -d ~/C++ hw.dia

    Will generate the *.cpp and *.h files for the classes in the test.dia
    diagram and put them in the directory ~/C++. It won't overwrite any
    existant file.

    $ dia2code -t java -cl Base,Derived test.dia

    Will create the Java files only for classes "Base" and "Derived".

    $ dia2code -t cpp -cl B*,*Foo test.dia

    Will create the *.hpp files for classes that begin with "B" or
    end with "Foo".
    NOTE: You can only specify one asterisk and either at the beginning or end
    of the pattern.
    NOTE2: You may have to quote the asterisks when typing on the shell
    (e.g. "\*" instead of "*")

    $ dia2code -t cpp -cl Foo -v foobar.dia

    Will create C++ code for all classes but "Foo".

    $ dia2code -t cpp -v test.dia

    Will not create any files. Don't know if it may be useful, but it surely
    is syntactically correct.


What you should put into your diagram

These are mandatory:

- A non-empty class or package name.
- For each attribute, the name and type.
- For each method, the name.
- For each method's parameter, the name and type.

These are optional:

- The stereotype of the class.
- The default value of attributes.
- The default value of parameters.
- The return type of a method. If no type is declared, dia2code
  will output no type at all for it.


This section shows some examples of UML diagram converted to code without use
of stereotype.
Lines starting with double stars are comments to explain the process of the
generation of the code.

If -1 and --buildtree are not specified, the name of each file will be the
class name (if not in a package) and the name of the top package either.
If -1 or --buildtree is specified, the filename will be the class name.

C++ generator:
** The license if specified in command line (-l option).
File bit-by-bit.

** Header guard
#ifndef README__HPP
#define README__HPP

** Dependencies
#include "dependencies.hpp"

** Templates
template <type template>

** Namespace if classes are in package.
namespace package {
    ** Class with inheritance if necessary.
    class Class : public ParentClass {
        ** Visibility of the attribute / operation. Public, private, protected
        ** are supported. Implementation is not, default will be public.
        ** Attributes will be printed first, then operations.
        // Attributes
        ** Default values are ignored for attributes.
        public :
            ** Comments are in doxygen format.
            /// Comment for the first
            /// attribute.
            type1 nom1;
        private :
            /// Example of static attribute.
            static type2 nom2;
        protected :
            type3 nom3;
        // Operations
        public :
             * \class AbstractOperation
             * \brief Multiple line
             *        comment
            ** An abstract operation must not be defined thus " = 0".
            virtual AbstractOperation () = 0;
            ** A virtual operation must be defined in the source code.
            virtual VirtualOperation ();
            NonAbstractOperation ();
             * \brief comment
             * \param in (in)
             * \param inOut (in/out) comment2
             * \param undef (???)
             * \param out (out)
            virtual type test (type1 in, type2 inOut, type3 undef = 0, type4 out) = 0;
            static test2 ();
            test3 () const;

** End of header guard

C++11 generator:
** The license if specified in command line (-l option).
File bit-by-bit.

** Header guard
#ifndef README__HPP
#define README__HPP

** Dependencies
#include "dependencies.hpp"

** Templates
template <type template>

** Namespace if class are in package.
namespace package {
    ** Class with inheritance if necessary.
    public class Class : public ParentClass {
        ** Visibility of the attribute / operation. Public, private, protected
        ** are supported. Implementation is not, default will be public.
        ** Attributes will be print first, then operations.
        // Attributes
        ** Default values are ignored for attributes.
        public :
            ** Comments are in doxygen format.
            /// Comment for the first
            /// attribute.
            type1 nom1;
        private :
            /// Exemple of static attribut.
            static type2 nom2;
        protected :
            type3 nom3;
        // Operations
        public :
             * \class AbstractOperation
             * \brief Multiple line
             *        comment
            ** An abstract operation must not be defined thus " = 0".
            virtual AbstractOperation () = 0;
            ** A virtual operation must be defined in the source code.
            virtual VirtualOperation ();
            NonAbstractOperation ();
             * \brief comment
             * \param in (in)
             * \param inOut (in/out) comment2
             * \param undef (???)
             * \param out (out)
            virtual type test (type1 in, type2 inOut, type3 undef = 0, type4 out) = 0;
            static test2 ();
            constexpr test3 ();

** End of header guard

C# generator:

