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| Convertigo Enterprise Mashup Server 6.0.4 (build 29535) |

Please visit our IT center to get all the technical information (samples, documentation,
technical articles, tips and tricks...) you need about the C-EMS platform:

You can also download general documentation (reference manual, operating guide...) here:

 File content

* convertigo-studio-6.0.4-v29535-v29535-win32-install.exe is the studio installer for 32 bits Windows
     The Convertigo Studio will allow you to create and develop Convertigo projects,
     thanks to a complete graphical interface based on eclipse IDE.

* convertigo-server-6.0.4-v29535-v29535-win32-install.exe is the server installer for 32 bits Windows
     This installer contains a complete set for using the Convertigo server:
     JRE, Tomcat and Convertigo server. The server will be installed as a service.

* convertigo-server-6.0.4-v29535-v29535-linux32.run.zip is the Linux server installer for 32 bits system
     This installer contains a complete set for using the Convertigo server in 32 bits linux:
     JRE, Tomcat and Convertigo server. The server will be installed as a daemon.
     Just unzip the package and launch the .run command to start the installation.

* convertigo-6.0.4-v29535-v29535-win32.war is the web application package for 32 bits Windows application servers
     This package contains the 32 bits Windows version of the Convertigo engine.
     You can deploy it into any supported web application server (Tomcat, Websphere, JBoss).

* convertigo-6.0.4-v29535-v29535-linux32.war is the web application package for 32 bits Linux application servers
     This package contains the 32 bits Linux version of the Convertigo engine.
     You can deploy it into any supported web application server (Tomcat, Websphere, JBoss).

* convertigo-6.0.4-v29535-v29535-linux64.war is the web application package for 32 bits Linux application servers
     This package contains the 64 bits Linux version of the Convertigo engine.
     You can deploy it into any supported web application server (Tomcat, Websphere, JBoss).

* convertigo-mashup-composer-6.0.4-v29535-v29535-tomcat-win32jre.zip is the mashup composer installer for 32 bits Windows
     This package contains a complete set for using the Convertigo mashup composer:
     JRE, Tomcat and Convertigo mashup composer.

     /!\ The Convertigo server is NOT included in this package and must be installed separately.

* convertigo-mashup-composer-6.0.4-v29535-v29535-tomcat-linux32jre.zip is the mashup composer installer for 32 bits Linux
     This package contains a complete set for using the Convertigo mashup composer:
     JRE, Tomcat and Convertigo mashup composer.

     /!\ The Convertigo server is NOT included in this package and must be installed separately.

 Change log

 Version 6.0.4 

  * Enabled HTTP transaction to output HTTP data as string or as base64

 BUGS (6)
  * Fixed issue with automatic combo fill for sequence's CallTransaction and CallSequence
  * Improved transaction's schema update from generated xml: fixed 'xsd:string' instead of 'xsd:anyURI'
  * Fixed empty 'xsd:simpleType' under 'xsd:element' in project's schema
  * Fixed empty namespace in web service response
  * Fixed a regression in CallTransaction and CallSequence steps (XSD update issue when creating step or changing call source)
  * Fixed sequences and transactions 'Character set' encoding: now correctly used in SOAP response

 Version 6.0.3 

  * Reduced schema types size in web service description
  * Added property validation preventing a wrong usage of global symbols
  * "Add a ""Download started"" trigger for HTML statements"
  * "Added a ""No wait"" synchronizer for HTML statements"
  * Added a new Log step
  * Added a new Audit logger

  * Handle multideclared values as multivalued in a SOAP Envelope
  * Improved Exception step now allowing to set an XML details part
  * Added structured entry parameters management for sequences
  * "Enabled remove of encompassing ""response"" node in case of web service response"

 BUGS (5)
  * Fixed exception when importing a project referencing non-existant global symbols
  * Fixed search feature not focusing found objects
  * Fixed unreachable source now acting as an empty source instead of throw Exception in server
  * Fixed studio freeze when setting a bad encoding in ProcessExec step
  * Fixed unneeded popup alert in studio during property validation

 Version 6.0.2 

  * Added a jSimpleSource step to convert a Source to a String

 BUGS (2)
  * Fixed legacy Table extraction rule when manually creating columns.
  * Fixed error message at Debian startup

 Version 6.0.1 

  * Added a new ProcessExec step able to execute a process from a given command line
  * Added a Duplicate step for copy/paste one file or directory inside the same parent directory
  * Added a new ListDir step able to list all the files of a given directory

  * Added a global management of deployment configurations
  * Simplified Copy and Move file/directory steps
  * Added a new project's property in order to specify the namespace URI to use for web service

 BUGS (3)
  * Fixed upgrade control (downgrade is forbidden)
  * Fixed studio crash under MacOS when trying to execute a transaction or a sequence
  * Fixed Save dialog that appears twice when closing the studio with some modified but not saved projects

 Version 6.0.0 

  * Sequence variables directly available as step sources
  * "Improved the functionality to ""stop"" a transaction or a sequence"
  * Added a new statement ifXPathExists for xpath detection
  * Added an icon to jump to Test platform from Administration Console and login page
  * Added an unified proxy configurator
  * "Added a new ""URL"" criterion for HTML screen class"
  * Server Installation on Windows and Linux (with several application servers) documented in Operating Guide
  * Studio Installation on Windows documented in Operating Guide
  * Creation of a new documentation: Operating Guide
  * Add a jQueryMobile template project
  * Added steps for file manipulation
  * Online eclipse help (drastically reduced Studio installer's size)
  * Added an introduction on Administration Console in Operating Guide

  * Improved SQL connector to take in account CallTransaction step's connection string override
  * Added open, close and delete actions on multiple selected projects
  * Mobile library file weblibMobile.js renamed to mobilelib.js
  * Improved custom.js documentation (inline comments)
  * New user workspace creation/update process
  * "The creation of ""Handler"" is now available from the ""Functions"" folder"
  * Removed the browser control from style sheet's editor
  * "Renamed the ""Url"" HTML extraction rule to ""Page URL"""
  * Improved mobilizer project information after creation
  * Improved focus handling of newly created objects in studio
  * Improved beans layout in new object wizard
  * Fixed issue when renaming an object with text from the clipBoard
  * Now allows to double click on a legacy transaction handler in order to directly open it in the handler editor
  * Improved error handling when deploying a project in the studio
  * Improved project deployment dialog layout (auto adjust controls when increasing or decreasing dialog size)
  * Improved context lifetime in CallTransaction steps
  * Now allows to remove a deployment configuration from the saved list
  * Now allows to use self signed or untrusted certificate for project deployment
  * Build phone gap application based on template_mobileJQueryMobile
  * Added a property to SQL connector to auto close connection at the end of each transaction/sequence
  * Improved studio performances (studio launch, project loading, object loading...)
  * Transaction/Sequence JS are now displayed by their name.
  * "In steps creation wizard, jElement step moved to ""XML steps"" category instead of ""JavaScript steps"""

