Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Documentation.7z 2015-06-22 7.0 MB
Ctrl_GraphWindow 2015-06-22 5.4 MB
Readme.txt 2015-06-22 6.4 kB
Totals: 3 Items   12.4 MB 0
Folder contents:

	Ctrl_GraphWindow x.x.x.x.zip: 		Project archive
		|- Bin:				Compiled assembly (*.dll), assembly documentation (*.xml), release note (*.txt)
		|- Sources.zip:			Project source code archive

	Documentation.zip:			User documentation project archive
	Ctrl_GraphWindow user guide.pdf:	User documentation pdf
	Ctrl_GraphWindow user guide.chm:	User documentation chm


06 21 2015 Release

	New features
		¤ Contextual list added showing channel names when writing in a 'Name' cell
		  of general graphic serie properties
	Bug fixes
		¤ Cannot change runtime the channel source of a trace
		¤ Cannot plot twice the same trace using different properties into the same window
	Known issues and bugs
		¤ Need of pressing arrow keys twice to move the cursor while zooming.

06 14 2015 Release

	New features
		¤ Enumeration 'ScreenPositions' added including all possible positions (center, top, bottom, left, right)
		¤ Enumeration 'CursorAbscisseValuePosition' removed (replaced by ScreenPositions)
		¤ Enumeration 'CursorOrdinateValuePosition' removed (replaced by ScreenPositions)
		¤ Member 'ReferenceValueVisible' of class 'GraphReferenceLine' removed 
		 (replaced by 'ReferenceValuePosition' member including 'invisible' value)
		¤ Member 'ReferenceValuePosition' added into class 'GraphReferenceLine'
		¤ Member 'ReferenceTitle' added into class 'GraphReferenceLine'
		¤ Member 'ReferenceTitlePosition' added into class 'GraphReferenceLine'
		¤ Column 'Reference value visible' of control 'Ctrl_GW_ReferenceLine' removed
		¤ Column 'Reference title' added to contorl 'Ctrl_GW_ReferenceLine'
		¤ Column 'Reference value position' added to contorl 'Ctrl_GW_ReferenceLine'
		¤ Column 'Reference title position' added to contorl 'Ctrl_GW_ReferenceLine'
		¤ Form 'Frm_GraphSerieDetailedProperties' reworked for new 'Ctrl_GW_ReferenceLine' control size
		¤ Condition TimeMode == False removed for abscisse reference lines
		¤ Reference line title, reference line title position, reference value position implemented
		  into the control
		¤ Designer options available as properties in Visual Studio control configuration panel
		¤ GetDefaultSerieColor improvement to manage black, white and other background color
	Bug fixes
		¤ Abscisse reference line don't reach the top of the graphic frame
		¤ Abscisse reference lines persist even after a new graph configuration creation
		¤ Display in hexadecimal isn't working
	Known issues and bugs
		¤ Need of pressing arrow keys twice to move the cursor while zooming.

11 18 2014 Release

	New features
		¤ None
	Bug fixes

		¤ Crash on changing serie's unit to "" from "xxx" through the general graph properties grid
		¤ Serie graph become overscaled when change drawing mode to 'Step' with a scale not containing
		  serie's min & max values
		¤ Wrong serie graph shape when serie's values go out of scale
		¤ Previous series configuration persist when opening a new graphic config file from the configuration form
		¤ Y Axis overlay each other depending of the configuration used
		¤ Command 'Load data' isn't working and even cause crashes
	Known issues and bugs
		¤ Need of pressing arrow keys twice to move the cursor while zooming.

10 22 2014 Release

	New features
		¤ Zoom bars unvisible by default
		¤ Designer options (not changeable by user) to enable/disable:
				- Tool bar
				- Open data file
				- Edit graphic configuration
				- Cursors
				- Zoom
				- Channel list
				- Legend
				- Snapshot
				- Print		
		¤ Function "Create_PropertiesXmlNode" of the "GraphWindowProperties" class 
			modified in order to return a XML node which can be added anywhere
			instead of returning nothing and adding the node at the end of the target xml document
		¤ Function "Save_Properties" of the "GraphWindowProperties" class updated according to the modification above
		¤ Channel added into the graphic when double clicked from the channel list
		¤ 'Hide/Show' and 'Remove' channel functions from legend applied on the whole legend items selection
		¤ Time step min & max members added to the GW_DataFile class (For CANStream data file concatenation)	
	Bug fixes
		¤ Crash on click on graph window while no data loaded
		¤ Crash on click on zoom buttons of the tool bar while no data loaded
		¤ Wrong legend area picked up in snapshots when control isn't in the test application. (gray bar on the top visible)
		¤ Crash on plotting a constant value channel (min = max => division by 0)
		¤ Crash on cursor plotting after a data change not containing previously channel plotted
		¤ Crash if no data plotted at the Y cursor position
	Known issues and bugs
		¤ Need of pressing arrow keys twice to move the cursor while zooming.

10 08 2014 Release

	New features
		¤ Sub-sampling level added as a graphic window property
		¤ 'Save configuration' at each config modification removed
		¤ Use of a different channel than time as abscisse data added
		¤ Reference lines for abscisse axis added
		¤ Graphic cursor added
		¤ Reference cursor feature added
		¤ Graphic snapshot image feature added
		¤ Print graphic function added
		¤ Triangle marker added
		¤ Axis title option added
		¤ Legend header and grid lines visibility added as options of graphic
		¤ 'Dispose' method called for each graphic object created in order to save memory
	Bug fixes
		¤ Custom/Auto properties Frm_GraphPropertiesEdtion
		¤ GraphWindowProperties 'AbscisseAxis' member isn't saved or loaded into the xml
		¤ Sub sampling track bar doesn't change on sample count textbox change
		¤ Legend properties not saved/loaded/modifiable
		¤ Abscisse reference lines not modifiable
		¤ Y Axis visible option is always true on serie detailed properties edition
		¤ Horizontal user grid values not showed unless the vertical user grid values are
	Known issues and bugs
		¤ Need of pressing arrow keys twice to move the cursor while zooming.

09 04 20124 Release

	First release
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2015-06-22