Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
d4u.7z 2011-04-03 175.8 kB
d4uClassStructureDoc.doc 2011-04-03 37.9 kB
d4uREADME.txt 2011-04-03 2.5 kB
d4uconfig.txt 2011-04-03 125 Bytes
d4uApp.jar 2011-04-03 187.2 kB
Totals: 5 Items   403.4 kB 0
Application: d4uApp
Developer: Bhaskar Mangal
Contact: mangalbhaskar@gmail.com
Date: 	11/09/2008


User can download files(through http/ftp) by providing the URLs in a file.

1. Path to which files can be saved, proxy settings, file name through which URL's should be retrieved for download,
and, time at which download should start; all are provided as the configurable parameters.
2. In Unix/Linux it could be run as a Daemon process. (see Step 4 bellow)
3. It could be used on windows/Unix.
4. Retrieve file name from the url, and provide it a unique name if that file already exists at saving location
5. While saving file on local system, checking for the existing file and providing it a unique name for it.

#Exceptional Handling:
1. Handling of non-availability of configuration d4uconfig.txt and urlFile.txt.
2. Handing of non-existing of PATH where files will be saved.

1. JDK 1.5 or greater.

#Features that are not available in current version: 
1. Currently only http and ftp protocols are supported.
2. http/ftp sites requiring user authentications are not yet supported.
3. For ftp only anonymous login is supported.

#To setup the application before running it:

1. Define Config parameter in d4uconfig.txt file.
Note: It's a 'tab' formatted file and case sensitive.

PATH	<youPath>
URLFILE	<urlFileName>

for example:

PATH	/home
URLFILE	urlFile.txt
TIME	TRUE	12	35	0

2. Specify fully qualified URL's in the urlFile.txt file
for example:

3. Double click the Jar file or on the command line:
	> java -jar d4uJar.jar
	> java -jar d4uApp.jar >output.txt 2>error.txt
Alternatively, double click the d4uScript.bat(sh)

4. To Run it as a service:
	java -jar -Doptions  d4uJar.jar  >output.txt 2>error.txt &
Note: output file is used to see the log of the application.

Troubleshooting Possible problems:
1. UnknownHost Exception: disable the firewall to allow access.
2. While downloading ftp files, it hangs on Linux or unable to retrieve file (or file with size 0kb).
3. MalformedURLException. It's a Bug in parsing the file name from the URL. Please report such URLs.

For any queries or error please contact me @ mangalbhaskar@gmail.com

Source: d4uREADME.txt, updated 2011-04-03