 BUGS (27)
  * Fixed euro character handling in legacy project
  * Fixed issue in IBM TN5250 where the emulator would stop responding in a specific screen
  * Fixed Siebel mobile template issue under Safari
  * Fixed mobile viewport issue in test platform (wrong ratio layout)
  * Removed unused HTTPStatement property 'formName'
  * Fixed mobile template in Test platform for Safari
  * Fixed SQL connection closing issue
  * Fixed issue with getAttachment statement without project name
  * Fixed duplicate 'loading' divs in Mobile template project
  * Fix threading issue for simultaneous requests on the same context
  * Fixed the inconsistency of the schema file (XSD) when a project is renamed
  * Fixed NPE in Log4JHelper.mdcClear()
  * Fixed the drag and drop for the object's priority reordering
  * Fixed tooltip text for components of the object's creation wizard
  * Fixed SiteClipper project template (wrong ReplaceString object in Javascript screen class)
  * Fixed the state of the 'Save all' button
  * """Return"" step now exits correctly from the parent ""sequence""."
  * "Fixed ""Break"" step to exit correctly from the parent loop."
  * Improved studio preferences dialog layout
  * Fixed issue about project deployment and 'XSL assemble' option dialog in web admin console
  * Fixed unexpected errors when requesting the engine stop
  * Fixed IBM emulator broken when entering special characters like '£' or '€'
  * Fixed wrong infinite loops detection for transaction/sequence
  * Fixed Studio freeze when closing due to dead lock
  * Fixed: Scheduler GroupJobs not working
  * Fixed performance issues when manipulating the project tree view (e.g. copy/cut/paste, object adding/removing/renaming) with large projects
  * Fixed refresh button behavior in studio (now completely reload objects from XML files definition in _data directory)

 Version 5.5.3 

  * "Add a ""Details"" feature for the 'new mobile project' wizard"
  * Added a US Directory mobile Sencha-based sample project
  * Added a mobile Sencha-based sample project able to download a PDF file
  * Updated mobilizer project template in order to show correct icons on desktop/favorite add (depending on the type of device) and to ask access not to all functionnality of the device (but only necessary ones) when installing the native app
  * Improving Convertigo mobilelib to extend Sencha Touch Ext.is.Tablet function for it to take into account Android tablet and Playbook
  * Added a New York Times RSS mobile Sencha-based sample project
  * Improved weblib: C8O.call() now handles FORM as parameter

  * Update mosaic.js to support the new XML hub format
  * "Improved the ""store.load"" and ""app.server.execute"" methods by adding a ""project"" parameter that overrides ponctually the project for that Convertigo call"
  * Added a new XML output format for SQL transaction (ELEMENT_WITH_ATTRIBUTES)
  * Improved Sencha Touch template project and mobilelib.js framework
  * Shared mobilelib.js to use the latest version easily
  * Added a new mobile project template without any selected feature
  * Fixed special characters rendering issue with HTTP connector
  * Use UTF-8 as default output charset for new requestables

 BUGS (19)
  * Fixed issue about PDF download (NullPointerException in GetAttachment statement)
  * ProxyPath webapps for crossdomain issue is compatible servlet-api 2.4 (shipped with GateIn)
  * Fixed GetAttachmentStatement that did not wait the current download to be complete
  * Fixed mobile lib regression (exception when calling a store.load() with a project name as parameter)
  * Fixed IBM TN 5250 trace recorder creating an empty file
  * Fixed wrong downloaded filename for BlackBerry mobile builds output (missing .jad extension)
  * Fixed issue of double splash screen with installed native mobile application
  * Fixed a typo issue in comment property of mobile template project.
  * Fixed last location entry ('Batignolles') for template mobile project.
  * Fixed bug about project name set in creation wizard not set in .project file.
  * Fixed bug about mobile application animation property (flip).
  * Fixed issue with infinite loop protection for html transaction handlers
  * Removed illegal characters in PhoneGap's config.xml 'id' attribute
  * Fixed user and emulators loggers missing in configuration editors (web and studio)
  * Fixed JSONP wrong mime-type in transaction response
  * Fixed issue with attachment relative-url attribute that was computed from project workspace instead of webapp directory
  * Fixed issue with mobile lib and CSS automatic selection in the test platform
  * Fixed GoogleMap mobile feature: do not ask anymore geolocation activation at application startup
  * Fixed: Chrome can save administration password

 Version 5.5.2 

  * Added AS400/DB2 pool support

 BUGS (1)
  * Fixed issue with legacy project creation in studio

 Version 5.5.1 

  * Easiest way to setup mysql jdbc driver in Convertigo Studio
  * Auto-sized siteclipper widget
  * Interactions supported between siteclipper widgets

  * Auto retrieve and send __portal_username for GateIn gadget

 BUGS (6)
  * fix : SiteClipperConnector domains listing support live change in Studio
  * Fixed named contexts issue in Webclipper
  * Fixed issue about project test platform with password field on IE
  * Added support for iPod Touch browser userAgent
  * Fixed issue with WebClipper and relative URLs containing only the parameters part
  * Fix : check dirty doesn't work for named context of WebClipping project

 Version 5.5.0 

  * Add a QRCode generator button on the test plateform
  * Added visibility policy for transaction/sequence variables (to hide sensitive data for instance)
  * Add mobile skins to the test plateform
  * Added technical reference documentation about Javelin object
  * Added technical reference documentation about HTTP protocol interface to Convertigo
  * Added technical reference documentation about Web Service interface to Convertigo
  * The 'Test Platform' pages are now account protected
  * Created a new mobile framework for developing mobile application based on Sencha and PhoneGap technologies

  * SiteClipper now supports variables and test cases
  * SiteClipper URL criteria can include the query string
  * Added a mechanism to prevent infinite loops in handlers