XML Documentation Comments

** The license if specified in command line (-l option).
File bit-by-bit.

** No header guard

** Dependencies
using dependencies;

** Templates
template <type template>

** Namespace if classes are in package.
namespace package {
    ** Class with inheritance and templates if necessary.
    public class Class <template> : ParentClass where template : type  {
        ** Attributes will be printed first, then operations.
        // Attributes
        ** Comments are in XML format.
        /// <summary>com1</summary>
        public type1 nom1 = val1;
        private static type2 nom2;
        protected type3 nom3 = val3;
        // Operations
        public abstract AbstractOperation ();
        public virtual VirtualOperation ();
        public NonAbstractOperation ();
        /// <summary>comment</summary>
        /// <param name="in">(in)</param>
        /// <param name="inOut">(in/out) comment2</param>
        /// <param name="undef">(???)</param>
        /// <param name="out">(out)</param>
        /// <returns>type</returns>
        public abstract type test (type1 in, type2 inOut, type3 undef = 0, type4 out);
        public static test2 ();
        ** There is no const function in C#.
        public test3 ();

Java generator:
Convention naming:

Packages: all-lowercase ASCII letters and should be one of the top-level domain
names, currently com, edu, gov, mil, net, org, or one of the English two-letter
codes identifying countries as specified in ISO Standard 3166, 1981.

Classes or Interfaces:
Class names should be nouns, in mixed case with the first letter of each
internal word capitalized.
class Raster;
class ImageSprite

Methods should be verbs, in mixed case with the first letter lowercase, with
the first letter of each internal word capitalized.
run ();
runFast ();

Except for variables, all instance, class, and class constants are in mixed
case with a lowercase first letter. Internal words start with capital letters.
Variable names should not start with underscore _ or dollar sign $ characters,
even though both are allowed.
int             i;
char            c;
float           myWidth;

The names of variables declared class constants and of ANSI constants should be
all uppercase with words separated by underscores ("_").
static final int MAX_WIDTH = 999;

** The license if specified in command line (-l option).
File bit-by-bit.

** No header guard

** Dependencies
import Dependencies;

** If class are in package.
package Pack;

** Class with inheritance and templates if necessary.
public class Class <template extends type> extends ParentClass {
    ** Attributes will be printed first, then operations.
    // Attributes
    ** Comments are in doxygen format.
     * comment.
    public type1 nom1 = val1;
    private static type2 nom2;
    protected type3 nom3 = val3;
    // Operations
    public abstract AbstractOperation ();
    public VirtualOperation ();
    public final NonAbstractOperation ();
     * comment
     * @param in (in)
     * @param inOut (in/out) comment2
     * @param undef (???)
     * @param out (out)
     * @return type
    ** There is no default param in Java.
    public abstract type test (type1 in, type2 inOut, type3 undef = 0, type4 out);
    public static test2 ();
    ** There is no const function in Java.
    public test3 ();


Multiple stereotypes can be applied on each class, attribute, operation,
inheritance and dependence by separating them with a "," without space.
For example (without quotes): "interface,getset".

- Inheritance or Realization of an interface:

By default, all inheritances are public. Some languages, like C++, allow a
different visibility like protected or private.
Possible value: public, private, protected, implementation.

C++ and C++11 generator:
** The stereotype of Generalization (or Realizes) of three classes are public,
** protected and private.
** Implementation visibility is not applicable to C++ generator.
class InheritanceClasseChildren : public InheritanceClasseImplement, protected InheritanceClasseProtected, private InheritancePack1::InheritanceClassePrivate {

C# generator:
** Generalization are public only.
class InheritanceClasseChildren : InheritanceClasseImplement : InheritanceClasseProtected : InheritanceClassePrivate {

Java generator:
** In Java, Generalization are public only.
class InheritanceClasseChildren extends InheritanceClasseImplement extends InheritanceClasseProtected extends InheritancePack1.InheritanceClassePrivate {

- Classes:

  To enable Corba to a class, the stereotype must be CORBAValue.

  Generate all get/set functions of all attributes. Their visibility will be
  public. If you want to be able to customize the visibility of the functions
  or generate get/set only for specifics attributes, use instead GetSet
  stereotype on operation.

  A "T getA ();" method, with return type conformant to the type of the
  attribute. If the type of the attribute is boolean (boolean, Boolean or bool)
  then the name will be: "T isA ()".

  A "void setA (T value);" method, with a parameter, "value", with type
  conformant to the type of the attribute.

