Home / binaries
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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No_Oracle_Support 2012-12-06
Oracle_Support 2012-12-06
LINUX 2012-08-31
WINDOWS 2012-08-30
Totals: 4 Items   1

The packages go by OS and db support. Select the package that matches your environment.

There are 2 types of binaries based on the operating system: Linux, Windows.

For Linux there are 2 packages:

1) dsp-lin.tar.gz - this package supports all four dbs: Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle client library must be installed.
2) dsp-lin-no-ora.tar.gz - this package supports: Sybase, MSSQL, MySQL; Oracle client library is not required.

For Windows there are 4 packages:

1) dsp-all.zip - this package supports all four dbs, Oracle and Sybase client libraries must be installed.
2) dsp-ora.zip - this package supports Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL only, Oracle client library must be installed.
3) dsp-syb.zip - this package supports Sybase, MSSQL, MySQL only, Sybase client library must be installed.
4) dsp-my-ms.zip - this package supports only MSSQL and MySQL, no libraries required outside of standard Windows MSSQL libs.
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-08-04