 BUGS (20)
  * Fixed missing icon in new object wizard while resizing
  * Fixed engine startup failulre when Hibernate session factory creation has failed
  * Fixed badly ordered children in the project tree when increasing/decreasing priority
  * Prevented pool from being created from other connectors than legacy ones
  * Fixed issue of project's widget visibility after project deletion in Administration interface
  * Automatic resizing of tooltips in the administration interface
  * Fixed issue with table extraction rule when using the wizard from HTML connector's editor
  * Fixed issue when trying to change the 'Product version check' configuration property in the web admin console
  * Now warns end-user when trying to rename a project object with a name containing forbidden characters
  * Fixed issue with '}' sign in default value of symbol
  * Fixed focus issue in New Object wizard
  * Added object type in web admin console when editing project's objects
  * Fixed HTTP/HTTPS issue about AdoptClientCookies statement
  * Fixed issue with JSON requester that failed to be parsed on client side if statistics are set to 'true'
  * The database used in the context of Convertigo Mashup Sequencer documentation  is now working correctly with the two default tables: articles and web_sites.
  * Project compatibility mode setting is now enabled in web admin
  * Fixed issue about Client_instruction_set_value extraction rule with multi-valued variable
  * Now handles multivalued variables in test platform
  * Fixed issue when trying to add a new statement on JS function statement
  * logviewer can now filter using 'extra' variable

 Version 5.4.5 

  * "Added a new statement called ""Record for Site Clipper Statement"" to prevent refresh behavior of the first Site Clipper request"

  * Handle CPS usb card for Windows

 Version 5.4.4 

 BUGS (3)
  * Fixed SiteClipper's ClientInstruction rules cause NullPointerException after a SiteClipper transaction [support case #00001486]
  * Fixed issue about download of unspecified file size
  * Fixed issue producing wrong predicates in source picker used within sequences

 Version 5.4.3 

  * The 'news' window does not cover the trial window anymore

 BUGS (3)
  * Fixed PDF download issue if Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed
  * "Fixed ""HTTP 500 internal server error"" when requesting an URL containing colon characters (':') in its query string in SiteClipper"
  * Fixed Javascript error in IE when trying to execute interactions between widgets involving SiteClipper

 Version 5.4.2 

 BUGS (2)
  * Fixed issue about Dharma JDBC-ODBC bridge
  * SiteClipper check query encoding to prevent exception

 Version 5.4.1 

  * Use siteclipper rules to automatically fill fields on the client side with value from context
  * Prefix for Convertigo requester can be set in custom.js

  * Handle secured connections (HTTPS) in SiteClipper connector
  * Improved HTTP 500 responses of SiteClipper with a more explicit message and reset the context lifetime

 BUGS (4)
  * Fixed credential statement when User property is not set.
  * Fixed static resources delivery in case C8O web-app path is not the first path element
  * Fixed a bug in 3270 panel when the panel is empty
  * Fixed issue with '=' sign in default value of symbol

 Version 5.4.0 

  * Added a connector object in SiteClipper
  * Added a ScreenClass object in SiteClipper
  * Added a string replacement rule in SiteClipper
  * Added a Javascript code injector rule in SiteClipper
  * Added a CSS injector in SiteClipper
  * Added a regular expression match criterion in SiteClipper
  * Added an URL match criterion in SiteClipper
  * Added a MIME type match criterion in SiteClipper
  * Added a new Transaction object in SiteClipper
  * Added a new String Replacement rule in SiteClipper
  * Added a new criterion for URL matching in SiteClipper
  * Added a new MIME type detection criterion in SiteClipper
  * Added a transaction object in SiteClipper
  * Added a help button for each object property in web admin project editor
  * Added a Rewrite Location Header rule in SiteClipper
  * Added an automatic Rewrite Absolute URLs rule in SiteClipper

  * Added a button to delete all contexts at once.
  * Default response charset property in Site Clipper Connector
  * Criteria and Extraction rules for Site Clipper Connector are separated into categories

 BUGS (7)
  * Fixed issue with trusted certificates on Websphere
  * Billing manager now retrieves the user name for ticket insertion
  * Fixed display of screen classes for SiteClipper projects in web admin project editor
  * Fixed issue when renaming SiteClipper project
  * Last detected object is now displayed with another decoration style than modified objects' one
  * Fixed hidden properties in web admin project editor
  * Fixed issue in web admin project editor and checkbox controls that always remained checked regardless the property value (true or false)

 Version 5.3.3 

  * Added the possibility to not forward client headers for the site clipper
  * Added a new HTML statement for client side cookies adoption

  * Now handles multi-domain connectors for SiteClipper
  * Improved HTTP headers forwarding policy (according to the existence of the header) in HTML connector
  * Implement HTTP 302 redirect location with absolute path instead of absolute URL
  * Improved Panel extraction rule for handling special panels with text in their frame
  * "Billing manager uses ""username"" context variable"

 BUGS (2)
  * fix : handle deflate content encoding for data received by the site clipper
  * Fix NPE in SiteClipper about wrong usage of the ContentType header

 Version 5.3.1 

  * Enable browser cache for project resources (send 304 not changed)

 BUGS (5)
  * "Fixed ""Assemble XSL"" feature to comply with the declared XML encoding"
  * Protected access to C8O javascript object in interaction hub
  * Fixed images not correctly aligned in CMC doc in Studio Help
  * Fixed demo package when using IE
  * Fixed a regression on lib_GoogleMaps project

 Version 5.3.0 

  * Create an open social generator servlet
  * Added a button to the project test platform page allowing to generate the gadget URL or XML definition needed by a portal catalog
  * First simple version of the new mashup composer
  * Bean's priority can now simply be changed using drag and drop amongst other beans

  * Fixed documentation for GenerateDates step
  * Updated documentation for Parallel step
  * Updated Call sequence and Call Transaction steps documentation
  * Added a button to reach the test platform from the projects list in the web admin

 BUGS (11)
  * Fixed wrong layout when using the web admin logviewer in Firefox (too many scroll bars)
  * Fixed studio freeze when step's source contains huge data
  * Fixed Javascript runtime error on ReadXML when input file property is a variable
  * Fixed a NullPointerException when stopping the engine [support case #00001456]
  * Fixed the current worker threads counter in web admin
  * enengine.GetStatus admin service is now only called once when clicking Home button in Web Admin.
  * Fixed the project URL in the project's name creation page of the New project wizard
  * Fixed empty connections list display in web admin when using IE
  * Fixed a cache problem when changing Step's priority.
  * Doesn't display empty sequences part on test platform when the page is waiting for content
  * Sample projects are not compatible with Google pages containing Doodles instead of standard Google logo => changed the screen classes definitions and their criteria Xpath for both standard and containing Doodles pages to be correctly detected (impacted sample_documentation_CWI and sample_documentation_CWC projects)

 Version 5.2.3 

 BUGS (5)
  * Fixed issue in web admin when editing project transactions
  * Fixed updating of object properties view in web admin
  * Fixed GET parameters decoding when a value contains '=' characters
  * Fixed charset handling in site clipper context
  * Fixed wrong HTTP redirect cases in site clipper context