C++ generator:
** The stereotype of the class is GetSet.
// Stereotype : GetSet
public class GetSet {
    // Attributes
    private :
        char * nom;
        bool boole;
    // Operations
    public :
        char * getNom () const;
        void setNom (char * value);
        bool isBoole () const;
        void setBoole (bool value);

C++11 generator:
** The stereotype of the class is GetSet.
// Stereotype : GetSet
public class GetSet {
    // Attributes
    private :
        char * nom;
        bool boole;
    // Operations
    public :
        constexpr char * getNom ();
        void setNom (char * value);
        constexpr bool isBoole ();
        void setBoole (bool value);

C# generator:
// Stereotype : GetSet
public class GetSet {
    // Attributes
    public type nom;
    /// <summary>com2</summary>
    private bool boole;
    // Operations
    public type Nom {
        get {
        set {
    public bool Boole {
        get {
        set {

Java generator:
** The stereotype of the class is GetSet.
// Stereotype : GetSet
public class GetSet {
    // Attributes
    private char * nom;
    private bool boole;
    // Operations
    public char * getNom () {
    public void setNom (char * value) {
    public bool isBoole () {
    public void setBoole (bool value) {

const, constant, Const, Constant or CORBAConstant:
-----  --------  -----  --------    -------------


enum, enumeration, Enum, Enumeration or CORBAEnum:
----  -----------  ----  -----------    ---------

Generate an enum class. Only attributes will be used. Template or function are

C++ generator:
/// Comment of the enum
enum enumeration {
    /// Comment ENUM_1
    ENUM_1 = 0,
    /// Comment ENUM_2
    /// Comment ENUM_3

C++11 generator:
/// Comment of the enum
enum class enumeration {
    /// Comment ENUM_1
    ENUM_1 = 0,
    /// Comment ENUM_2
    /// Comment ENUM_3

C# generator:
/// <summary>Comment of the enum</summary>
public enum enumeration {
    /// <summary>enum1</summary>
    ENUM_1 = 0,
    /// <summary>enum2</summary>

Java generator:
 * Comment of the enum
public enum enumeration {
    /// Comment ENUM_1
    ENUM_1 = 0,
    /// Comment ENUM_2

struct, structure, Struct, Structure, or CORBAStruct:
------  ---------  ------  ---------     -----------

A structure is almost the same as a class.

C++ and C++11 generator:
** In C++, all attributes and operations are public.
/// Comment about the structure.
struct structure {
    // Attributes
    /// com1
    type1 nom1;
    /// com2-1
    /// com2-2
    type2 nom2;
    type3 nom3;
    // Operations
    void operation (type1 attr1);

C# generator:
public struct structure {
    /// <summary>com1</summary>
    public type1 nom1;
    /// <summary>com2-1
    /// com2-2</summary>
    public type2 nom2;
    public type3 nom3;
    public void operation (type1 attr1) {

Java generator:
** In Java, structure is not defined. The equivalent is a class.
 * Comment about the structure.
public class structure {
    // Attributes
     * com1
    public type1 nom1;
     * com2-1
     * com2-2
    private type2 nom2;
    protected type3 nom3;
    // Operations
    public void operation (type1 attr1) {

typedef, Typedef or CORBATypedef:
-------  -------    ------------

A typedef defines a type as a derivated of another one.
The name of the new type is the name of the classe.
The name of the derivated type is the name of the first attribute.
All other information is ignored.
Not applicable in Java.

C++ and C++11 generator:
#include "Pack.hpp"

typedef PrimitiveType NewType1;
typedef Pack::ClassType NewType2;

C# generator:
using Pack;

public class AliasOfMyClass : MyClass {}
public class ArrayOfBool : bool[3][10] {}

Java generator:
import Pack.ClassType;

class NewType1 extends PrimitiveType {}
class NewType2 extends Pack.ClassType {}

Define a external class. Usefull for external dependencies when you don't want
to generate the class' source.
IMPORTANT for C++ generator: because extern can define a system header <list>
or a header for another <Class.hpp>, no extension will be automatically added.
If a class implements such external class, the extension (if so) will be

C++ and C++11 generator:
#include <Pack/Class.hpp>

C# generator:
using Pack;

Java generator:
import Pack.Class;

interface, Interface:
---------  ---------
Define a interface. The class will be automatically considers as a interface if
a Realization or a Implementation link are pointing to it.

