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README for the Dacal CD Library II software project

The Dacal CD Library II is a hardware device that stores 150 CD/DVD's in a round container. Each disc is entered into a slot and into the application.
When you search for a particular disc, you select it in the application and it will pop out automatically.
You can link up to 127 devices - creating a huge library of discs. This system has no incorporated reader, so it's not a jukebox, but it's a whole lot
more affordable than automated jukeboxes.

Unfortunately the system only comes with Windoze and Mac software.
This project tries to remedy that.


WARNING: This is very much alpha software - use at your own risk.
The Dacal.c program works on my machine, but I need to pause a few seconds before re-running it or the USB bus will hang and only a system reboot will solve it.
This is very much because I don't know anything about USB and I learn as I go along. And, of course, because Dacal kindly refused to answer my emails asking for technical info on the commands used.


Driver Files:
Dacal.c - This will eject the discs. Needs 2 parameters: disc_number (1-150) and device_number (0-127, to be consistent :-).
USBScan.c - Gives info on all devices on the USB Bus
ShowDacal.c - A test program that lists the CD Libraries connected and sorts them
compile.sh - Pass it 1 parameter: the name of the program to compile, without the .c extension. A simple 1-line compile command is executed

NB: You will need to give user-level rw access to the USB busses or set the suid-flag on the executable.
-rwsr-sr-x  1 root root 15597 Aug  3 18:28 Dacal

To come:
Database creating script for a MySQL database to work with the PHP application that drives it all.
PHP Scripts to enter artists, titles, descriptions, lyrics etc, tailored for both CD and DVD descriptions.
Source: README, updated 2004-08-03