 Version 5.2.2 

 BUGS (3)
  * Fixed issue when IE received an admin services errors
  * "Fixed ""HTTP 500 internal server error"" when trying to validate the configuration in the web admin"
  * Icons for project treeview in C-EMS server admin are restored

 Version 5.2.1 

  * In legacy connectors context, SSL setup is now directly available from the connector properties (SSL enablement and server certificates auto trust)

 BUGS (2)
  * Fixed SSL connection issue for legacy 3270 connectors
  * Fixed the SQLException when using the SQL connector with SQL server

 Version 5.2.0 

  * Added DB2 support for SQL connector
  * Allowed steps properties to be scriptable
  * New web administration console
  * Contextual help for object creation (in 'new object' wizard)
  * Adding a 'Context Add Text Node' statement now updates the transaction schema
  * Allowed to choose the name of the project when importing a project from an archive file
  * Linked the new object wizard to the eclipse help to easily reach the reference manual
  * Added a new library project providing a Web service API accessing Google Spreadsheets API features
  * Added a new popup menu on steps to output it as true or false, recursively or not
  * Created real-time monitoring widgets for the new admin console
  * Added a strong and easy text ciphering Javascript library
  * Added PAC proxy configuration for HTML connectors
  * Created a Flex legacy on-the-fly project template
  * Improved the weblib: use C8O.call() instead of recreating iframe
  * Now provides a 64bits WAR for linux platforms
  * Handle NTLM authentication for proxy (HTTP connectors) [support case #00001443]
  * Added a new library project providing a visual widget to be inserted in Mashup Composer and a Web service API accessing Google Maps API features
  * Now reminds of previous extracted WSDL types when updating extraction rules
  * Now auto generates blank template file for xsl stylesheets
  * Now forces tag names created by extraction rules to be normalized

  * In legacy on-the-fly Flex projects, combo boxes are now directly editable
  * The scheduler now ouputs its logs in a specific log4j logger
  * Allows drag and drop of Xpath on a Table Extraction Rule row
  * Now allows to create a new project directly from a web service
  * Implemented Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X keyboard shortcuts for variables' default value settings
  * Saving jSimple Statement now changes object save state
  * Copying a project now also copies all its resources
  * Legacy Flex on-the-fly projects now automatically sort drop down lists
  * The new project index page now generates links for all requestables and test cases
  * Improved the uninstalling wizard for deleting user workspace
  * Now ignores '.svn' directories when loading convertigo projects
  * Added a new 'delta time' column in the log viewer, that shows the time difference between two consecutive lines
  * Added a go-to-end button to the log viewer
  * Admin now logs at INFO level

 BUGS (97)
  * Fixed empty ETR files created by the trace recorder
  * Fixed NullPointerException when trying to capture legacy screens
  * Project deployment now uses the same credential as the web administration (could be edited)
  * Fixed WSDL types according to the legacy transaction's 'Remove blocks' parameter
  * Legacy in convertigo server with websphere 6 problem with TerminalSNA.txt
  * Bull emulator javelin.getString() method cannot return emulator status line
  * Can't open transaction file on Legacy integrator project
  * Exception in demo Flex in Mosaic in IE
  * Display bug in project page in firefox
  * Couldn't duplicate project
  * Xul fastparse failing cause an error message with big stacktrace
  * Google map not working in demo_mashup
  * Fixed translation bugs
  * Security issues about user rights (admin privileges no more required)
  * Demo package doesn't work in proxy mode
  * Default_Screen_class must not have criteria
  * Trial version : first launch of the studio with an empty projects view
  * Unable to deploy a project from studio to server
  * link on documentation not refer to the right url
  * DefaultBlockFactory appears as ? in Reference Manual
  * Test cases don't send certificate
  * Authentication failed loop in HTML connector
  * can't create any new sheet
  * import ws reference send error null pointer exception
  * convertigo linux doesn't start some times
  * Duplicate project doesn't create ws folder in soap-template folder
  * Can't archive logs twice a day
  * Erreur generating WSDL when wsdl Style is empty
  * "Can not deactivate ""Enable the projects data compatibility mode"""
  * certificates issuers not taken into account in engine.properties
  * .json error on iGoolate sandbox project
  * Error on WSDL file for SoapAction attribute
  * Bug in XMLVariable extraction rule
  * weblib client xslt doesn't work on android browser
  * 'Enable XulRunner proxy' is set to true once i set log4j.logger.cemsBeans to DEBUG
  * MSVC redistribuable files are now added to server and studio win32 installers
  * Couldn't be able to create new screen class from button in legacy
  * No default IMG if resource picture not present
  * Couldn't create new variable once i generate request form Transaction
  * Upgrade convertigo server doen't work
  * Broken demo IP Search
  * automatic jump to next field not working
  * attribute style not set by FLEX renderer
  * blank choice not applied for loggers preferences
  * Can not type letter in the Field/Drop-down list object
  * 'null' sent for field __field_c21_l8 if left blank
  * Can not drop source on a Call_transaction variable
  * Typing letters in drop down list sends nothing to convertigo
  * Background color and title color of popup are psychedelic!
  * Short descriptions of properties should be displayed in a tool tip
  * The configuration accordion should collapsed by default
  * Remove the date and time from the header in new admin
  * Migration is very long
  * Can't drop source on Transform step from an iterator step
  * Can't see on source picker tab the path of Call transaction variable
  * Images not rendered at correct z-index
  * New button layout does not support height of 1
  * Can not validate field anymore by pressing ENTER key
  * Admin console sould not be larger than 1280 px Wide
  * Studio installation: wrong label about user workspace
  * Deploying project on admin problems
  * "Missing maxOccurs=""unbounded"" for schema of XMLRecord with a single item"
  * Wrong image in demo Flex in Mosaic
  * Error on Closing project without saving
  * Unable to copy/paste object name
  * Connector and Sequence containers do not have collapse icon in Test Platform page
  * Error on starting Convertigo
  * Unhandled event loop exception
  * Error while trying to get WSDL project
  * Incoherent response between http transaction and web browser
  * Extra border for SalesForce GoLeads widget on IE
  * Get Error once the session is closed
  * Error opening ressources without stack
  * Studio opening make the Window unresponsive
  * demo_usDirectory SearchBusiness transaction fails
  * English error in property of browser property change statement
  * blue line for odd rows on projects list table
  * HTML convertigo admin java error
  * Configuration modifications are no more saved for Billing System.
  * XSD file missing on openning lib_GoogleMap
  * Extra Information on log include infos not related to admin
  * Error on migration of  lib_GoogleDocs
  * Error on filter on logs
  * Error on starting Convertigo
  * Error on creating a Web service project having a name similar to one just deleted before
  * Translation error in traceplayer port error message
  * The sort options of the jquery tables don't work
  * update configuration button isnot enabled on changing advanved properties
  * Missing GetArticleData transaction schema in sample_documentation_CLI project
  * Goto end button is grayed after exiting RealTime mode
  * Upgrade the level of the 'Step <StepName> (<Priority>) done' log
  * The XVNC property is not configured as a boolean property in new admin
  * Deployment of project is successfully done but the project is not include in the project list
  * Error Stack after deleting a project and restarting engine
  * Studio fails to start with billing properties
  * Unable to save engine configuration under IE8
  * Cron wizard displayed on jobs information