C++ and C++11 generator:
class Interface2 {

C# generator:
public interface Interface2 {

Java generator:
public interface Interface2 {

dllexport, DllExport:
---------  ---------
Force some signature to be store in a Microsoft Library Manager (lib).

C++ and C++11 generator:
class DllExport operations {
// Don't forget to add a #define:
// #define DllExport __declspec (dllexport)

C# generator:
Java generator:
PHP gerenator:
not supported

- Operation:

delete, Delete:
------  ------
In C++11, a deleted function must be defined in the header.
Not applicable in C# and Java.

C++ generator:
** In C++, there is no keyword for function hiding (as `delete` in C++11).
** So the common way to delete a function (like copy constructor) is to make
** the function private and not define it in source.
class operations {
    private :
        test5 ();

C++11 generator:
class operations {
    public :
        test5 () = delete;

C# generator:
** Not applicable in C#.
class operations {
    public test5 () {

Java generator:
** Not applicable in Java.
class operations {
    public test5 () {

This feature will generate the same output as GetSet for class except it will
respect the visibility of the operation. You also need to define the attribute.

dllexport, DllExport:
---------  ---------
Force some signature to be stored in a Microsoft Library Manager (lib).

C++ and C++11 generator:
class operations {
  DllExport test ();
// Don't forget to add a #define:
// #define DllExport __declspec (dllexport)

C# generator:
Java generator:
PHP gerenator:
not supported

- Attributes:

Some stereotypes are supported that all begin with "CORBA". These are:
CORBAConstant, CORBAEnum, CORBAException, CORBANative, CORBATypedef,
CORBAStruct, CORBAUnion, CORBAValue.
When generating IDL, the corresponding IDL syntax is generated for the UML
class. When generating other languages, a rough mapping from the IDL to the
other language is generated.

The following conventions are followed by the code generation for CORBA

Constant   First attribute's type contains the const type; first attribute's
           value contains the const's value. Everything else unused.
Enum       Attribute names contain the enum literals, everything else unused.
Exception  TODO.
Native     TODO.
Typedef    First attribute's type contains the original type;
           first attribute's value optionally contains the dimensions
           in case of an array. Everything else unused.
Struct     Attribute names and types contain the struct members.
           Everything else unused.
Union      First attribute's type contains the switch type. Only
           enum types are supported as the switch type.
           Following attributes contain the union cases as follows:
           Attribute value contains the switch value for the case
           (only exactly one value possible per case); attribute
           name and type contains the union member name and type
           for that case.
           Everything else unused.
Value      Use much like a normal class. Staticness not supported.

- Dependency:

NoLoop, noloop
------  ------
In C/C++, circular dependencies are really messy with include and only the user
can handle it. Adding a "NoLoop" stereotype will disable the "#include" for the



Dia2Code does not handle the "implementation" visibility for methods.
So when you have a class that implements a method that was declared
abstract in a base class, you have to give it the same visibility of the
parent class' method. The visibility of the method is not printed if it is
"implementation"; this may be a source of bugs.

Method's return type

If you leave the "type" entry in the method declaration empty, then no
type will be declared for it. This is useful with constructors, when the
return type is implicit (both in C++ and Java). If the return type is
void, you should explicitly declare it in the UML diagram.


The UML standard states that there are two ways of representing packages:
a large box with all the elements inside (Large Package in Dia) or a small box
(Small Package in Dia) to which the package's elements connect with a symbol
that Dia does not include: a line with a crossed out circle in the end of the
container. You can put a normal line with a "Coordiate origin" arrow at one
end, of course, and will be aesthetically correct, but of no use to Dia2Code.

Dia2code, currently, checks only for intersections of packages (Large or
Small) with other objects like classes and other packages, so it will
be mostly useful with diagrams that use Large Packages instead of Small


How it works:

1. Parse the diagram file with xmlParseFile().
2. Parse the tree generated in 1 for UML classes to build an
   umlclasslist (type defined here).
3. Parse the tree again for UML Generalizations, Realizations,
   Implements, Dependencies, Associations and packages to add information
   to the class list.
4. Generate the structure of the classes (write it into files)
   from the class list.

Steps 1-3 are done in parse_diagram ().
Step 4 is done in GenerateCode* ().
Both functions are called from main ().

