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SDWP - A Simple Daisy Web Player
Version 1.0 RC1 (28Nov2010)
Documentation (not yet finished)


Simple Daisy Web Player (SDWP) is a software that allows to open audio documents structured in the DAISY standard and to play them in a web browser. 

A first development of such a software has been done by  Charles L. Chen under the name "CLC Dandelion" (see http://dandelion.clcworld.net). 
This project seems to be inactive since 2008, but it gave us ideas to start this development.

There is a commercial product named Daisy Web Player which can be seen at http://daisy.dynamic-designer.de.

SDWP has been developed for the "Association pour le Bien des Aveugles et malvoyants" (ABA, Association for the 
blind and visually impaired people) in Geneva, switzerland (http://www.abage.ch).

SDWP uses the SoundManager 2 (SM2) javascript library which is released under the BSD license (http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/). 

The code has been written by Martin Mohnhaupt, Nice Data Systems, La Plaine, switzerland (mailto:m.mohnhaupt@bluewin.ch, htto://www.nicedata.ch).

A demonstration of the product (french) can be seen on the development site (http://www.nicedata.ch/dev/rc1).

This product is released as Open Source under the GPL license (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License). 


The software consits of 2 files which have to reside in a directory served by a web server (e.g. Apache):
daisywp.html - User interface (xhtml ocument) which contains the initialization code and the elements to display the DAISY document.
daisywp.js - Engine (javascript) to deal with various duties like loading data via AJAX, handle user events, refresh the 
user interface and so on.
Since SDWP uses SoundManager 2, the SM2 javascript library must be installed somewhere on the 
server(see SM2 installation documentation at http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/doc/getstarted/).

The media files (DAISY  books) must also reside on your web site.

Our folder structure is like this:

           ¦     +--- daisywp.html (user interface)
           ¦     +--- daisywp.js (javascrip engine)
           ¦     +--- index.html (index page, links to DAISY books)
           ¦     +--- index.php (redirector to index.html)
           ¦           +---/script
           ¦                  +--- soundmanager2-jsmin.js (SoundManager 2 library, with debug messages)
           ¦                  +--- soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js (SoundManager 2 library for production)
                 +---/book1 ... (book folder with mp3 files, smil files, ncc.html file, etc...)
                 +---/book2 ...

To open a DAISY book, we just need to load the daisywp.html file with a parameter that tells where the 
main DAISY file (ncc.html) resides:


The ncc parameter holds the path to the DAISY book main file. Opening this URL will do all operations (load the needed javascripts, 
load the DAISY document, set up the user interface (text frame and navigation pane).


To set up SDWP in your specific configuration, you will have to edit the daisywp.html file.
First of all, you have to specify where the SM2 is located by changing the specific <script> tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/soundmanager/script/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js"></script>
The rest of the fle can be left as is.
Source: README, updated 2010-12-06