 Version 5.1.8 

  * Add SSL and Terminal type support for IBM emulators

 Version 5.1.6 

  * Allowed the re-use of existing contexts in case of reverse proxy request
  * Added the new weblib.js

  * Added a comment column in reverse proxy module definition table for string replacements

 BUGS (5)
  * Fixed SSL KeyManagerFactory when using JVM IBM
  * Fixed EngineException in web admin when trying to deploy a project from IE6/IE7 [support case #00001458]
  * Fixed NullPointerException when trying to import WS reference with no namespace
  * Fixed wrong authentication in mashup composer sometimes
  * Fixed missing JSR168 servlet definition in mashup composer

 Version 5.1.4 

  * Added a new JavaScript library for legacy FLEX projects

  * Enhancement of the Image rule: a new attribute field was needed in Image type blocks
  * "Added a new editor for legacy extraction rules ""mashup event"" property"

 BUGS (2)
  * Fixed missing context name when calling convertigo through a widget interaction
  * Fixed no error message displayed in demo_usDirectory project when searching a lead from demo_SalesForce, changed this lead in SalesForce leads list

 Version 5.1.2 

  * Allowed to forward some chosen requested HTTP headers to target for HttpConnector and HtmlConnector

 BUGS (1)
  * Fixed deployment of project on trial cloud space with trial registration

 Version 5.1.0 

  * Auto launch Xvnc server using DISPLAY environment variable on Cems Server Linux
  * New log framework
  * Enable parametrization of any database object text property
  * HTML Extraction should handle other type than node and string
  * New sequencer mapping module (Using Drag & Drop)
  * Add a new stat counter for C-EMS worker thread creation
  * Move projects and user data from c-ems plugin/war to user workspace
  * Add <wsdl:documenation> based on Transaction's comment
  * Add targetId  and targetAppend features to standard weblib

  * Weblib doesn't handle when xsl doesn't create a BODY
  * Update demo projects, template projects to load CSS files before JS files
  * Display bean long description in New Object Wizard
  * PUT and DELETE requests for GoogleDocs project
  * Request template for GoogleDocs project
  * Improve schema extraction from transaction generated XML
  * GenerateDatesStep should treat input days as non ordered
  * Create a logger for statistics
  * Steps sources are not correctly displayed in Projects tree
  * Improve HTTP transaction schema
  * Improve Choice legacy extraction rule by choosing radio mode
  * WriteXML Step : ID and output
  * Add new property for input format for generateDate step
  * Improvement of the USDirectory project
  * Choose a workspace directory on installation procedure
  * Update FOP version in Convertigo to 1.0
  * Mismatch between rows and columns on XMLRecord extraction rule
  * Auto generated XMLTable extraction rule seems not correct when first column is defined as header
  * Projects' list should be ordered with ignoring case

 BUGS (116)
  * Convertigo server is not installed correctly
  * Invalid Sequence's schema
  * issuer certificate on a CWI project deployed on the server
  * hsqldb: session is closed many times once the sequence is executed
  * Crash after configuration modification and html transaction execution
  * Comments not added in CDATA sections in project schema file
  * Beans.xml file not correctly generated
  * can't create new project
  * HttpConnector does not handle correctly 'null' variable default values when using an XML request template
  * Can't see all blocks in source
  * Windows server installation uses client JVM
  * Error on installation of Convertigo studio
  * Generate XML in Legacy publisher is no more working
  * Generate XML in web integrator is no more working
  * Can not import 5.0.4 project to 5.0.9
  * Error on loading javelin project
  * Mashup Composer (DF)  page Designer is broken
  * Can't edit project on windows server
  * Url to launch projects after Studio deployment ends to a blank page
  * Deploy a project from admin
  * demo_SalesForce and demo_useDirectory should not auto_refresh
  * df/dfe/interface/provider can return malformed XML
  * Clean project's schema remove WS reference import declaration used by XmlHttpTransaction
  * Old wsdlTypes containing 'connector_requestableResponse' should be migrated to 'connector__requestableResponse'
  * WriteCSVStep don't detect titles
  * "Properties view does not handle ""selectionChanged"" event correctly"
  * Wizard of the Table extraction rule : starting row
  * "Import WSDL fails if studio is installed in ""Program Files"" directory"
  * If Java 1.5 is used, Input SOAP requests are truncated if bigger than 8 ko
  * Change Studio/Engine Preferences to work with Loggers
  * Demos index.jsp are designed with twinsoft logos
  * SQL transaction variables are not automatically created after writting the SQL request
  * websphere cannot install convertigo war
  * Demo projects not available in linux server
  * Demo project Legacy doesn't work in server installation
  * Sequencer : Copy/Paste and Drag and drop allow user to insert an <element> inside another <element>
  * WebClips with 'mailto' links should be client side
  * Fix the convertigo statistics for HTML connector
  * expiration date cache file not reset when changes are made
  * Log Viewer : jumping to next page can display no data
  * 'property.projectName.display_name' instead of 'Project' in Call_TR/SQ Step
  * Add a cheat sheet dispaly in the list twice the same thing
  * Exception in web clipping project
  * Disabled screen class entry handler still being taken into account
  * Create a config property handling SSL output debug mode
  * Criteria Reverse result property should change displayed name accordingly
  * Step DnDed from Then to Else can be lost
  * Error when lauching trace
  * "Error while analyzing the project ""cems"""
  * From source picker, the source of transaction isn't displayed correctly from schema generated from xml generated from transaction
  * Impossible to open 2 tabs from 2 transactions with the same name
  * Incorrect RPC request message part in WSDL for multivalued variables
  * convertigo session confusion
  * Right click / execute on a sequence should popup a message if the sequence is not opened
  * Invalid negative statitics
  * Unable to import ws reference on a new project
  * Beans.xml generation not correct when '|' character in long description
  * "In beans.xml file, ""expert"" category should be renamed ""selection"" for legacy extraction rules properties"
  * can't no more drag from xpath
  * Direct change of 'is Active' property does not refresh element color
  * Trial registration certificate is no more available once we install convertigo studio
  * Demo package : widgets are not centered
  * Contextual menu 'Change to' should be relevant for steps
  * Get error on connection admin once i undeploy the project
  * Get error on benching html project
  * Error generated on benching HTML project
  * Improve displayed name of XMLtagName extraction rule
  * Mixed logs between projects
  * Error 500 when launching webization project
  * Error when clicking on XMLize button
  * Error on Importing WS reference
  * [Extraction rule:] Replace Text
  * Windchill web site change language itself in 5.0.9 but not in 5.0.4
  * Cannot set or change properties default value when using external symbol
  * Default SQL transaction of newly created project (based on template) does't work anymore
  * "Connector criteria is only diplayed by ""?"" on new criteria wizard"
  * ROOT context is missing in the Studio's embedded Tomcat
  * import ws reference WS send an error
  * SQLTransaction now creates two rows for XML response
  * Add a title in next page on wizard creation project
  * long description in New Object Wizard contains references
  * Demo projects not auto opened with studio
  * Bad display in demo legacy widget
  * Bad page increment in trace viewer
  * DF doesn't work with linux install
  * Error import wsdl
  * WS import: the deletion of a created connector does not delete its corresponding directory under 'soap-templates' directory
  * Date steps: Wrong dates generated if ouputLocale=US
  * Deleting a legacy connector does not delete the corresponding traces folder
  * Description property is hidden but should be displayed in Reference Manual
  * demo_Viadeo can't be updated on the trial
  * Error 404 on Widgets - DreamFace on IE8
  * SQLTransaction: incorrect schema type generated from definition
  * Guest button on dfLogin page of Mashup Composer didn't clear the password
  * Servlet error in Web administration : Cache category
  * HTTP 500 error in Web administration : Download logs
  * Error on Synchro Tabs in admin server
  * Relook server start page
  * convertigo.webapp_path saved in absoluteURL via Web Admin
  * convertigo.webapp_path and xulrunner.url saved in absolute URL via Studio Eclipse
  * Emulators keys expiration date not checked
  * Project's WSDL retrieval may not contain inline schema
  * Copy->paste a project didn't create index.html
  * "Variable's ""newPriority"" attribute not retrieved on deserialization"
  * HTML and PDF Reference Manual internal property name
  * Include a changelog file
  * Bad display in html  admin projects
  * menuDIV not correctly displayed in Demo Package
  * No engine/admin logs after purge in C8O Linux Server
  * Selective delete of logs do not work
  * demo_SalesForce project doesn't work correctly in IE and Chrome
  * legacy capture trace error
  * Fixed Studio crash when manipulating legacy emulators
  * Trigger Editor for statement CLICK : label too evasive
  * In step GeneratesDates, if dates into Input search days are in a bad order the extraction isn't correct
  * Double connector when creating new template project

