Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Visual Servoing 2011-04-02
IGVC 2011-03-27
ReadMe.txt 2011-03-27 459 Bytes
Totals: 3 Items   459 Bytes 0
IGVC directory:

    - IGVC_2009.rar: contains both NTSC (640x480 NTSC video frames and 640x480 frames from a Canon camera)
    - IGVC_2010.rar: contains 320x240 frames from an NTSC camera
    - lanes.avi: AVI file of a single lane on the IGVC course
    - road.avi: AVI of an asphalt road with lane markings
    - OrangeFence.rar: Frames from an NTSC camera approaching an orange safety fence
    - WalkingCourse.avi: Walking the IGVC course while recording
Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2011-03-27