Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
master 2014-11-01
README 2014-03-16 889 Bytes
Totals: 2 Items   889 Bytes 0
devel:  Releases matched against Deadbeef's development tree
master: Releases matched against Deadbeef's master tree

If you don't know which file to choose, try the latest package from the master directory.

In recent versions of DeaDBeeF, you have to enter "design mode" to be able to customize
the layout. Alternatively, you could edit ~/.config/deadbeef/config and change the gtkui
layout option. To have both the filebrowser and the waveform widget next to the playlist
browser, change the layout option to something like this:

gtkui.layout hsplitter pos=250 locked=0 {filebrowser {} vsplitter pos=560 locked=0 {tabbed_playlist hideheaders=1 {} waveform {} } }


Waveform plugin for the DeaDBeeF audio player

Copyright (C) 2014 Jan D. Behrens <zykure@web.de>

Check out the player itself here:
Source: README, updated 2014-03-16