 Version 5.0.8 

 BUGS (1)
  * Fixed basic authentication caching issue

 Version 5.0.6 

 BUGS (1)
  * Get attachment fails because Content-Type detection is case sensitive

 Version 5.0.4 

  * Statement wait for xpath
  * Function statement not fully implemented
  * Add download and save feature/statement to Convertigo
  * New and fast parse method in HTML Connector and DOM Tree
  * No userAgent for HTML connector
  * Choose not to send empty transaction's variables
  * Drag and drop without Control
  * Disabled statements and steps appear with red icon but text stays green
  * Add XsdType property for XMLElementStep
  * "Add a ""WSDL style"" property on Project"
  * "Add a ""WSDL with inline schemas"" property on Project"
  * Creation of a JSON interface to call Convertigo web services
  * Retrieve xulrunner warning and exception console to our console
  * Add a new criteria Xpath does'nt exist
  * Add a new criteria String doesn't exist

  * Performance problems on sequencer
  * Add a link to the online registration page in Cems Studio registration window
  * "No need to have in the contextual menu to add a new step in the ""IfExistsThenElse"" step"
  * Add testcases launch in index.jsp of template projects
  * "Bean creation wizard : double clic on item should do ""Next"""
  * Add Backward and Forward buttons to Eclipse Help and HTML Help

 BUGS (46)
  * Custom error http 500 message
  * Legacy publishing templates do not webize XML
  * Transaction and Sequence variables problems
  * httpconnector can't connect on proxy
  * Empty content in Element step when source comes from an SQL transaction
  * Default names for all projects objects should always be normalized
  * javelin : Col. position in emulator footer is wrong and change with emulator size
  * XSL files editor generates Exception when opening from Convertigo Projects view
  * PKCS#11 authentication error log in Engine
  * XML table description rows not deletable
  * SmtpSend Step behaviour
  * XSD update error when copy/paste transaction
  * studio freese in double clicking on a trace
  * problem with the ERP button in the demoPackage
  * Exception when adding a step in a sequence (XSD update problem)
  * dreamface.properties does'nt contains googleapi templates
  * Execution problem when sub-element string is chosen in the source picker
  * Sales-force Lead widget search function leads to a error
  * Project's clean action does not correctly clean schema file
  * the studio freeze where you launch a trace when another is opened
  * """New => Variable"" option is missing on Variables folder right-click contextual menu"
  * Double quotes escape not necessary in Xpath property
  * couldn't rename criterion
  * Error adding project in Cvs
  * Index out of bound whil navigating to the last page with Convertigo Admin
  * (CookieService) setCookieValue failed
  * "Button ""add element from current selection to the highlight property"" disable all the time"
  * Log viewer : '\' char processed as an escape sequence
  * SOAP Ws not compatible with Flex4
  * synchronization by screen class of the click statement  not updated when screen_class name changes
  * Can not convert empty IFs Steps
  * Can not import project if -Dconvertigo_global_symbols path is incorrect
  * Legacy connector : Table extraction rule, Columns property not auto refreshed.
  * Salesforce DEMO not compatible with google Chrome
  * df base doesn't display df menus
  * Multiples cookies don't work with some proxies
  * "Missing maxoccurs=""unbounded"" for XMLTable rule schema"
  * Bad statistics returned in xml client
  * Convertigo webservice schema does not work with PHP client.
  * Log contextual data are invalid
  * Error logs when changing Convertigo Studio preferences
  * Big etr file
  * Bean creation wizard : regression in dialog (ObjectsExplorerComposite)
  * Remove blocks in Legacy integrator project works only for the first blocks
  * Exception in SmtpSend step
  * Regression: SQL variables no more visible after query change

 Version 5.0.2 

  * Add set of test values for each transaction or sequence
  * Cannot create CallTransaction or CallSequence under Complex step
  * Counters for convertigo supervision

