Name | Modified | Size | Downloads / Week |
js | 2012-05-30 | ||
readme.txt | 2012-05-30 | 919 Bytes | |
index.html | 2012-05-30 | 746 Bytes | |
cookie-policy.html | 2012-05-30 | 416 Bytes | |
cookie.html | 2012-05-30 | 248 Bytes | |
Totals: 5 Items | 2.3 kB | 0 |
Cookie Select - A simple jQuery [I hesitate to call it a] module that allows you to display information about your web site cookies and a simple mechanism for the user to accept. How it works? Add the pre-requsite files, cookieSelect.js, jquery.js and jquery.cookie.js to your page(s). You then add a div to your page(s) or template, with an id and reference it with a call to cookieSelect(). See the sample index.html file. You can set a few basic options, such as which selector in your notification markup you want to trigger the 'accept' and what the message page content [loaded by ajax] is called. Just download the files and see it in action. It's intentionally very simple and the markup, script and styling are [as much as possible] kept separate so you can use the basic script to do the work, but style it up as you need to. I might do a few samples just to help with ideas, but we'll see. Ed/