Code Generators:

**IMPORTANT**: When a modification is done in a generator, BE SURE to do the
same with all generators if necessary.

A code generator (class derived from GenerateCode) is a class that takes 
reference to a DiaGram class.

The DiaGram class contains:
  - std::list <umlClassNode> uml; // a list of all class nodes.

The GenerateCode class contains:
  - DiaGram &   dia;           // a reference to a DiaGram class.
  - std::string license;       // file that contains the license.
  - std::string outdir;        // folder where to write the headers.
                               // empty for current folder.
  - std::string file_ext;      // extension of header.
  - std::string body_file_ext; // extension of body file (if usefull).

  - uint8_t     indent : 4; // number of space of each indent.
    uint32_t    getIndent () const;
    void        setIndent (uint8_t spaces);

  - bool        overwrite : 1; // allow overwriting existing file.
    bool        getOverwrite () const;
    void        setOverwrite (bool over);

  - bool        buildtree : 1; // create one folder for each package.
    bool        getBuildTree () const;
    void        setBuildTree (bool build);

  - bool        bOpenBraceOnNewline : 1; // open brace on new line.
    bool        getOpenBraceOnNewline () const;
    void        setOpenBraceOnNewline (bool newline);

  - bool        oneClassOneHeader : 1; // Only one class par header.
    bool        getOneClass () const;
    void        setOneClass (bool val);

New generator:

The new generator is a class that inherits from GenerateCode. All virtual
functions must be overridden. Developers can get an idea on how to write a
new generator by having a good look inside GenerateCodeCpp.cpp.

  - writeLicense ();
Write the license at the top of each header. The characters that start and end
multiple line comments must be added before and after the file.
The license is specified by the attribute license.

  - writeStartHeader (std::string & name);
Write the mechanism that avoids multiple inclusion (applies to C/C++).
  - writeEndHeader ();
Finish the mechanism that avoids multiple inclusion.

  - writeInclude (std::basic_string <char> name);
  - writeInclude (const char * name);
Write the instruction that includes a file (header).

  - writeFunctionComment (const umlOperation & ope);
Write the comment for a function and its parameters. Use well-known format.
C++ uses doxygen format.

  - writeFunction (const umlOperation & ope, int * curr_visibility);
Write the header of a function. The current visibility is used to avoid writing
it every time.

  - writeComment (const std::string & text);
  - writeComment (const char * text);
Write a single comment, not in the well-known format.

  - writeClassComment (const umlClassNode & node);
Write the comment for a class by using the well-known format.

  - writeClass (const umlClassNode & node);
Write the beginning of a class (name, inheritance and visibility).
  - writeClassEnd ();
End the class.

  - writeAttribute (const umlAttribute & attr, int * curr_visibility);
Write an attribute inside of a class.

  - writeNameSpaceStart (const umlClassNode * name);
Start a package.
  - writeNameSpaceEnd (const umlClassNode * node);
End a package.

  - writeConst (const umlClassNode & node);
Write a class which is a const type (stereotype "const", "constant" or

  - writeEnum (const umlClassNode & node);
Write a class which is an enum type (stereotype "enum", "enumeration" or

  - writeStruct (const umlClassNode & node);
Write a class which is an structure type (stereotype "struct", "structure" or

  - writeTypedef (const umlClassNode & node);
Write a class which is a typedef type (stereotype "typedef" or "CORBATypedef").

  - writeAssociation (const umlassoc & asso);
Write an association.

  - writeTemplates (
               const std::list <std::pair <std::string, std::string> > & tmps);
Write a template.

Add a new generator to the main program:
The following files need to be updated:
 - src/main.cpp:
     - add a new include at the top of the file with the header of the new
     - inside the variable const char *help, add the abreviation of the
     - inside the variable const char *bighelp, change -ext, -bext and -t
     - and finally add it inside the main loop, in "case 1".
 - src/Makefile.am:
     - add the source in dia2code_SOURCES,
     - add the header in EXTRA_DIST.
 - builds/vs-community-2013/dia2code.vcxproj
     - add the new source and header files.
     - add examples for classic usecases and for the different stereotypes.
 - tests/tests.sh:
     - add your new generator to generators.
And of course, don't forget to run "git add GenerateCodeXXX.?pp".


- Packages of classes are searched using the position and size instead of
  <dia:childnode parent="O0"/>


Javier O'Hara <joh314@users.sourceforge.net>
Source: README, updated 2017-01-07