  * Zombies count in pools incorrect
  * Log viewer does not show javascript syntax errors in filter field
  * Add client IP and host name to logs

 BUGS (36)
  * Impossible to connect to SVN in Convertigo Studio
  * Servlet internal error in admin log viewer
  * Servlet error while viewing logs
  * Resize code in scriptlib not working for integration transactions
  * engine.log not re-created when deleted via admin console
  * Statements logs repeated twice
  * Demo salesforce do not display leads detail and search box doesent' work
  * Engine.log can not be purge in Studio/Server for Windows
  * "Link error on ""help content"" studio"
  * LogViewer: invalid lines are added in case of filtering
  * "Log viewer: Parsing problem for column ""Message"""
  * NullPointerException when pasting a step
  * HTML Wizard project summary is false
  * Convertigo logs are written to CemsAppender AND stdout
  * Xpath that contains simple quotes not escaped in javascriptable xpath property
  * Traces <connectorName> directory not appearing in eclipse resources before refresh
  * Reached max connectors
  * Unable to open an imported project
  * "Projects which name ends by the letter ""p"" are not usable."
  * Tool for generating automatic beans documentation
  * Default values for input variables in legacy transaction not taken into account.
  * "Wrong ""href"" for Help Toc topics"
  * Admin configuration service should handle all parameters dynamicly
  * NoSuchElementException when using daily cache on a sequence
  * Tomcat looses parameters without any explanation
  * Trace folder is missing in project studio tree view
  * CacheManager error at cache expiration
  * Studio build should build feature and product
  * Welcome page not displayed on studio startup
  * Log viewer doesn't work with IE
  * JSP Error when click on next page button
  * double click not working on explicit variables
  * Admin service for configuration broken
  * Servlet internal error in admin log viewer
  * Navigation icons change unexpectedly
  * Log viewer: sort on time column does not work

 Version 5.0.10 

  * Can't paste a text in a variable's default value in case of 'null' value
  * The return value of a Return statement is now able to be bubbled to the parent handler

 BUGS (3)
  * When creating a Function statement on a transaction, the wizard doesn't allow to enter the statement name
  * StackOverflowException exception when setting a value in a test case variable
  * Incorrect web service URL in WSDL

 Version 5.0.0 

  * Simple way to configure TracePlayer in Convertigo Server
  * Distribute documentation projects in Convertigo studio
  * Clipplet auto refresh, using isDomDirty
  * Create CAR file from a project on the server
  * Improve variable management and types
  * DreamFace 2.0 integration in Convertigo
  * Drag & drop support in Convertigo Studio
  * HttpTransaction generator from WSDL
  * Implement sub elements in rules for displaying in project tree
  * Simple transformation of step IfThenElse to step If
  * Separate HTML extraction rules in two categories in wizard
  * A simple way to configure the log properties
  * New SleepStep
  * Studio should be declared as an eclipse feature
  * Add/Move import feature into Eclipse Import menu
  * Enhanced properties for engine
  * Add pool usage statistics

 BUGS (119)
  * Check dom dirty script doesn't work in Convertigo Server clipping project
  * Web service explorer not included in Convertigo Studio
  * ScreenClass detection is not reliable
  * Bug in readCsv step
  * Problem when importing a project with '.xml' file
  * 3270 emulator crashes when starting
  * Studio 4.6 Demopackage freeze at launch with LegacyCRM project
  * Dreamface studio doesn't show Convertigo's widgets parameters
  * Missing syntax colouring for JSP files
  * Bad display in convertigo admin when changing project parameter
  * Xulrunner leak references in Java (memory leak)
  * DF base compatibility
  * Pre-configured users for the Studio embeded DreamFace should not be John and Jim
  * Convertigo pop-ups are too small
  * New dataview created with convertigo studio not working
  * HttpClient failed on Https redirect
  * "Screen zone related parameters display not refreshed when modified through ""lock icon"" wizard in legacy projects"
  * HTML connector UIEvent should simulate focus and blur
  * Cannot extract XML structure from target transaction on a Call Transaction step when target is not in the same project
  * WSDL types created by alphabetical order, issue in Sequence picker
  * Host with :-1 invalid port number
  * href not set to # in webclipping when enable parent extraction is set to true
  * bad resize df dataview with ie
  * Repair help dialog in Convertigo Studio
  * DND: Drags only paste
  * DND: Drags of a transaction on a Connector should also works
  * DND: Drags on a transaction does not work
  * DND: Drags of screenclass child bean on another screenclass does not work if it has no child bean of the same type
  * WebClipping and Radio buttons
  * Exception in log engine when no transaction selected in callTRansaction step
  * Unable to update XSD and WSDL
  * "Invalid URI error if ressource image to get contains ""\"""
  * Wrong referrer for ressource images from an external css file in HTTP Tunnel mode
  * Invoke Browser JS Statement fail in websites with frames
  * Error while update XSD file
  * Exception closing Convertigo Studio
  * Ticket #455 (WebClipping domDirty in server mode) is not fixed in 4.6
  * Product Registration pop-up refers to Twinsoft
  * Convertigo 4.6 installer copied the demo projects although I chose not to
  * "Workspace launcher indicates ""fabienb"" directory"
  * Projects tree view images (icons) not present and generate errors
  * SalesForce demo projects freeze studio when opening
  * Log4j errors when starting up
  * ROOT error when starting embedded tomcat
  * Install directory should not contain version number
  * Wrong image in SalesForce demo HTML description page
  * Convertigo Studio uninstall process doesn't remove shortcuts
  * Dead lock when opening legacy connector based project with trace player
  * Unable to update XSD and WSDL from current generated XML
  * java.lang.ClassCastException when launching Convertigo web interface
  * NullPointerException thrown by ContextManager vulture
  * SVN Repositories View missing in Convertigo 4.6
  * SqlTransaction does not run anymore due to new java 1.5 code
  * Convertigo's dreamface.properties file confusing with DF's one
  * Renaming a project doesn't remove xsd and wsdl files with old name
  * Error using Concat Step
  * Regression with HttpConnector / Headers
  * Problem with project type in index.jsp test platform
  * Problem with studio.properties
  * Exception with CacheManager in Engine log
  * Pop-up error when clicking on a transaction's Sheets object
  * Pop-up error when clicking on a legacy connector
  * Error logs with new sequencer project
  * LogManager does not compile at r20623
  * log.message not supported in transaction SimpleStatement
  * java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space in Studio
  * Migration fails for a 4.5 project imported from its .car
  * Studio labels
  * Drag and Drop bug with XMLTable extraction rule
  * java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException in legacyCRM in studio 4.6 with demo package
  * Old 4.5 sequencer project with hsqldb connecteur does not work anymore
  * Problem with the use of these statements : ContextSetStatement & ContextGetStatement
  * Project archive contains temporary xsd/wsdl files
  * Remove source from a Copy Step does nothing
  * DreamFace Next/Back button and  Next screen doesn't work in IE
  * Admin convertigo46 / Error when uploading certificat
  * Migration bug with sequence including transaction steps
  * Editing data widget not possible in Mashup Composer
  * Name created for new DF event is not appropriate
  * New widget created from Convertigo Studio is not auto-start
  * Enhance Mashup Dialog boxes
  * Credentials Statements don't work in Convertigo 46
  * Web services Java stub should not be generated by the studio anymore (use Web Services Explorer instead)
  * The steps scenarios doesn't work corectly
  * An error occurs when we double click on a project
  * Remove unused consoles in the studio
  * Emulator logs are outputed to stdout instead of engine.log
  * XulRunner 1.9.1 seems to make studio unstable
  * Web admin broken
  * Cannot deploy from studio
  * When deployment in studio fails, there is no error message
  * Trace folder empty when Importing leagcy project containing traces
  * Error when clicking the Config Icon in ADMIN
  * Dnd xpath on statement does not make it a string type
  * StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in LogManager
  * ClassCastException when delete a step (just for one special case)
  * HSQLDB.JAR is missing in tomcat/lib for Windows Server Installation
  * HTML connector projects fails to run in Windows Server
  * Keys.txt not provided in Studio Installation
  * HSQLDB path to database not set correctly for windows installation.
  * TracePlayer malfunction onWindows Installation.
  * MaxCVsExceededException is not clearly handled in the studio
  * "Wrong edition window name ""Transaction WSDL types"""
  * Wrong tree label for jDoWhile step
  * "Change default node name of Complex step from ""element"" to ""complex"""
  * Web service import should set the first created connector's transaction to its default one
  * No message, either success or failure after entering Key in trial version of Studio
  * the usDirectory project doesn't work in the demoPAckage
  * Trial download text and picture issues
  * problem with the yahoo connector
  * logger configuration - add combo box
  * Make pool contexts usable with non-atomic calls
  * Typo error in Admin console [support case #00001028]
  * Engine launches pools even if we are in studio
  * 'null' folder created at install root
  * Wrong icon for Convertigo Studio Icon
  * Import project under Linux Studio
  * DF interactions are not using new javascriptable binding functionnalities
  * Possibly Convertigo 5.0 migration bug

 Version 4.5 SP4 

 BUGS (1)
  * CallTransaction step does not work (ClassCastException)

 Version 4.5 SP3 

 BUGS (5)
  * Yet Another accent problem in HTTP Connector
  * Loose of connector and transaction 'default' property
  * Repair Convertigo Wizard button on Vista
  * Default transaction launched by a callTransaction step instead of properties defined transaction
  * problem with WebClipping project with 2 connectors in DF

 Version 4.5 SP1 

  * Use the same JSessionID for a given Sequence and its sub elements
  * "Make  ""context"" property of callTransaction step scriptable"
  * Bull emulator state messages, such as Disconnected by peer, or Connection refused, should be available in the transaction context.

 BUGS (6)
  * Bug in readCsv step with several empty successive columns
  * No more Vdx/Bull connection
  * Bug in readCsv step with $ separator
  * Automatically incremented ServiceCode for AS400 connector bug when two transactions are called from parrallel step
  * Exception when importing project '.car' file
  * Engine.properties file from build is not complete

 Version 4.5 

  * Pooling sql connections
  * Add alert and prompt box in the DOM
  * Improve pop-up management with a tab -like implementation
  * Add a statistics counter to synchronizer object
  * HTML connector on linux should manage Xvnc
  * Sequence project template
  * WriteFileStep should be hable to append to it's output file
  * Speed up WebViewer instances in Convertigo server
  * Auto refresh webization when emulator change
  * Relative path to webapps/convertigo in configuration files
  * In Scheduler Manager, click on job/trigger name change the checkbox state
  * Status bar only shows main version of Convertigo Studio

 BUGS (42)
  * SQL request executed twice
  * Regression WhileStep
  * HTML clipping apply user request  on kompass.fr does not convey the correct selected index in the search combo box
  * web service xml : Problem encoding accent on linux
  * Bug IfIsIn step : returns true when xpath gives an empty nodeList
  * Index.jsp doesn't launch good connector's transaction  (in multi-connectors project)
  * Error.xsl always applied when exception
  * Transaction switches contexts after preceding transaction was in timeout
  * ParalleleStep locked until Sequence timeout
  * Minitel template do not use normalized bean names
  * Http template do not use normalized bean name
  * Impossible to rename Block Factory bean
  * DKU webisation template do not use normalized bean names
  * DKU integration template do not use normalized bean names
  * 3270/5250 webisation&integration templates do not use normalized bean names
  * VT integration template do not use normalized bean names
  * CICS integration template do not use normalized bean names
  * Adding a new screen class does not update the screen classes combo list in handlers screen class property
  * Relative image paths in frames are refer to frame source adress instead of root source adress on site kompass.fr
  * HEAD extract twice in WebClipping template, in GenericWebPage
  * Generated WSDL for inverted XML tables is incorrect
  * Extract WSDL types in legacy projects generates errors
  * Extract WSDL types in HTML projects does not work
  * "Installing convertigo sequencer server not setting ""server url"" parameter for call transaction step"
  * HTTPConnector : deadlock with big data displayed in left window
  * Project rename should modify 'project' property of TransactionStep/SequenceStep
  * Legacy transactions WSDL cannot be used as a source in sequencer steps
  * Error when creating a Call Transaction step in a sequence when project does not have a default connector with a default transaction
  * HTTP Connector URL encode GET parameter twice
  * Can't extract WSDL on a HTML transaction which is not in the default connector
  * Too much HTML Connector cookies in response header make a tomcat exception
  * Cut/Paste statement into new transaction into no handler
  * no migration for object name with a space in projects made with old studio
  * Max threads in parallel step not continuously launched
  * Wrong referer for Record extraction rule in a website with frames
  * Zombi HTML Connector
  * JS Scope must be stacked
  * Multivaluated variable values of a sequence are not correctly handled by CallXX steps
  * Duplicate objects in tree after a cut-paste action, and reload project
  * After a save in Js/Xml/Xsl editors, databeseObject is not updated in cache
  * Renaming screen classes does not rename transaction handlers automatically in legacy projects
  * Duplicated child beans under parent after rename of both parent and child + save + close + open

Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-01-20